Lady to Queen - Ch. 20

Fed-Kun's army
Jan 13, 2020
Thank you for translating this. I had decided to give up on this but because of your translations I feel like picking up the novel so I am really glad.
Group Leader
May 7, 2018
There is a difference between just simply bad english and this incomprehensible mess. They are providing translations... And no, you don't need to have a flawless english in order to "take a jab" at someone's TRANSLATION of a medium THAT requires at the VERY least comprehensible grammar, This is even worse then MTL.
No one needs to be the master to criticize something they like,
Active member
Oct 28, 2019
I am very interested in seeing if we’ll get any of the emperor’s backstory, especially considering that I think the burning building was a flashback rather than him imagining a worst case scenario. Sounds like he’s been through some major trauma and only had toxic people in his life (looking at you, Rose) up till now. As well, his talk with the maid was interesting; it’s as if he doesn’t feel like he’s allowed to have a healthy relationship with his own wife because he was an ass to her from the start. I hope we’ll get to see him grow through all of this.

As well, feedback is all well and good, but some of y’all are just rude. They could really stop putting out translations if they wanted to and then we’d all be left hanging. Sure, they are difficult to read but not impossible to understand with context clues, which everyone should’ve learned back in grade school. If you’re not going to offer your time to proofread or any helpful advice, then at the very least, be polite.
Jan 7, 2020

"Do you guys only posses elementary level of knowledge for english or something?" @XieShu

^Plainly an insult, one that is at its best crass - at its worst, a tad xenophobic. English isn't everyone's first language, and there's no need to personally attack people's knowledge just because you feel entitled to their free labor. Free content doesn't require good English; it doesn't require anything. You're getting it for free. Hold your expectations and bitch fits to yourself.

"I hope someone proofreads the translation cause it's really bad. Not being ungrateful but just being honest."
"I can't understand a single sentence. It's like the sentences are translated by Google Translate and pasted right here."
"I breathe when I can read a sentence"

^ Those are comments that refuse to express a modicum of thanks for the mass releases or the labor taken to scan, clean, and attempt to translate. There should be no expectation when you're receiving content for free, period. There's a fine difference between complaint and constructive criticism, and while some of these commenters exude the latter, a lot of them don't - and it was to them I was referring in my post.
It's laughable to bring up clicks and donations as sources of viable income or reimbursement for this labor. "I don't have to pay since you get exposure!" is aligned with the same flawed reasoning that Choosy Beggars™ (check the subreddit) employ when called out on their entitlement. For a majority, if not all of the readers, there is literally no requirement of a transaction, so whatever compensation people put in is clearly not going to be enough. It wouldn't even be minimum wage for the hours they put in.

So again, curb the entitlement.
Aug 14, 2018
Thank you so much for the updates! The new development has gotten me very excited
Dex-chan lover
Sep 6, 2019
Well.... thanks for the work up to this point.

But this is where I must drop. The difficulty in deciphering the printed text to the intended text in context to the overall story has eclipsed my interest in where the story itself.

If anyone has spoilers from the source material I wouldn't mind hearing them.
Nov 13, 2019
@Moraza The novel is close to being fully translated to english. It's a pretty interesting read.
Jun 28, 2019
What entitlement? People have offered to help proofread, I reached out myself and got nothing. I came back to check on this chapter's quality and its still horrible. You can feel as patronizing and better than thou attitude for not being able to handle the truth, but these people refuse to better themselves and in result annoy people. Just like they're doing this without pay the people reading this are free to dish out their criticisms.

Overall help has been offered they feel like their quality is good, well they should be ready to receive the ugly truth that says otherwise. @lindyhopper343434
Apr 15, 2020
thank you for translating this, I really appreciate it, however I don't think i can read anymore. the translation is to hard to decipher to what the intended meaning was meant to be and it makes it very difficult to read. I hope you can get a proofreader soon ❤️

honestly, i feel that if you don't get a proofreader then at least let another translating group pick this up. i know that you must spend alot of time and effort in translating this but there's almost no point when readers can barely understand what the translations mean and have to spend half of their time trying to figure out what the texts mean because the translation is so confusing.
Active member
Aug 7, 2018
I've been putting off reading the last couple of chapters for awhile because ch 16 is a total mess. Finally decided to catch up and see if it had improved, but it looks like it's time to drop it. This translation is an embarrassment to scanlators everywhere. I can't even imagine just how concieted you have to be to refuse help when offered if this is the best you can muster. I realise you're not professional translators but you hardly even speak English. What possessed you to think you could translate to English when you can't even construct a coherent sentence. You're a fucking disgrace and you're doing the manhwa a big disservice.
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 20, 2018

What labor? There was no effort made in proofreading anything in this scanlation.

I'm not the kind of person to drop something if i can get the gist of the story but this scanlation is trash and they don't deserve any thanks. I've known people 10-15 years ago that were not native english speakers (I am not native either) that had a hundred times better scanlations and proofreading.

Putting a link to paypal in the chapters is also an insult to readers.

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