Can someone make a proper edit to this chapter, and have it end with him clocking her right in the face, as she asked for, and then leaving? ~ u ~ Ahh, how wonderful an end that would be.
Kamiyu is better than you, Amy. In every way. The best direction this story could have gone was for you to be kicked out and replaced by the guild leader.
Now we got a 4-member squad (for now) covering all the core roles, and Amy is back and repentant!
I understand a bit why people are still upset with Amy, but this whole thing has been very interesting. While Amy didn't treat the problem properly when it was presented to her on the outset, we have to remember that she's not the source of the problem. The source is literally a die-hard fangirl journalist who has it out for the MC simply for working with her. At the same time, Amy's been punished on multiple levels, and is sorry to the level of blatant self-deprecation and willingness to cut ties forever despite obviously not wanting to do so. A victim of malicious lies, restrained and imprisoned, embarrassed and guilt-tripping over having to be bailed out on multiple fronts by the MC, suspension from the party that is at the same time her group of closest friends, source of her current paycheck, and the thing keeping her from becoming a desk clerk again, that same party taking on someone to fill your space that is seemingly more than qualified to replace you, missing out on a mission of great importance and recognition...and she's still not done with the overall affair, having to meet the fangirl again?
...I think that's enough for a second-chance, here.
Oh, and having seen the raws, it's gonna be a good start toa second-chance.
@Kenidashi Most definitely agreed. Amy's gone through quite a lot recently through no real fault from her own as it was that damned journalist that made everyone's life hell. I'm curious as to how Amy's going to grow from this. To me it seems lie she's already making a good start.
Why the heck would anyone be upset at Amy? She was libeled alongside Tsutomo, was locked up when she went to complain, and then had to sit out as her friends and team-mates achieved one of the greatest things of their lives to date. The whole situation was bullshit and she got the worst of it. It pisses me off that she thinks she at fault for any of that shit and feels she needs to humiliate and abase herself.
Manufactured drama due to a monomaniac and it still feels contrived that it couldn't get resolved otherwise when everyone involved knew it was bullshit.
@Kisato That really depends on how the aggro in this world works. It could easily (and tbh, the way I think it'd work) be easier to deal more damage with less aggro proplems with two dps instead of one. Instead of needing your single DPS to fight at 100%, making the tank work hard just to keep aggro, you can have both DPS fight at 80%--still doing a lot more damage than a single DPS at 100%--and never get their individual aggro (key there, they each have separate aggro, not a group DPS aggro pool) to the point where the tank has to work overtime. This is basically how it works in pretty much every MMO I've ever played.
That said, if both DPS go 100%, then it does make it harder on the tank. This is also how it works in pretty much every MMO I've played, especially if there's a DPS metre, since lots of DPS players have a need to push that number as high as they can.