@Alciel because those retards prioritise quality over quantity, and because series deserve a better quality chapter, if you dont like it, just dont read it, simple.
@Alciel lol comments like yours will always remain a mystery. Here’s someone who took time out of their day to redo something and actually do it better to no cost of your own and then you bad mouth them? There a lot of messed up things in this world to insult but this cmon man.....
is there somewhere, maybe from the novel, a clear comparison of the transformed/camouflaged MC and his normal version? somehow not seeing much of a difference here..
@Alciel Check your facts before you trash talk. "No group" simply means the uploader does not want to credit any of their work to a single, or multiple, groups. These "retards" @IAmInept take their time out of their day to try to improve and/or raise the popularity of the manga. And for your information, there is no next bloody chapter. The current latest raw chapter released is chapter 4 and the next bloody chapter comes out on May 10th 2019.
@Holo There should have been a rule against that. Either that or have the site account for the fact a chapter is being re-uploaded by another group, so it won't appear under "Latest Releases". I'm pretty sure 3/4 population would be pissed if their favorite manga got a latest release, just when you go click that link you see chapter 1 re-uploaded by another group -_-
The only manga where the Harem tag means anything are hentai series. For the mainstream stuff, it simply means the MC wont choose anyone at the end and the status quo is maintained.