Mairimashita! Iruma-kun - Vol. 23 Ch. 196 - Passion in Greed

Aug 9, 2020
Don't complain about Gyari being a greedy bastard . You can't fit in human logic into demon's 😂 ffs they're demons . Their greeds are beyond our understanding
Dex-chan lover
May 14, 2018
@BizarreShit It's okay for demons to be arrogant bastards too, but why, when Azz-Azz behaved this way towards Iruma, he get an arc of redemption and personal development? Or when Iruma made Ameri more sympathetic to humans by studying shoujo manga together? With this logic, any toxic behavior in the manga can be fully justified.
Aug 10, 2020
As a lesbian kerori kinnie;; WE ARE BEING FED 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈
Aug 9, 2020
@SuperOniichan well,this manga doesn't that much toxic behavior tbh which is quite surprising considering this manga is mainly about a kid got isekai'd to hell(?) . This arc is not finished yet,there could be another chapter for this arc( perhaps a redemption shit). Idk if you noticed this but the author looks like he rush this arc. Maybe bcz he lost interest in it half way during the arc. That could be the reason Gyari's characteristic is so half-ass . Trust me after this arc, ppl will forget about her. But, it's pretty unfair tho (for the villain). Last arc, our villain has is own acceptable reason and not purely cruel. Gyari,however,is cruel purely bcz of her greed.

IN CONCLUSION: This arc is "BORING" and so "BORING" . I almost want to unfollow this manga. Fr I don't to lie to myself. This arc is the most boring. The previous arcs are GOAT. Change my mind

>With this logic, any toxic behavior in the manga can be fully justified

Yes. They're demons. They're just showing their true colors. What's wrong with that? I don't see anything wrong : )
Dex-chan lover
May 14, 2018
@ciaohuahua Your commentary has such doses of slang that the translator could only translate "lesbians" and "we". But just in case, I'll say no, Kuromu's sexuality hasn't been confirmed in any way up to this point.

@BizarreShit This is bad because it is literally a universal answer that can justify literally anything. You know, because demons are literally evil. Did Ameri rape and eat Clara's head? No surprise, she's a demon. Do you get the point?
May 11, 2020
I don't get the people that keep shitting on this arc as filler. I mean the manga has always been about wacky hijinks in the demon world, since when was the plot drivning the story and not the characters and the general atmosphere. I'm not here to see Iruma gather up the dragonballs so that he can become hokage, I just want to see my dude fucking around with his friends and have fun. I'm not saying there shouldn't be any plot but seriously guys just chill and stop being such ultra spergs its embarassing.
Jul 16, 2020
While I didn't like this arc as is, the ENDING is weirdly anti-climatic. almost like sharpening a knife to a razor keen edge... and then buttering toast with it. Something is 'off'.
Mar 6, 2019
I think evidol tournament arc is not just a filler arc. Remember Purson's arc? Like how we just ignored him and thought him as a background character and then when he finally got the spotlight we were like "Omg! Purson is the best booii" u get what I mean right. Like how a background character dont seem has a role, I think this filler arc has a role too. It is to further understand the desires and how evil isn't essentially wrong (like what evil cycle did to iruma in a crossdressing mode) and like how they are like humans but not really humans. Personally, I like the manga especially on how they build up the characters, the world and their beliefs.
Aggregator gang
Mar 14, 2019
Honestly this whole arc is BORING, there is barely any conflict at all.

The only thing that barely resembles conflict is between Iruma (I refuse to call HIM anything else because of you simps) and Gyari, and between Kuromu and Gyari. Both had nothing interesting to offer and was resolved without any meaningful effort.

The only reason Gyari antagonizes Iruma is because he's too buddy buddy with Kuromu, but she's unwilling to go any further than basic-bitch name calling. Iruma of course can't escalate because of established character traits, to do so would be out of character and do more damage to the series. So the onus (naratively speaking) is on her. When there is a narratively justified reason to begin escalating (Kuromu proclaiming she's going to marry Iruma, lols) she did absolutely nothing to him, instead sulking for a moment before turning her attention to Kuromu, thus abruptly ending the conflict because it isn't referenced again AT ALL (except maybe in the next chapter, but at this point it's too late and pointless)

The conflict between Kuromu and Gyari had potential in hindsight, but ended up making me severely disliking Kuromu. The reason this conflict exists is because Kuromu somehow knows as she first met Gyari that the moment she reciprocates, Gyari will immediately lose interest in the relationship. So kuromu at that moment as well created this elaborate 64D checkers-chess-hybrid game of hard to get, just so she can retain Gyari's interest. And it bloody worked from the moment they started working together up until now, even kicking Gyari out through no fault of her own other than "ya ain't gud enuff fer meh". Gyari being the lovestruck fool, agrees to this, and continues on her own striving to become the very bestest in a self-made delusion that Kuromu will marry her once Gyari surpasses her[1]. Admittedly that's very noble of Gyari, but then Kuromu suddenly teams up with some nobody chick meanwhile Gyari breaks her ass trying to surpass her. Understandably Gyari got jealous and to vent off she simply made basic-bitch insults at her but nothing more for whatever reason. Gyari then takes an opportunity to reassert her (one sided) promise with Kuromu, which she replies by saying she's marrying the other bitch[2]. Which should and does makes Gyari upset. So what does Gyari do? does she go "fuck it" and leave the evidol scene because kuromu (in her view) doesn't value her love? Does she hatch a plan to remove that other bitch for Kuromu's life permanently because she could blame every failure on that bitch? Nah man, she gets TURNED ON UP TO 11, because at this point she probably have developed abandonment fetish with how much work she puts in to Kuromu and returned with jack shit. But thank satan under the 9 circles of hell she finally gets an opportunity to win Kuromu's heart, by playing to her strengths she could finally surpass Kuromu and be able to keep her promise. aaaand nope, Kuromu somehow managed to pull a win out of that massive mining shaft she calls her anal cavity.

And that's it, a possibly once in a lifetime opportunity, where the stars aligned and all the cards stacked in her favor, and she failed. Gyari begins to question herself, How could this have happened? did she not train hard enough? If she did something differently could she have won? was it simply bad luck and she didn't manage to beat Kuromu? Did she even have a chance to beat Kuromu at all? Gyari who in all of her life have never lost before, for the first time in her life, failed. She begins descending in to a downward spiral of depression and self-doubt, the woman she put all her heart in to slipped right through her finger tips. Did Kuromu even love her in the first place? Of course she doesn't, how could one who shines so brightest love a failure like her. Broken hearted, Gyari left one final message proclaiming her love to the one she loved the most. Before disappearing from the world, never to be seen again.

...NOT, this is a story about a gay relationship, of course there's no stupid concepts like "tragedy" or "quality". Having been defeated, Gyari unlocks the final of evolution in the lesbian class, the subservient masochist. Finally understanding her position in the power dynamic, she chose not to stand beside Kuromu as equals, but instead gathered ALL the flowers in the demon lord, just to congratulate her mistress' spectacular curb-stomping because truly, this lowly slave had no chance of victory whatsoever. As a reward, the mistress generously acknowledged Gyari's love for her. Which makes Gyari squee with joy giving her self in to the euphoria of fooling herself in to thinking she has a chance while in reality there's still no confirmation of said love being reciprocated. Truly there is no other bliss in life for a lowly lesbian sex-slave.

Man writing that diatribe was more fun than actually reading the arc

TL:DR the conflict between Kuromu and Gyari failed to become interesting because neither were willing to break the status quo, Gyari didn't do anything overly antagonistic that would cause any escalation in the conflict, Kuromu on the other hand remained passive because she has no interest in resolving the conflict. The conflict amounted to nothing as Gyari and Kuromu remained in the same place as they were at the beginning of the arc.

This is what I consider the core issue with the arc, but it's also stacked with several lackluster elements that only proves how pathetic the arc is. Lied, Ameri, and even Iruma were nothing more than bystanders as they contributed nothing to the conflicts because they themselves were not invested in them. The side characters were nothing more than a distraction for the readers as they contribute nothing to the arc other than cheap laughs and getting crushed by the main characters (if you can even call them that). Contrast this to the previous arc, where the other classes not only help flesh out several minor characters, they also help raise the stakes (and thus the bar) for the Abnormal class. This arc also brought nothing new to the table, rather borrows several elements from previous arcs without developing them in to anything interesting. Hey remember when Iruma learned how to do archery? well now he can shoot multiple arrows, pretty cool eh? When did he learn to do that you ask? bah who cares, not like it's important to his character or anything. Oh oh oh, remember Chad-ruma? well we also gave him the crossdresser treatment, pretty neat eh? hmm what makes him different from regular crossdressing Iruma? uhm Hello, it's not like people like dark-Iruma because he becomes much more assertive while maintaining his heart of gold, clearly people like him because he looks like a delinquent so we made this one in to a punk drag-queen, the simps will love him. Also.. also remember when he learned how to play piano? yea we brought it back too because you this is a music arc, so it definitely needs to make a comeback. Should we dedicate some scenes of him practicing? pshh of course not, crossdressing chad-ruma is like the most perfect character evar, so of course he could nail the music without any practice at all.

All these lackluster elements only culminate to the weakest climax in the entire series, I didn't feel anything as I scroll through the chapter, there was nothing leading up to it, no themes, no effort, no lessons. It just came, twerked at my face, and left just as quickly.

Call me a homophobe or transphobe or whatever you like. If you consider this acceptable storytelling just because it contains LGBT+ elements, then I cannot bring myself to enjoy these kinds of content. I'm not saying those elements are bad, after all the best arc in this entire series has a supposedly gay demon as one of the antagonists, and I don't mind him at all. But if you don't care about story-telling quality as long as there's LGBT+ elements, then I'm sorry to say, the whole artform would be better off if you leave.

Edit: forgot foot notes because I'm dumm.

[1] Kuromu didn't explicitly say she's gonna marry Gyari once she surpasses her, only that she will consider it. and She made the same sentiment at the ending, saying "I know" instead of "I love you too". It baffles me how afraid Kuromu is over reciprocating Gyari's love. What kind of issues does she have?

[2]Kuromu could have simply say no, said gyari havent beaten her yet so she can still be a bachelor. Instead she dragged Iruma and proclaiming to marry him. You can chalk it up to panic, but it made no sense to me how Gyari remained loyal to Kuromu or not have a murderous temper towards Iruma.
Feb 26, 2019
@nutman451 that is a impressive amount of anger for this arc not being a tragedy in a manga series that pretty consistently keeps a positive tone and focuses on the good more than the "dark and tragic". im not sure why you were expecting a romeo and juliet style arc for a series that is literally supposed to be a fun story.
Also i think you are pouring to much effort into this homie, its not that big a deal, take a breath or a walk or something, just chill bro.

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