Btw, sub gap between Pewds and T-Series was at 45k until MrBeast bought five thousand different ads. And then it grew up to 500k to which it begins to drop again... until Mark made a livestream and Jack tweeted a poem and this gap grew back up again. Simultaneously, a collection of smaller youtubers as well as abnoxious people like me spread the message both online and irl and now the gap has already reached 964k at time of writing - almost 1m! This is the peak ever since this massive online event started and it brought so many different people from around the world to keep Pewdiepie at number 1.
I personally join in on this because, to me, Pewds represent the face of creative creators with genuine passion for what they love meanwhile T-Series is a sort of small sample size of the big, faceless corporations who works for effective money-making. While there's nothing wrong with either of those, I personally like my individuality. Oh, and it's also fun.
I went on a tangent here but I don't know if there has ever been such a big event like this on the internet - without purpose nonetheless. T-Series doesn't know that their presence would literally be a catalyst to one of the most major online events of mid-to-late-2018 and possibly early-2019 as well. I kinda like this.
And imagine if this goes on until Pewds got to 100 mil lol.
Btw, FlareTV, the one who makes the livestream for Pewdiepie v.s. T-Series, made another one for the race for the most dislikes between Rewind 2018 and Baby by Justin Beiber.