@beperov I didn't forget to number it, it was poster on twitter, but not on kurage bunch at the moment. It might be 30.1 if I count it next after the preceding date-wise chapter on kurage, or 28.3 if it's in 妄想編 in third volume, but I don't have the raws of third volume to have a look if it's there. Might add the number later.
@Higashida maybe use the number 30.1 for now? At least so that people get warned for skipping chapters. You can update it later when we have the exact number. Tho I must say that for this instance, it doesn't matter storywise.
I don't know what's cuter. The fact that her idea of work for an adult in a dream is homework or that she still got the answers wrong. @Higashida@Palisy Ah I see, still cute though.