[LFG] Novice JP -> Eng Translator

Dex-chan lover
Dec 27, 2018

I've gone through GENKI I and II, spent a couple months studying in Japan, and I've stumbled myself through a few raws making heavy use of jisho.org. I'd like to do simple trans work to improve my own Japanese, while giving something back. I'd want to work on something with furigana as it will make it much easier on me to read as sheer vocabulary is probably my weakest point. Oneshots would be good as well since there wouldn't be timeline pressure; I can't promise I'll always have consistent availability.

I'm no stranger to gimp; I could probably do some basic cleaning/typesetting too if really needed (simple erasing and text tool) but definitely not anything like redrawing. I've never done anything like this before and I can't make any promises, but I'd like to try.

Send me a pm if interested.

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