Honestly, their relationship is getting way too one sided and im getting tired of it. Its constantly the Hero doing everything to prove himself, earn her love, save her butt, solve her problems with little affection in return.
All she does is act tsundere and keeps being an idiot about things and misunderstandings. She should know the hero isn't into guys by now even if they crossdress but still acts like an idiot thinking he actually cheated. Its getting annoying.
Also she needs to wake up and realize by now that the only thing saving her kingdom is the hero's feelings for her.
Let's be honest, The Hero, the Mage, The scientist, the Neo Heroes, and the trap warrior guy all outclass her kingdom's warriors by miles. Each of them probably could have dealt with her alone but were beaten by the OP Hero instead. So for her to think she could actually win if they are enemies is crazy. She's lucky he even likes her other wise he and the human kingdom would have destroyed her a long time ago.