I thank NASS for translating these because I really enjoy reading them. I don’t think that it is fair that you basically sniped them. There are other people who work hard on these too. At the same time, I do understand why you did so, prolly because you can reach the readers and the biggest audience, us , but just bc I understand doesn’t mean its okay. ( with the context I know, correct me if I’m wrong) If I were you, I probably would have moved on when people whom I don’t know well are saying aggressive things to me. I would pull myself out of the situation before it gets to a point where I share my feeling to a public space and ask people to take sides. Maybe it was meant to be funny to the scans group and I do get that you’re hurt, I would be too, but that doesn’t change the fact that this was blown way out of proportion. I would have talked with them privately.
I just really hope this gets resolved bc I know this is a hobby for some ppl and this makes things way less fun. 💫 thanks for everyone’s translations, your effort is appreciated