Love Thy Neighbor - Ch. 30 - Chapter 30

Dex-chan lover
Apr 7, 2023
Jinju looks to be falling hard huh. She knew it had been two weeks since they did anything she's like "I'm getting me some today" and poor Doyeon was just trying restrain we know that isn't possible I can't believe she made it two weeks tbh.

Thank you translator!
Dex-chan lover
Jan 8, 2023
She wants the sex but she's rightfully uneasy about that being all she can give. She's also starting to wonder if it's ok for Doyeon to be so giving. It's all seemingly making her feel a bit guilty about everything. Having said that, two weeks is two weeks.
Aggregator gang
Sep 14, 2020
Dex-chan lover
Apr 2, 2023
I love how self aware jinju is about the whole situation. All the church people seem to be writing off doyeon as just loving and selfless but jinju knows something is off. Jinju is getting uneasy with the power imbalance, so she’s initiating the sex. Is she using sex as a way to pay back doyeon? Well she was pretty wet before doyeon touched her. I think jinju might be a little confused right now. Like doyeon and jinju we’re having sex almost daily, then all of a sudden doyeon is pulling back? Doyeon gets a part time job and is acting more selfless than ever? The sex in this scene is like jinju saying “slow down and come over here.” And that cut?? I’m kind of suspecting it was self harm or maybe a fight between her little sister happened.

It kind of hurts to see doyeon this hard on herself. It’s like she’s mad that she has sexual desires.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 23, 2019
Jinju being uncomfortable her body is all she can offer is a given, but I can’t say I’m entirely surprised she initiated physical intimacy out of concern for Doyeo’s wellbeing again. That’s sweet. Ofc I’m happy she wants her sexually too, but more than just lust or sexual frustration, there tends to be a tenderness in the way she treats Doyeon. It’s both sweet and a turn on haha

I’m not sure to what extent Doyeon remembers what happened when she was drunk (mainly Jinju’s kiss), but given that she got herself even busier with the part-time job and held back on being both romantically and sexually intimate with Jinju, I’m guessing it has to do with what she told Gunwoo, that she doesn’t want to need anyone, and that she knows this will end badly for her (heartbreak, rejection) bc Jinju is married.
I also noticed that they’re not wearing hats or masks anymore when they go out. Uh, are they less concerned now…?

Last note, when Jinju said Doyeon has no selflessness, was that the right word? That means that Doyeon is unable to consider the needs of others right?
Dex-chan lover
Apr 2, 2023
I was thinking about it a bit more and I think doyeon is freaking out about relying on jinju. After her conversation with gunwoo she ends up trying to do more for jinju than ever before. It’s because she may be realizing she is actually relying on jinju now. Doyeon is terrified of needing someone else to satisfy her needs. As she told gunwoo, she wants to be the only one people ever rely on. But this girl is likely breaking down from the lack of intimacy between her and jinju, essentially she’s pushing jinju away. Now it could be because she’s scared jinju would go to her husband when he comes back. But I think it’s deeper than that. Jinju is too caring to leave doyeon I think. Jinju is in too deep essentially and would likely sacrifice a lot for doyeon.

Or maybe this is what doyeons end game is?? Lmao maybe doyeon is trying to be selfless and do all this stuff for jinju so when jinjus husband comes back jinju would feel bad about going to her husband and essentially return to doyeon. 😂😂 maybe THATS why jinju made a comment about the power imbalance and having to owe doyeon something. Maybe she’s becoming suspicious of doyeon doing all these kind things. It could be why it’s annoying her too because I think jinju is looking for a more balance relationship with doyeon because maybe jinju is realizing she might end up staying with doyeon when her husband comes back. So she wants doyeon to treat her as more equal in the relationship because she does want a more partner/romantic relationship with doyeon? Of course these two don’t communicate so they’re just expressing themselves through sex lmao

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