Only going off a vague memory here. The setting was where everyone but the MC (16-20y.o) was trapped in a dream state/eternal sleep. The monsters were, I believe, some demented sheep. I last read this on mangafox probably 4+ years ago.
@Marrdreg Do you happen to remember anything else? Like artstyle, how does the MC look? Setting is like sci-fi or normal-ish, historical etc? Everyone is sleeping but like cryo-sleep, sleep in hospital/lab, or they just lay asleep every where? Any particular events? The monsters ate the sleeping people or something?
@Yatsuki MC's pretty generic looking overall. Slight muscle build, thin. Medium length hair, black. Particular event would be that one day everyone just went full on comatose with the arrival of the (I think) aliens; the sheep things. I don't know if they ate them, but they had no attachment aside from using them as dream feed - One scene that sticks out to me is a human getting crushed, either directly or indirectly by the monsters.
I swear the title was like "Dream Eater" but, nothing really pops up for it.