Machikado Mazoku - Vol. 6 Ch. 77

Active member
Oct 6, 2019
Your word stands against someone else's. I trust neither of you. So for now it will just be unclear.

If you do the calculation right we can conclude that Momo in this flashback is 3-4 years old. That means she has perhaps spent about 1 year truly able to speak at most. I wouldnt call that "raised" in the Ukraine, I would say that's barely a significant enough time at all, considering she would have been a baby for 2/3rds of it. Additionally she was inside a lab, which is hardly a place to absorb any culture. If we determine nationality by where you grew up, all of Momo's significant development took place in Japan. So she would be Japanese by your logic.

We dont know where she was actually born, so we dont know her on-paper nationality. And even culturally, she is Japanese raised. So memes aside (which are pretty funny), we cant really claim Momo is slavic yet. Maybe we never will. Or Ito throws us a 3rd curveball lol

Given that becoming a magical girl tansforms their bodies into ether, couldn't she simply have been wearing an ordinary hair ornament that later became a part of her when she became a magical girl?
I think that's a real stretch. I cant completely dismiss it or anything, but I dont think Ito would have done something so roundabout with the few pages she has. The hair ornament has been an integral part of telling Momo's ether state (light/dark) and magical girl transformations. It in a way is a symbol of her magical girl powers.

You are right that our information is insufficient, which is why I said that's just what was implied with those panels. Maybe I am wrong. Maybe there is something else going on, which will be revealed once Momo finally opens that sealed door to her memories and we see her perspective.

But let me ask you this: Can a guide keep up two contracts at the same time? Because this has always bothered me. Metako is Momo's guide after Sakura disappeared. But back before Momo left, he was Sakura's guide. If angels can only be contracted with one magical girl I wonder how Momo became one when she clearly has no guide of her own. This would actually finally explain it. Just food for thought.
Fed-Kun's army
Mar 8, 2019
so momo's strength also comes from her russian experiment thing? That explains why she was still able to easily lift heavy things when her was decreasing because shamiko took some of her blood
Active member
Oct 6, 2019
And google translator is infamous for being bad and inaccurate. Especially when it comes to context. A word that can mean one thing means something else in a full sentence.
Take it up with the translator who actually did it for this chapter, not me.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 24, 2018
GT is bad with translating full sentences, yes. When given one word, though, it acts like a dictionary and just gives you a list of definitions, so it is no worse than any other dictionary.
"The translator who did it for this chapter" is not the one who decided this will just be unclear because you can't pick whom to trust between the two of us, you are.
And let's face it, knowing ukrainian doesn't really enable us readers to understand the author's intent better. It is unlikely that they learned ukrainian themselves or paid a native speaker in order to write this chapter; what is likely is that they used, well… google translate, or bing, or DeepL, and any of those could mistranslate whatever it was as "commit suicides" instead of "kill each other". Which, again, is just what I assume was the intentional meaning, because GT's algorithm is an enigma.
Active member
Oct 6, 2019
Sigh... dont know much about GT, huh? I have had plenty of single words that GT got wrong. It's not at all like an actual dictionary. Also you ignored the part about how certain words can have different meanings in full sentences. So even if a single word has one meaning, it can still not mean that in a sentence at times.

The translator said it meant something along the lines of "You dont have to take action anymore", nothing about killing or suicide. How they came to that conclusion I cannot tell you. It also doesnt matter. GT is not a reliable source and your assumption of Ito using that kind of translator is just as unfounded. Obviously she got the grammar wrong (using a male pronoun for Momo), but what else is right or wrong is impossible to say.
I'm done with this topic now.
Aug 17, 2018
А тэпэрь подывитэся шо у меня во двори(с) 😅 Magical girls are fighting
Aug 17, 2018
Yes, last chapter page translation note is horrible, here is proper one for you, as seen from native russian and upper intermediate english. I edited previous post from someone else here

Page 3 panel 3:
"Organization that controls you does not exist anymore"
"You don't have to commit suicides anymore" (Looks like mangaka's poor translation or may be actual suicides. But highly likely author was about to said murders, not suicides, considering story context and his mistake in next parts)
Page 3 panel 6:
"Only I didn't die" ("didn't die" here is in the masculine gender, presumably due to author MTLing the dialog. Feminine would me "не вмерла" instead of "не вмер")
"I give up"
Page 3 panel 8:
"What is this?"

Page 4 panel 6:
"What is your name?"
"My name is Project 27" (Like they they name some stuff in sci-fi, you know)
Page 4 panel 7:
"Mon-mo" (here "mon" really doesn't mean anything, that's just how stupid gaijin would pronounce unknown Japanese word)

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