lmao Yingche is drunk. he's probably gonna confess. and was Tongtong pointing the camera at them the whole time? lmao it's gonna cause a big ruckus (but also it sends a message to Qiao Xin and her gang that yes Liucheng and Yingche are married. Period.)
also, blondie and Youshou are a good potential otp omg. Someone as calm as him with someone as strong as the blondie would be a good match. i support.
i'm sad that it got dropped by the author before the ship even sailed (and when things got really interesting too). but from here on, i could only imagine my 2 otps sailing. Liucheng and Yingche are already mutually in love anyway. but aaah i wish i could see how it'd go down, and we haven't even gotten a kiss scene yet 😭
now i'm just sad 😭