It's nice that the "Friend" thing got cleared up, but "Souls Mates" is... still pretty up there. I think it's meant to be "Best Friends", but... I dunno. The "It's only between two people!" that Azz made up is accurate for Soul Mates, but already contradicted with the imagery of him and Clara "becoming Soul Mates" earlier. Super weird, but maybe that's the point? It does seem like the limitations of Grandpa's Language Barrier Breaker Spell is being shown here and there. Though that in itself isn't surprising, it *is* surprising that the Demons still don't seem to have any word to compare it to. There's no concept of what a "Friend" is, even though they seem... pretty leveled out; like they hang out, joke, and laugh together. What else would you call yourselves if not Friends?
A Bundle? Like some kind of Demon Taco crew? Meh.
Also it looks like some romance factors may happen, too. While Clara made Iruma's heart fluctuate, will the President be the first to make him blush in a romantic way? He blushes from embarrassment all the time, but I think Clara was the only one to give him a romantic blush. But who will he fall for? Or is everyone just Friends? Although... Since the President knows he's human, it may lead to something else. Maybe even answer my "Friend Concept?" question. Meh~