Lady Baby

Active member
Oct 7, 2020
@MoogleChan26 The no group translations are a decent cleaner and typesetter doing a wonderful job on the ~2nd to 3rd worst google translation I have ever read from a non-toll level upload with no PR in sight.
You can still understand it, as long as you remember everything from the previous chapters and consciously fix every bubble that contradicts with what you see, common sense, and what you remember. which is... ~every panel
Oct 3, 2019
No. Nothing of any significance seems to happen from chapter to chapter. It's just about the blessed life of an adult in a child's body. It all feels amazingly slow and pointless.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 13, 2018
The first arc which focuses on the MC as a baby is funny and charming. Everything after operates under the sunk cost fallacy for the reader. It devolves into an incoherent plot which can’t decide if it’s about intrigue, mystery, romance, revenge, or even about the rise of an idol. No regrets about starting it, but kinda regret binging it.
Dec 30, 2020
wow i remember reading this like years ago but to think til chapter 101, the story progresses only to this.....sorry I'm just a bit suprised, not saying it's bad but I guess this is goingo to take years to finished
Aug 7, 2020
I don't understand why people are saying this is slow lol?? There's a couple of updates every month... That's way better than some mangas who I've waited on for 5 months for an update. Fact is, if you enjoy this manga, and have others to read, then you wouldn't be so bitter about it being 'slow'.
Active member
Oct 7, 2020
@clowncard That is the difference between slow updates, and slow progress. Even if they updated every week, it would not change the fact that nothing significant is happening at all. Even with time skips, there is no freaking progress....
We are 100 relatively long chapters in. Many manga would be over by now. And.... we don't know all that much more than when we started. The author has setup a lot of things. Mysteries to solve, defenses to prepare, people to save, businesses to run, powers to explore..... yet almost none of that has had any progress since their introduction.
business was established... and thats it. She hasn't used the location she tactfully purchased at all for the reason she purchased it.
Photo business info network, a plot point that was very forcefully added, hasn't been used yet as far as we are concerned.
She has only saved 1... no, maybe 2 people. Only 1 was really significant imho in respect to the ultimate plot, the murder mystery.
Our chibi Prince mystery has yet to be given a proper explanation, though... I am doubtful that would progress the plot much on its own.
Her power... idk wth she is thinking..... Why isn't she using her power? The ocarinasong of time goddess would be utterly disappointed in her if she met her now.
Sure, she is young, but that hasn't stopped the author from having her being a super creepy baby talking at the age of 0, threatening grown men in business with info leaks and lawsuits.... quite frankly she couldn't be creepier.... singing would make her seem more normal
The main focus has been on how "cute" and "intelligent" she is, and her relationships with everyone.
The author has really not been progressing the story, just adding more plot points to it... in that respect, its unbearably slow.
That said, "Calliope slowly grows" is part of the description. So... I guess its fine if your just in here for the moe
Jan 8, 2020
@clowcard I think the reason people are complaining that the updates are slow is that unlike manga, manhwa are shorter and quicker reads, thus making it feel like they get less content than they do. With something like this manhwa where you wait 1+ months for around 2-4 minutes of read time, the updates can seem very slow. That is not to say, however, that I agree with people complaining, as at the end of the day people are getting to read something they would otherwise not. If they genuinely have a problem with the update speeds, they can use the time they would otherwise spend complaining and MTL it for themselves.
Feb 23, 2020
There are a lot of genuinely interesting plot points but they are lost to admiration porn and fantasy. It's unrealistic for someone to be loved this much just for being "cute" and "intelligent", especially when there a lot of very cute very intelligent children, and a lot if precocious genius child characters in this story. Sure, Calliope is special. And of course, there's nothing wrong with a belved mc or a wish fulfillment fantasy of being beloved by all. Its just that focusing so much on it to the exclusion of all else kind of turns into a long slog to read, and really tries the suspension of belief. Also anyone who opposes her is just cartoonishly villainous. Its chapter 101 and the plot has barely advanced despite the updates, which is what I thinl people mean by slow @clowcard. Its not that the translators are slow- they're clearly working very hard- but that the pacong of the story absolutely drags.
Feb 4, 2020
It's another mary sue. Anyone who opposes her even a bit is scum and must he removed. Seriously, what did the butler do?

Why is the baby talking in full sentences. Why. Just why?

Did even last through the baby arc. 5/10 dropped
Apr 13, 2019
Ok, I get that it’s called “Lady Baby”, but I’m kinda tired of watching children pretend to be adults, can we pass this phase into young adulthood/adulthood already?

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