Lamia Orphe Is Dead

Apr 9, 2019
@Milktea089 you sound mad. I normally do not reply to this sort of thing but you just started an argument with stranger that they are wrong about their own opinion and then said to be OPEN-MINDED. Then got mad when you assumed their life story and it turns out you were wrong. That sounds a bit hypocritical. You two did not agree. Just scroll and keep it moving. It is not so serious
Nov 25, 2019
1) Its clearly an ARGUMENT between two strangers. Meaning that they can say their OWN OPINION. So you claiming me being wrong and calling me hypocrite sounds like a problem you never understood. I bet you didn’t even understand what I’m trying to convey LOL and hence make conclusion again base on your opinion. Very funny. Arguments can be applied to both parties disagreement. It doesn’t have any law.
2) OPINIONS CAN BE CRITICIZED. Your so funny. What do you think reply is made for? You sound like a self claim god that “you don’t care” but then insisted on someone moving on LOL. Look whos an actual hypocrite.
3) You telling me being a hypocrite and open minded LOL. I never forced him to believe in my ideals but I only STATED what he lacks through his understandings. I only made fuming remarks because he DISREGARDED my opinion therefore taking it into account that he probably wont care.
5) Oh no its me who was being serious! :(( It’s not liek the other guy told me his whole life story, families, achievements, that I probably don’t care about. For all we know he’s lying LOL. If not? Hen I still don’t care because if you’re that insecure you’ll probably do that
6) If you’re gonna comment expect others opinions. Reply system are invented to give your opinion in the comment. Can’t handle others? Then YOU CAN IGNORE and don’t be talking about ur whole life history that a person wouldn’t care about.
7) oh ya if this is your alternate account ? Hello you actually replied . Still don’t care anymore

If I really think it was this serious I would probably still reply and give more of my opinion. But I didn’t because I don’t care anymore. I solidly handled someone who didn’t accept criticisms. Did I actually forced him to change opinions? Nah I just said my part.

You also don’t have the rights for someone whether to move on or not. It’s a comment section, arguments are inevitable. You just sound like a clown who thinks you can order people what to do. Gt over your head sis, you’re not the law. You can’t decide who’s right or wrong.

Remember when you said it’s an opinion? Ya you deciding what opinion is right or wrong of no evidence present just makes you sound like a fool.

Have a nice day😌✨End of my argument. Goodbye
Mar 12, 2019
@MilkTea089 , @AllTheFeels and @Michellewaters16 . Just chill out, y'all are in the right and in the wrong. Opinions are opinions, the whole point of having opinions is to express your own personal feelings and knowledge. All of you aren't the same person, you can't have the same philosophy. BTW MilkTea089, I like your reasons but your reasons are also your own downfall, number 2 that "opinions can be criticized" means they have the rights to criticize you and number 6 you could have also stopped replying but your temper is bad, cause you made your reasonings or I might be wrong. And for the others I can't even bother because your statements are stupid and I'm sorry.

Nov 25, 2019

For you to assume my temper through a comment is laughable. If I came out to have a “temper” then its your choice. I’m Just really laughing at this whole situation because it’s not serious but for you to assume my statements are stupid, again another person with no conclusive evidence and a biased opinion is just funny. Ya I’m open to arguments, again I’m not forcing anyone to believe in what I say. I am more than willing to hear what another person is saying. I didn’t know that it will turn into a dramatic chain of comments because someone couldn’t debate their ideas. I’m just rolling my eyes because the comment could’ve ended but your adding more fuel to the fire in the comment. How mature and helpful of you. Again another person disregarding the whole argument and just another claims of it’s “stupid” with no evidence supporting it lol. If you think I’m mad no, I just have an attitude. A person whos mad wouldn’t even think about the situation😌✨
Again, if a person who tells me that the situation is stupid, at least give me a reason why and how. I really like debates 😊

People really can’t differentiate a fight and a debate huh.

Theres nothing to be embarrassed about because I have point that I clearly made. Looks like insecurities within you is showing.

I’m so tired of hearing the same arguments without really countering mine. Sigh

Edit: oh ya when did I say they can’t criticize me? LOL looks like another clown has shown up. If you want to argue at least hear the other party instead of getting all up to your feelings and deciding whos right or wrong. Selfish statements like that really makes you look bad. If you’re unwilling to read the situation, then don’t bother judging because you got no rights.😂

Another fool that fell in a trap.
May 3, 2019
Lamia sucks tbh. This story is okay, just not my cup of tea. I really appreciate the translating team’s hard work though!
Jul 15, 2019
I infer in the first timeline the Duke died, after he died Uri took over and something happened to him which caused Lamia to take over as Duchess.

There's clearly more into Lamia's fear/animosity of the second prince since even her father, the Duke, considers him an enemy besides them supporting the first prince.
Oct 27, 2019
Woaahh this story is so cool. I find it a little sad but thats exactly what makes it not boring. Thank you guys for translating it!!
Jan 8, 2020
I find this manhwa really interesting. I hope other readers would give this story a chance, and don’t just immediately give it a low rating. I know things are quite confusing and some characters to be quite irritating, but I guess that just really how it goes. What we see now is just the tip of the iceberg, deeper secrets will be unfold soon, characters will eventually progress.

Translator team please don’t be disheartened. More updates soon pls >.< I badly want to know why and how Lamia Orphe died!
Apr 1, 2020
I really like this one, it's different from other ones. Let's just see how things play out. anyways, what has been bothering me is that if her bro's name is Uriel...why the heck isn't her name Ariel?! she already looks the part anyway! i'm fine with lamia but still it reminds me of the word "lame" every time for some reason
Sep 20, 2019
I find this manhwa very interesting and like reading it but honestly, lamia personality frustrate me in a way. Really she is very hard headed and draw conclusions right away. Other than that I really like the mystery in the story.

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