Lily of the Valley - Ch. 10

Dex-chan lover
Apr 24, 2024
Ty again for the TL. I know it must've been a painful process reading the last chapter.


Anyways... Anna deserves a happy ending... Anna needs her own story...
Dex-chan lover
Apr 29, 2020
I had to laugh at that. The realization that she fucked up was nice but for her to shrug her shoulders and just say "fuck it, let's eat some duchess pussy" Made me laugh out loud. The story was pretty bad even for NTR. But the sex was hot for a while and the art was great. Bad Thinking Diary clears by a large margin imo.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 13, 2020
Thanks for uploading these so I didn’t have to go to the site. Hope rangrari’s next work is picked up by someone who doesn’t use an annoying watermark all over the artists’ work.

Anyways, pretty standard NTR ending, just with actual realization from the one stolen that she was just a prize and nothing more. I thought it was a good plot line, only issue I really had was how quickly Lily believed Anna had abandoned her. Kinda feels like there’ll be an extra to maybe round out what happened to Anna.

Interesting to see what Rangrari’s next work will be.
Group Leader
Apr 16, 2018
I had to laugh at that. The realization that she fucked up was nice but for her to shrug her shoulders and just say "fuck it, let's eat some duchess pussy" Made me laugh out loud. The story was pretty bad even for NTR. But the sex was hot for a while and the art was great. Bad Thinking Diary clears by a large margin imo.
But she didn't just "shrug her shoulders", her spirit was basically broken and she gave up. She lost all will and decided she'd rather delude herself that this is the happiness she was looking for than succumb to the reality of her mistakes.

This story was perfectly fine as a tragedy. Lily was ostracized in her own family, only really knew a very protected ideal of love through Anna, and was corrupted by the villainess' taking advantage of her not knowing how to resolve her desire. By the time this comes to a head between Anna and Lily, it's out of resentment that it had to happen this way, and so it's a sorrowful scene that neither can truly "communicate" their love, which ends up w/ Lily making the worst choice possible - staying. Anna leaves, and at that point we don't need to be told what happens with her because Lily has chosen her fate by choosing not to take the only way out.

to be clear, I'm not going to say this story was stellar but most of the complaints I've seen about this story don't make sense to me.

I'll also take this opportunity to say that I hope y'all (in general terms, not the person being quoted specifically) don't go to the author's socials to call her work "bad/trash/garbage/etc", because that isn't doing anyone any favors.

At the very least, I'm looking forward to rangrari's next thing.
Fed-Kun's army
May 7, 2024
What an utterly uninteresting story. It's hard to care about the ending or anything else in it. This was entirely predictable. I didn’t expect any surprises at the end because it’s been obvious for a long time that Rangrari lacks originality and would create the most standard story imaginable. But I guess that's enough for her fans, who are mostly Korean men looking for porn without thinking too critically about it.

I really don't see what this offers anyone. The writing is poor, the plot and characters are cringe-inducing, and the dialogue is only interesting to those who want smut and somehow think this qualifies as drama. None of the characters are engaging—maybe Anna to some extent, but she’s written solely to make you feel bad for her as she suffers. Even her background is bare-bones.

I don't enjoy NTR or this kind of smut, and I’ve always been baffled by comments calling it hot. The sex scenes, much like the work itself, feel soulless. "Bad Thinking Diary" did it much better, and there are so many better options out there.

I think this story was a mistake for her. Webtoon authors in Korea don’t earn much—the industry is brutal and all about milking the authors. Every author wants to access the golden goose of having their work translated to English because then they often get a substantial lump sum for the rights and a percentage of sales. In Korea, you usually get nothing but a percentage of the sales, typically between 40 to 60 percent. So, you have to sell a lot to actually make money. If you read the blogs of webtoon authors, you’ll quickly notice they complain a lot about money. Creating this story and the bad publicity it generates might not have been the best move.

But, as I wrote before, I don't expect Rangrari to have a big and bright career. She will probably continue making this kind of smut for those who want it. She just got a lot of attention now because of her "Bad Thinking Diary" fame.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 14, 2023
And there we have it, the most typical NTR ending ever. I don't find it interesting at all. What a pointless story. Did anyone else notice that Rose kind of looks like the author? The eyes, lips, and face are similar. This must be her personal fantasy, that we all just read.
Group Leader
Apr 16, 2018

Honestly it's hard to say, because I've seen a lot of people throwing out backlash internationally in other Korean works that just... continues to do well locally? At least for standard het adult manhwa. I don't really read BL but it feels like there's a million dime-a-dozen stories there.
There's a lot of nonsense pornwha that barely have a plot that people love to complain about in int'l circles but they continue for dozens more chapters or they continue to throw out more and more of new ones each week. :nyoron:
Maybe this is just her niche? If she wants to tell boring, predictable stories but with her art, then that's fine, I guess.

If it keeps her employed, it's not so bad. Given how her pre-BTD history was extremely rocky, I'm just glad she's getting something seemingly consistent.

Did anyone else notice that Rose kind of looks like the author? The eyes, lips, and face are similar. This must be her personal fantasy, that we all just read.
...that's just her art style. Or are you saying that Hye-Ra was a pink-haired version of her in BTD? C'mon now.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 29, 2018
I read this out of curiosity to see the ending but I’d pretty much checked out mentally a couple chapters in.

I have a hard time understanding who exactly this story is supposed to satisfy. Could even NTR enjoyers be happyvwith this plot?

The MC is insipid and spineless, being pushed and pulled by whichever character she is currently interacting with. She’s like a doll, only reacting to what is happening around her and never driving the plot itself. Anna also seemed to have given up even before the story started so it was hard to root for her; either way, glad she got the fuck out of there and is hopefully leading a much happier life elsewhere. Obv I don’t really like the Duchess either lol. These characters have so few likable traits it almost feels like its on purpose?

Can’t believe the MC went through all that with the Duchess and somehow thought she would suddenly go monogamous for her.
The Duchess didn’t even chase after her when she ran away lol. And with the letter the MC received from her father, she could literally just go back home but she decided to stay.

The art is great ofc but the story was lackluster LOL what a waste girl. Its a shame cause I actually like Bad Thinking Diary, some of the drama is convoluted but it was overall an enjoyable read. This one not so much.
Dex-chan lover
May 24, 2023
Well, I was wrong to think this might have a good ending. Honestly, it's a pretty boring story. I don't know if it was the translation or the original language, but I found that the dialogue was often repetitive and simple. I actually like tragedies and horror, but this wasn't done well. I've seen this plot in porn a million times before; they could have at least tried to do something new with it.
Active member
May 9, 2024
Gee, that was surprising and so fun to read. I really hope the author sticks to porn, the kind with little dialogue and plot. This is a one-star from me, bro. I don't care about the art and the rest was just garbage.

And there we have it, the most typical NTR ending ever. I don't find it interesting at all. What a pointless story. Did anyone else notice that Rose kind of looks like the author? The eyes, lips, and face are similar. This must be her personal fantasy, that we all just read.

And the author does kind of look like Rose. There's something about the eyes, at least.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 8, 2023
But she didn't just "shrug her shoulders", her spirit was basically broken and she gave up. She lost all will and decided she'd rather delude herself that this is the happiness she was looking for than succumb to the reality of her mistakes.

This story was perfectly fine as a tragedy. Lily was ostracized in her own family, only really knew a very protected ideal of love through Anna, and was corrupted by the villainess' taking advantage of her not knowing how to resolve her desire. By the time this comes to a head between Anna and Lily, it's out of resentment that it had to happen this way, and so it's a sorrowful scene that neither can truly "communicate" their love, which ends up w/ Lily making the worst choice possible - staying. Anna leaves, and at that point we don't need to be told what happens with her because Lily has chosen her fate by choosing not to take the only way out.

to be clear, I'm not going to say this story was stellar but most of the complaints I've seen about this story don't make sense to me.

I'll also take this opportunity to say that I hope y'all (in general terms, not the person being quoted specifically) don't go to the author's socials to call her work "bad/trash/garbage/etc", because that isn't doing anyone any favors.

At the very least, I'm looking forward to rangrari's next thing.
People tend to hate poor characters when in reality a poor character doesn’t necessarily mean poorly written (great characters r often terrible people/not so intelligent ones)

HOWEVER, I will say, if this was the ending that was going to be given it needed at least a couple more chapters to be fleshed out

Great opportunity, not so great execution wise in the end

All things granted, the art is the best I’ve seen in any yuri manhwa and the story wasn’t too bad specially for the realm of ntr

I’ll also never dog on an artist for venturing out and trying something different than they’re use to

in regards to the backlash I’ve seen

If people r going to critique that’s fine, I mean even I could and did, however the critiques should be more so about how the path was executed not the path it took

The characters were for the most part consistent and it did with the story and characters what it aimed to do

Well that’s about it, I enjoyed it, and bias aside I think it was fine as a tragic story

Not too disappointed, still a bit dissatisfied in a few aspects, but overall it wasn’t a disappointment and I didn’t mind it; would I have liked a better ending and a happier one at that? Yes, but this is fine

Unhappy ≠ bad
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Dex-chan lover
Jun 22, 2018
And that's it ? I'm pretty disappointed. When I read her on Twitter saying she's adding another chapter for the ending I was hoping for something more... decent?
This is the second work where she works solo on the drawing and the story, (the other one was the one with the two office ladies), it shows that she is an average/bad writer and specially when you read the end. Bad thinking diary wasn't perfect either, again the ending was disappointing, but you had this sense of accomplishment (a little)? But here that doesn't work. I feel like it's missing one or two other chapters to properly end. I'm not asking for a happy ending since it's a drama/NTR....Really, NTR is trash. I don't know why people like this bullshit. A waste of time for everyone except for perverts.
It would be great if we saw what happened to Anna and not having Lily persuade herself that what the duchess is giving her it's love.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 8, 2023
And that's it ? I'm pretty disappointed. When I read her on Twitter saying she's adding another chapter for the ending I was hoping for something more... decent?
This is the second work where she works solo on the drawing and the story, (the other one was the one with the two office ladies), it shows that she is an average/bad writer and specially when you read the end. Bad thinking diary wasn't perfect either, again the ending was disappointing, but you had this sense of accomplishment (a little)? But here that doesn't work. I feel like it's missing one or two other chapters to properly end. I'm not asking for a happy ending since it's a drama/NTR....Really, NTR is trash. I don't know why people like this bullshit. A waste of time for everyone except for perverts.
It would be great if we saw what happened to Anna and not having Lily persuade herself that what the duchess is giving her it's love.
NTR and cheating is not trash, it’s just usually done like trash, if u don’t like it that’s completely different

But it’s like most other things, great plot advancement and narrative if done correctly; a stellar example being Metamorphosis, tragic ≠ trash (another example being Young Boss)

They both do what they aim to do, write a broken character in a tragic story with a tragic ending, could the ending have been better? Sure, that’s not what I’m arguing though

Broken characters and their psyche aren’t trash, nor is a murderous lunatic, nor is a character that’s dumb af if that was their intended purpose and it’s written well

“Idky people like this bs”, u can’t rack up a single reason y people might like something that’s not unicorns and sunshine until/at the end? Really?……..

“Everyone who likes it is perverts” u seem to be very shallow minded, and before u even say anything, I like my hentai vanilla, and even I critiqued this quite a lot; but it’s quite contradictory to make a statement of its plot yet then talk about it plot aside (which seems to be what u did, if not then it goes from being contradictory to nonsensical)

U can say the character is frustrating sure but not every character is meant to not be a knob head, specially when the other is manipulative

If u hate the genre, sure, I hate 99% of the genre too

If u find the character, plot, and consistency/pacing ass, sure

But stick with that, and the reasoning for that, that’s what produces actual meaningful conversation

Instead most people often confuse/ r confusing what they don’t like with what’s objectively bad, and or poor characters with poorly written characters; or expect the character to act as if that character were them or in their shoes instead of the opposite which is what ur suppose to do

(people often do the same with tragic romance manga all the time)
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Dex-chan lover
Apr 29, 2020
But she didn't just "shrug her shoulders", her spirit was basically broken and she gave up. She lost all will and decided she'd rather delude herself that this is the happiness she was looking for than succumb to the reality of her mistakes.

This story was perfectly fine as a tragedy. Lily was ostracized in her own family, only really knew a very protected ideal of love through Anna, and was corrupted by the villainess' taking advantage of her not knowing how to resolve her desire. By the time this comes to a head between Anna and Lily, it's out of resentment that it had to happen this way, and so it's a sorrowful scene that neither can truly "communicate" their love, which ends up w/ Lily making the worst choice possible - staying. Anna leaves, and at that point we don't need to be told what happens with her because Lily has chosen her fate by choosing not to take the only way out.

to be clear, I'm not going to say this story was stellar but most of the complaints I've seen about this story don't make sense to me.

I'll also take this opportunity to say that I hope y'all (in general terms, not the person being quoted specifically) don't go to the author's socials to call her work "bad/trash/garbage/etc", because that isn't doing anyone any favors.

At the very least, I'm looking forward to rangrari's next thing.
I was being hyperbolic with the "shoulder shrug". I am glad you got something out of this. Also I think it's fine to express dissatisfaction to the author about their work as long as it's done constructively and respectfully.
Group Leader
Apr 16, 2018
I was being hyperbolic with the "shoulder shrug". I am glad you got something out of this. Also I think it's fine to express dissatisfaction to the author about their work as long as it's done constructively and respectfully.
Yeah that's totally reasonable. Like I said, I'm not lauding it in any particular way but I'm more than a little jaded with people just going "it was bad".
Like you said, constructive and respectful.

edit: specifically moreso jaded at the people being rude on her socials when they're not, in any way, supporting the artist. It feels like an incredible slap in the face to tell her "you should have done (x)" or "why ntr this is trash" when those same people are reading it for free on someone else's site.
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Dex-chan lover
Dec 25, 2023
I am speechless about this ending. The art is good and all, but ending tho I have nothing to say about it.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 8, 2023
I was being hyperbolic with the "shoulder shrug". I am glad you got something out of this. Also I think it's fine to express dissatisfaction to the author about their work as long as it's done constructively and respectfully.
Very true, but we all know social media is incapable of that; most of the time it’s insults, spam, and or not constructive nor fueling a meaningful conversation

But yes, her conclusion wasn’t bad, it’s how her conclusion was done (the pacing of it more specifically) that was a problem to me

The ending would’ve been better with 9 instead of 10, with the ending route of 10 it needed more time to unravel for it to be better (though I’m pretty sure it was suppose to end at 9 and then was ended on 10, which would explain the pacing issue and some of the manuscript for chapter 10)

Disappointed with some aspects yeah, had a ton more potential, but it was pretty fine as a whole to me
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