About the LN or WN, what is Risu life-span ? IS she like imortal / not aging ?
Apparently in the LN they did it before this, maybe their relationship was better handled in the beginning, but in the manga, at least the mc aknowledge that their relationship "wife/husband" was not entirely genuine, and know after living together and get to know ech other, he prob fell in love with her ?
So if good that in the maga they did it just now. Well played author, an isekai where the MC and FMc have a relationship that actually progresses without any harem.
Hope it doesnt gets axed or repetitive. The art is really good, specially Risu's drawing, alot of details in face, and thankfuly she is not overly sexualized.
Saldy there is not enough art / fanart of this series, this is basically pretty hidden gem.
High hopes for this