Lady Evony - Vol. 1 Ch. 33

Apr 13, 2019
This, ladies and gentlemen, is a great example of a healthy relationship!! ♥

That's the reason why I believe they really compliment each other. They treat themselves as equal and it's not explicitly said, but their actions say they care for each other (it may not be romantically for now, but as partners).

Aug 4, 2020
i kind of like the way magic has been portrayed so far. it seems mysterious and subtle, which is pretty different from other stories where magic follows the usual mold of being very standard (w the magic schools, mage towers, etc). this makes me feel excited to know more abt it
Active member
Aug 17, 2019
Let's be honest: most of us would fall for a guy that treat women the way Dante does 😅

Or at least I know I would
Apr 26, 2019
I do love their interactions, the way he naturally takes care of her without expecting a relationship or her body
Even from when he helped bathe her, there was nothing sexual about it, he was just helping her

That said... I need a word with the horse riding instructor...
I let it pass in a previous chapter, but here he's like "you need to become as good as me" when he can't even hold the reigns...
Her letting go of one reign... Well, dropping one happens, but it's such a pain to pick them back up again that you wouldn't just let go
And there's never any tension in the reigns... They're not controlling their horses at all
Oct 3, 2020

As much as I love horses, I really wouldn't hold too many expectations about that in this comic. It was drawn by a Korean artist, and as far as I know, horse-riding has an extremely small backing there (I say that as a Korean(American) person myself as well). If you were going to nitpick about anything, I feel it should be less about how the horse is ridden (which is really only information that a rider would know) and more about the tack and appearance (which is information that is much more easily accessible online)(there are **no** saddles where tf are they, they're literally riding on pads with irons).

As a rider myself, I care less about the fact that he's only holding the reins in one hand because I know, from experience, that it's not actually that hard to pick them back up, especially if they're connected as they usually are on traditional English headstalls, than I would about the fact that he's holding them like he's holding onto the bars of a rollercoaster cart (you have absolutely *no* control like that). I actually quite like riding with one hand, it adds a little spice ;) My riding instructor also has us practice guiding the horses with our legs and has had us jump with no reins :))
Additionally, they are going at a walking pace. In most cases, if the horse is walking, I pretty much drop the reins. Unless the horse spooks easily, there is no reason to hold them tight. And again, at a walking pace, the most tension that is needed is just when guiding them in a direction. I was always taught to reward the horses when we have done hard work, so keeping full tension on the reins when walking is unnecessary and almost punishment.
Of course, the treatment all depends on what you are doing and the behavior of the horse, but again, we shouldn't expect too much from this comic, at least when it comes to horses.

I don't make this comment to be petty or condescending, I just wanted to point out a few things :))
Sorry for the long comment 😭

(I don't get to talk to people about horses a lot so I accidentally wrote a bunch 😬)
Apr 26, 2019
Yea, I've given up on them having correct tack, lol, though i do agree that that should be super easy to find online
And I wouldn't have minded so much if they didn't make a big point of him supposedly being good at horse riding
But seeing how the reigns should look should be just as easy to search as well (not that I've tried)

And good point on them just walking
I don't remember the exact scene now, but i guess i thought they'd been doing more than just walking
Plus the only horses i ever rode outside a school were super spooky XD
But even then, i feel like not pulling on the reigns and their level of slackness were very different levels

As for picking the reigns back up, for me it's not that it's difficult, but just a pain
I haven't ridden in years, but i remember the reigns always being rather long so it takes a while to get them back how you want them
I guess riding in America is different, and the one time we did i think it was one handed and really weird, but i think given the setting it would be more English style riding than American

But yea, exercises without reigns are fun and good for learning how to control horses properly with the legs (mine were always too short to be good at it though), but i still wouldn't purposefully deny myself extra control when outside XD
I can only assume that they have super well trained horses, which i never had even at the schools i went to, lol
Oct 3, 2020
Yea honestly same lol, I just read the story and ignore the horses for the most part otherwise I know I'm going to get mad XD
I've ridden my fair share of spooky horses and I know that they need to keep a fairly tight rein when walking, so I'm also just gonna go with they are well trained horses lol
And fair enough, picking up the reins is a pain, but as someone who starts laughing when I fall off my horses, I don't think I'm the best person to get an opinion from ;))
I do English riding, but I have ridden Western before and they encourage one-handed riding so I guess I just do it out of habit, but in the sense of the story, it is definitely more European based, so it would have more influences from English riding.
I like to challenge myself when riding and also have a little fun, so I always do things like riding with no irons, dropping the reins, or stuff like that. I don't go to a school, but my instructor has me ride a bunch of different horses, so I've just gotten really good at dealing with any horse, no matter how they are under saddle. It has made for some interesting and fun lessons :DD
Apr 26, 2019
Yea, i always found the difficult horses to be more fun, so my school would always give me the ones that needed more training (mostly the overly fast ones), so i guess i got more used to reigning in the horses than anything else XD
I can't even imagine having a well trained horse, but i guess if you were rich and owned them, you'd make sure they're trained

And i was pretty good at managing to stay on somehow, even if i was almost completely on the neck sometimes, but falling off was only a problem once when i hit my head XD
I'd probably be a bit more cautious now though, tbh

Anyway, i guess we're off track now, but it was nice to talk about riding with you, lol

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