Man, it was some years that i read this series and i had completely forgotten those last two chapters... this was a bumpy ride, in many places this story is flawed(to me at least) but i would be lying if i dont feel that sweet feeling of finishing something dear.
Now... Hakase married a "certain governor"... seriously Kurt? She is like... 20 years younger than you.
Chacha got her daily screwing... kinky girl.
I know what happens in UQ Holder, but I didn't remember the part that Chiu became a full-on Hikikomori... well, at least that is what she says to justify herself "wink wink" "nudge nudge".
Paru may not have conquered Mundus Magicus (yet) but she sure is corrupting it at a steady pace.
What i didn't get is... what happened to Arika, did i miss something?