Mairimashita! Iruma-kun - Vol. 23 Ch. 196 - Passion in Greed

Aggregator gang
Mar 14, 2019
Since people kept bashing webcomics/manhwa, I'll join in on the bandwagon.

What I dislike the most about the format is how paneling is practically non-existent. What you'll often find is endless white space that isn't filled with anything. Most of the time you'll just see floating text bubbles with the occasional picture. I find all that dead space to be distracting. Don't get me wrong, manga has dead space too, but at least they manage to hide it behind characters and other neat little tricks, meanwhile that endless void surrounding webtoons are ever present, distracting you from the characters and art.
Jan 19, 2018
Thanks for the chapter as always, Misfits!

A lot of people are glad this arc is ending so quickly, but honestly, that might be part of the problem. I'm guessing Nishi plans out the arcs as a whole, so she knew how many chapters would be dedicated to this arc. If it had been longer, we might have actually gotten more meat to the plot and characters. Gyari had potential - and she still does - but just in the previous arc we were introduced to Soi, for all intents and purposes a new character, who got some great character development himself and left enough room for some development for Iruma and others as well.

I'm really surprised that Nishi included Amelie in an arc where romance was a focus, and yet did nothing with that potential. This could have been a perfect way to force Iruma to take a closer look at his own feelings as he sees his friends' not-so-healthy relationship and inevitably tries to help - especially after he gets dragged into the middle of it. This would have given the arc a much-needed point, as we would have a concrete development in at least one main character between the beginning and the end. The resurgence of Irumean had even more potential since he's Iruma without inhibitions, so it would have been very interesting to see how he interacts with Amelie. It's still possible we might get this next chapter, but I'm not super hopeful.
Active member
Mar 29, 2020
@nutman451 Why did the topic change to manwha and manga? I would prefer seeing people to talk about this comedic manga chapter of Iruma-kun.
Aggregator gang
Mar 14, 2019

Me too to be honest, but people seem to concerned over why manwha is trash (where it belongs).

If you want to talk about this chapter or the whole arc, feel free to do so, since in order to start a conversation someone needs to engage in one.

Anything you like or dislike in this chapter/arc? Pretty sure I made a long winded rant on why I dislike this arc. Feel free to give a reply, I'll wait.
Jan 9, 2020
Nice way to end the competition, i hope gyari got a little bit more competitive vibe but
Fed-Kun's army
Aug 25, 2019
huh that was an... abrupt ending lol. mostly i just want the reactions from everyone who watched irumi HAHAHA WHAT RECEPTION IS IRUMA GOING TO GET BACK AT SCHOOL??? and they gotta do it again next year?? lmfaoooo maybe by then iruma will be demon king and he'll be like no (who are we kidding, he wouldn't say no even as demon king dafslksdlk) congrats to the canon lesbians i guess!! in the end kuromu declaring she'd marry irumi was just swept aside, huh... i guess gyari could tell it was bullshit. those two are so selfish they deserve each other imo;;;

thank you for the update!!! nothing will compare to the impact the intro of wicked phase irumi had tho. the peak... we reached it. :'))))))

also idk what manhwa ever did to y'all lol i personally love it but to each their own. i think some of the comments expand on why they hate it, if i get curious enough i'll go look (probably not afdsljksdj) THANKS AGAIN AS ALWAYS MISFITS YOU ROCK looool the ppg panel dfaslkjsd
Aggregator gang
Mar 14, 2019

Agreed, when I made my rant, I noticed how Gyari isn't as a dislikable character as I initially thought. She was just so focused on winning Kuromu over that she came off as boorish (well aside from her upbringing where everything was practically handed to her). However I don't think more chapters dedicated to fleshing her out would be enough, rather the way her relationship with Kuromu should also be rewritten

I feel the relationship between Kuromu and Gyari is problematic because of how it was framed. From Iruma's perspective, it looked like Gyari was forcing herself on Kuromu, but in reality it was Kuromu that kept egging on Gyari. Giving her (possibly false) hopes of winning her over.

Think of it this way. Gyari was someone who can get everything she desired. One day she suddenly fell in love at first sight. So in order to get closer she took the same occupation as Kuromu, with no prior experience. She then worked her damn-est to win her over, even managing to pull the most difficult routine a evidol can do with Kuromu just to prove there is no one who can stand beside her but Gyari. But once Gyari finally gets paired with Kuromu, she didn't get any direct acknowledgement but in fact she was kicked out. Stating that Kuromu wouldn't reciprocate, unless Gyari manages to surpass her (whatever that means). Even people who was a cut above the rest would have given up at that point, but Gyari persisted. Her love for Kuromu was greater than any other.

If we put it that way, Gyari becomes a lot more likable (and Kuromu a lot less). However the story remains adamant that Kuromu should not lose for whatever reason, despite Gyari putting the effort to win her over (not in the arc, that screeching she call rock looks stupid). It baffles me how There's some nugget of gold in this but was passed over for no good reason.

in the end kuromu declaring she'd marry irumi was just swept aside, huh... huh... i guess gyari could tell it was bullshit.

That's a lot more charitable interpretation than what I'm willing to give. More like everyone (including the author) forgot about it.
Dex-chan lover
May 31, 2018
First... Thanks for the upload...

Second… This arc is somewhat okay (because the music festival was still the best arc I've seen)… But still, I like it when Irumi and Irumeanie came into action.

Third... Sorry, what's the hate about Manhwas? I like them. If anything, I would say I hate manhuas. The art and drawings are good. But the stories are terrible. Or am I missing a joke here about manhwas? @.@
Fed-Kun's army
Aug 25, 2019
@nutman451 i mean, it really did seem to get swept aside? and even back when kuromi declared that, it still seemed to be gyari vs kuromu, irumi was just kind of... there and never stepped foot into that rivalry/relationship/mess lol (thankfully, bc boy howdy you do NOT want to get involved in that!) unless next chapter they somehow address it again, or gyari declares irumi her rival for kuromu (which she never did?? right?? she straight up ignored irumi, when she wasn't calling her ugly?? all her efforts remained concentrated on kuromu, the more i think about it, it all seems to be adding up to gyari calling bullshit... unless i'm remembering wrong. hum.) i guess either way we won't know for sure until next chapter lmao
Aggregator gang
Mar 14, 2019

yes, your observations are correct. Gyari however haven't explicitly called bull on Kuromu's declaration to marry Irumi. In fact Gyari didn't seem to address that at all. Which I think is bad form of writing.

Third... Sorry, what's the hate about Manhwas? I like them. If anything, I would say I hate manhuas. The art and drawings are good. But the stories are terrible. Or am I missing a joke here about manhwas?

For me it's a joke. It's not my place to tell people not to enjoy shitty formats.
Jul 30, 2020
Lol the gay~ but it's fine fo me ( ꈍᴗꈍ)

And I can definitely see Kuromu's ambition and 'selfishness' in this chapter! Yep, her bold statement! ❤️❤️

Also thanks for the update! <3

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