Wow. I didn't know misfits have so mean people in their group. I haven't saw any of you in the credits lage. You must be new.
You're saying I HAVE TO enjoy everything in the series or not read it at all, because I have no right to say what I like and what I don't because you are triggered by it? Geee, thanks for telling me that I basically can't express my opinion. I hope you are aware that there are people who actually dont like everything about series (this or others), and as far as I know I am allowed to enjoy the series and express my dislikes over some part of it, even if it's whole arc. Commenting on the series is not a crime, so why on earth are you reacting like a kindergarten child telling ppl to shut up with their opinion?
You may be surprised but ppl can enjoy series can actually enjoy it and even have objective opinion about it.
They may even don't like some parts and in normal discussion they can speak about things they like and don't like, shock, right?
If you can't accept criticism in comments on the series that you like maybe you shouldn't read comments? And please note, that I said "should" not like you "don't" or "shut up"
Have a nice day
