Mairimashita! Iruma-kun - Vol. 8 Ch. 68 - Kalego-sensei's Home Visits

Oct 20, 2019
>other people made these points so you can't use them!!!
Wow, tell that to literally everyone that writes a research paper. Big whoop, I used evidence gathered by other people to show your work was trash. Still don't know why you're insisting on using that as some kind of "gotcha". It's sad you're scrambling at any kind of of wild, unrelated reasoning to make it seem like my claims don't matter. But it makes sense, because you really don't have an actual leg to stand on.

From what I remember, you said "it's on the original Vietnamese translation itself (well, used to be, they changed the part about siblings since), so that's what I've got to work with."
So not only are you blaming Wicked House for their mistakes that YOU decided to translate anyway, you're also shifting the blame away from yourself again.
>"Actually, this chapter's practically done all by myself, so there's that. "
Either you translated everything and this garbage is entirely yours.
>"Like jesus christ, This is literally the draft that I've got to work with"
Or someone else translated but now you're saying "Well I had trash to work with, so it's not my fault".
If the former is true, then take some responsibility on your own for once. If the latter is true, then does WH or PickyMa know you're throwing them under the bus? Because that's a dick move.

Even if WH had a mistranslation, guess what? You translating from their mistranslation is still YOUR fault. If you are translating something that's not directly from its original language, then YOU are responsible for all the mistakes. You KNOWINGLY based your work off a third-party translation. You can't just go "Well, mistakes just happen. It's not my fault I don't understand their culture or can't make context from this. It's soooo hard translating from something that's not the original language because all the meaning is lost. But it's not my fault!!" The difference in language is an error that all falls on YOU, because you are the ones taking on this job that nobody wanted or needed. And guess what? It turned out to be trash, because that's the beauty of all telephone translations. Like I said before, good riddance. Take your mistake-riddled scanlation and mistake-riddled comments (btw the first paragraph in your last comment already has 3 glaring grammatical errors lmao) and shoo already.

You know what, I would totally do that...but what's that? There's already a group that's working on it? From the original language? And their scanlation doesn't look like shit? They can spell "principal" like any other 2nd-grader could? And they have good release times? And they don't blame all their mistakes on unfortunate circumstances or mysterious lost-in-translation errors that are totally not their fault??? You don't say. Guess I don't need to do anything after all.
It's so funny how people say "if you don't like it, then just do it yourself" and don't realize that means there would literally never be any criticism in the world. People would just suck and nobody would tell them.
May 18, 2019
This is the most that I've seen anyone lacking in reading comprehension. I like how you made points out of nowhere and played it off as if I was the one who made them.

Now onto the first one: "other people made these points so you can't use them!!!"
Literally what. Since when the fuck have I said that? If I was writing a research paper, I'd actually use a reliable source of evidence. If such luxury isn't available, then I would make sure to verify the source that I'm using to a certain extent, either by self-verification or by using further evidence to back it up. I'm not very sure whether 4chan threads or translation drafts would suffice as a reliable source, but I seriously doubt it. You used other people's points, called it "evidence", and clearly didn't bother to check whether whatever you collected was true or not. Then you wondered how your claims lost their bearings in the first place. Then you said that I'm scrambling at unrelated reasoning and that I don't have an actual leg to stand on, based on your own misconception.

After that, you went on accusing me of blaming WH for the mistakes, while completely disregarding how I tried to show that WH is not really responsible for most of those mistakes, and how some of those might be unavoidable to me. You then outlined that either I translated everything (I will come back to this later) or that someone else translated and I said "Well I had trash to work with, so it's not my fault", implying that I threw WH and PickyMa under the bus. Once again, since when the fuck have I said that? Is it because of the link of the draft that I gave you? That was supposed to show that this chapter's basically done by myself, which would of course mean that it would be much more likely to have some grammatical and spelling errors compared to having multiple people working on this chapter. (For further context, PickyMa was doing "rough translations" and even saying it herself, which was to be re-translated again using that rough version as a baseline. It saved me time during the translation process, so I am grateful for that. Despite so, this chapter's still practically done almost all by myself. So okay then, it's my fault for not having exact context given before.)

You then pointed out how it's all my fault for doing this to begin with and for basing my work off something that is not from its original language. And you know what, I agree. It is indeed my fault for thinking that this was a good idea in the first place. Except the purpose of that entire paragraph is to say that I'm shifting the blame away from me and that I'm claiming that it's not my fault, which is completely bullshit. This exact reason is literally why we've (as a group) pulled away from this! We realized that this is a bad idea to indirectly translate after all and cannot continue to have the original meaning or context changed due to these mistranslations, and therefore we decided to stop. Or what, am I supposed to have "This is our fault" written out in plain text on the notice page for you to understand the implied message? A reason why I pointed out things from the Vietnamese translation that led to the mistranslations, is because I don't want to have people calling this self-insert or worse, a "fanfic", because of the presence of these errors that seemingly made no sense. I actually acknowledge the mistakes that people pointed out for me, and are willing to fix them.

And to end it off, you still haven't explained how exactly does having some grammatical and spelling errors (that once again, are the types that aren't really noticeable except when you're specifically looking out for them) instantly make it an "abomination", your concept of being riddled with something sure is twisted, huh? And also, imagine actually looking out for grammatical mistakes in comments to make a point.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 11, 2018
Thanks as always ^^ good luck on your next project ^^
Don't mind what mother-in-law netizen says, sometimes they're just trolling
Oct 20, 2019
@sondz1911I feel like you're the one lacking reading comprehension. All of my points are completely valid, except maaaaybe one of them. But somehow you took that one and acted like it was okay to dismiss everything else. My claims have not "lost their bearings", as you are sadly attempting to magic into reality. Here, let me list my points again so maybe you can actually read it this time, despite how bad you are at it:

-You gave Alice a new set of siblings (they're actually his cousins).
Completely valid. You then said "WELL IT WAS LIKE THAT IN THE VT TRANSLATION SO IT'S WHAT I HAVE TO WORK WITH" AKA "it's not my fault".

-I have no idea how "adopted" changed into "kidnapped" on page 9.
This is the one that you MIGHT be right about (but honestly, I would still trust Stalker over you). But the ONLY one. Yet somehow you run with it and go "WOW ALL OF YOUR EVIDENCE IS TOTALLY UNRELIABLE" AKA "I'm gonna focus on this point to try and (fail to) bring down the rest of your completely valid argument".

-I don't know where you got "royal palanquins" from on page 11, seems like you misread the kanji wrong - oh wait, this is a shitty JP-->VT-->ENG translation, that's why.

-Someone really needs to learn how to spell principal right for once; it's neither "principle" nor "prinicpal" (wow, you even misspelled it as "prinicpal" twice this chapter!).
Completely valid. You even went back and changed it, even though you should have caught it in the first place instead of uploading garbage.

-It should be "doesn't this mean" on page 16, not "doesn't this means".
Completely valid. You even went back and changed it, even though you should have caught it in the first place instead of uploading garbage.

-It should be "has the ability to overcome" on page 18, not "have the ability". So much for a proofreader I guess.
Completely valid. You even went back and changed it, even though you should have caught it in the first place instead of uploading garbage.

-Opera is actually the one speaking the last line on page 19, but you made it seem like Kalego is.
Completely valid. You then said "I ACKNOWLEDGE MISTAKES PEOPLE POINT OUT AND AM WILLING TO FIX THEM" AKA "please proofread my shitty final draft for me after I submit it". Also you didn't even change this one, so clearly you STILL can't proofread, even with context. And clearly this means you only focused on the points that you wanted to laughably argue, and probably didn't even read this in the first place.

So here are all my completely valid points. But unfortunately, you're still obsessed over "omg you're taking these points from somewhere else so clearly they must all be wrong". Please, don't try to distract from the fact that your work was garbage.

And yes, you've been throwing WH and PickyMa under the bus the whole time, with all your complaining about "well that's what I have to work with", which you stated not once, but twice already. Okay, we get it, you're saying it's not your fault because it's in the VT translation or the rough translation by your group member. If you mean something else, well clearly you lack the English skills to actually make a real point, because the only thing that implies is that this garbage isn't your doing.

And like I said before, my first initial comment was listing all your mistakes and saying "good riddance that you're stopping this garbage". You're the one who insisted on responding and pointing out that your "mistakes" aren't really mistakes, and not taking responsibility for those mistakes. So I've got no idea why you're still engaging when you claim to be "pulling away from this". Seems like you're REALLY pissed I called your work an abomination too. Maybe you should just learn to accept the truth (and also look up the definition of abomination because it doesn't mean what you think it means).

Oh, and you bet I'll look for grammatical errors to make a point. Because it's not just happening once; it's happening in every single chapter you post and every single comment you type (you've even misspelled "all" in the little note you made about quitting lmao. It's literally 3 letters!). So it's basically an entire pattern of shitty mistakes that helps me make my point, not just some one-off thing. Just because they aren't the "noticeable" type of errors, doesn't mean they aren't errors that build up over time to show how incompetent you guys are. But I'm glad you're excusing your trash translation with "well they're not even noticeable so just ignore them!"; yet another weak defense from another shitty sniper group.
Jan 18, 2018
I can't believe people are actually giving thanks for a low quality snipe.
Wanting to read a scanlation with more effort put into it even if it's a few days slower somehow makes me an "entitled idiot"? Nice logic there.
You guys are so obsessed with gulping down as much trash as quickly as possible, it's insane.
May 18, 2019
Aaaaaaaand there you go, saying back to me that I'm the one lacking in reading comprehension, while simultaneously showing off your inability to read for the second time. I've already addressed how I didn't say that you can't take another's points, and that what I meant is completely different than what you were and still are assuming out of nowhere. Then I addressed how these mistranslations may be caused by another factor that is not a genuine mistake in translation, which means I couldn't really avoid that if I don't know the exact meaning from the source itself (and you somehow interpreted that as me throwing PickyMa and WH under the bus, twice at that!). I've also already addressed how I was not avoiding responsibilities when it comes to mistranslations, and how I am literally taking responsibility when announcing that we're leaving this series. But noooooo, you just had to ignore all of that and cherry-pick whatever's the most convenient to you then take it completely out of context, and insist on your already-addressed points. After the whole part about how I couldn't have avoided some of those mistranlations, you then made a point that even if these mistranslations wasn't due to me during the translating process, it is still my fault because I'm the one indirectly translating in the first place. I then responded, saying in plain text that "It is indeed my fault", and told you the exact reason why I pointed out things from the VNTL that caused this to occur. Yet, you still chose to pretend that this did not exist, and to repeat those points of yours.

Getting onto your points about mistranslations and spelling errors (oh and by the way, because apparently you're not aware of it yet, whenever you make any claim, like telling me or implying that I'm not taking responsibility, you're making a point. You're saying that all your points are valid except one is probably the most invalid points that you've made, considering how I've already addressed them), have it ever occurred to you that I wouldn't have reacted that way if you weren't being an entitled asshole? Or maybe is it too difficult for you to not be an entitled asshole on the Internet? I've responded well enough - which is, based on my point of view, but definitely still better when compared to you - to others who have pointed out these errors in the past. The spelling and grammatical errors that you pointed out were indeed true, so I've fixed that. I've also fixed the parts on "siblings" and "royal palanquins", as I was able to verify that it was true. For the one in page 9, I don't know about you, but I'm pretty sure many more people would rather trust (which is more of a dictionary) for something comprising of exactly two characters compared to a translation draft (which you even were the first one to refer to it as that). And for the one in page 19, my point was that you clearly didn't bother checking whether your points on mistranslations are even true or not, with evidence being how you fucked up your "suggestion" for page 9. I currently don't know how to verify who's speaking between Kalego and Opera, and I have no reason to assume that what you pointed out is completely true.

And yes, I am indeed really pissed that you called my work an abomination. I mean, this is your fourth comment now and you still fail to explain how having these errors makes the chapter an abomination. Before you say anything, I do know what the definition of the word "abomination" is. What you completely forgot to take into account is that you're trying to tell all of this in your own subjective and biased point of view, and passing it off as if it was something objective. I am aware that my work isn't satisfactory, but I am very sure that it's at least good enough to not be considered an "abomination" by everyone, even with your whole point about "errors that build up over time" (and no, going around collecting 4chan comments and saying that's the majority does not count, though you can say that on chapter 66 all you want). And you know what, even if you're going to claim that you've been highly opinionated this whole time, having pointed this out as well as commenting on how these mistakes aren't really noticeable to begin with (which you even admitted it) AS WELL AS you looking out for grammatical errors in places that it's not essential to have good grammar (like really... fucking comments? Who in the world proofreads fucking comments? Certainly not me, and certainly not... a lot of people actually) only serve to fortify the fact that you are indeed, an entitled asshole. You've once again made points out of nowhere that I never said at all, which is to say how I apparently telling you to ignore these mistakes. Because having them edited to be more correct is somehow a way to express that.

Funny how you pointed out that we misspelled "all" on our notice, because that was intentional. It was supposed to be a cutoff in the middle of a saying a word, by the way. It's not that hard to understand why we had that there, isn't it?

But anyways, since you chose to ignore how I addressed practically all of the points you made in my last comment, I suppose there's really nothing I can say anymore except for this:
- Congratulations, you got me! You got me good! You've successfully wasted my time and your time doing all of this! Good for you!

Damn, I really should've listened to @Doodads earlier.
Feb 14, 2019
i just wanna say i really like this manga and kudos to the people who spend their time working on translating it
Oct 20, 2019
>I've already addressed how I didn't say that you can't take another's points, and that what I meant is completely different than what you were and still are assuming out of nowhere. You said "You took these points from 4chan. Surely this makes whatever you say have a lot of weight behind them. You used other people's points, called it "evidence", and clearly didn't bother to check whether whatever you collected was true or not. Oh wait, you aren't, because you're not even the one making these points to begin with, but despite so still decided to make it sounds like an issue. Good job trying to tell us that we're doing a half-assed job while using your half-assed claims."
That's you saying "HOW DARE YOU TAKE ANOTHER PERSON'S CLAIMS? SINCE YOU DID, THEY'RE CLEARLY NOT TRUE". If you can't understand what you're even writing, then you really need some actual English classes. Good job trying to weasel out of everything (like you always do) by saying "WOW I TOTALLY MEANT SOMETHING DIFFERENT".

>Then I addressed how these mistranslations may be caused by another factor that is not a genuine mistake in translation, which means I couldn't really avoid that if I don't know the exact meaning from the source itself (and you somehow interpreted that as me throwing PickyMa and WH under the bus, twice at that!). I've also already addressed how I was not avoiding responsibilities when it comes to mistranslations, and how I am literally taking responsibility when announcing that we're leaving this series. But noooooo, you just had to ignore all of that and cherry-pick whatever's the most convenient to you then take it completely out of context, and insist on your already-addressed points.
You said "I don’t really know whether the mistranslations were because of me trying to re-interpret the Vietnamese translations (once again, this is an indirect translation) or because the one that this is based upon is mistranslated in the first place. It's on the original Vietnamese translation itself (well, used to be, they changed the part about siblings since), so that's what I've got to work with. I assume this is somewhat of an idiomatic expression, but of course I couldn't have gotten that and explained it. I couldn't have made my own interpretation in order to let it make more sense context-wise, because the only meaning that I can get from this is from the Vietnamese version and whatever hiragana I can deduce from the raws."
AKA "It's not my fault, it was already in the VT translation so OF COURSE I had no choice but to translate it that way." Again, placing the blame on others and saying "well my translation mistakes aren't really mistakes because it's all just wrapped up in cultural differences!" Good job weaseling out of that too. Man, you're really good at avoiding responsibility, huh?

>After the whole part about how I couldn't have avoided some of those mistranlations, you then made a point that even if these mistranslations wasn't due to me during the translating process, it is still my fault because I'm the one indirectly translating in the first place. I then responded, saying in plain text that "It is indeed my fault", and told you the exact reason why I pointed out things from the VNTL that caused this to occur. Yet, you still chose to pretend that this did not exist, and to repeat those points of yours.
You said "And you know what, I agree. It is indeed my fault for thinking that this was a good idea in the first place. Except the purpose of that entire paragraph is to say that I'm shifting the blame away from me and that I'm claiming that it's not my fault, which is completely bullshit"
AKA "I'LL JUST SAY IT'S MY FAULT NOW" after already placing the blame on WH for the mistakes in their translation. So good job trying to avoid the fact that you already claimed it wasn't your fault.

>Getting onto your points about mistranslations and spelling errors (oh and by the way, because apparently you're not aware of it yet, whenever you make any claim, like telling me or implying that I'm not taking responsibility, you're making a point. You're saying that all your points are valid except one is probably the most invalid points that you've made, considering how I've already addressed them),
Um yes? All my claims are points? What's so hard to get about that? A-are you somehow confused by the English meanings of claims and points? Is this another weird "gotcha" of yours that you're struggling at? Also, how cute that you're just saying they're "invalid" instead of actually backing any of your "points" up.

>have it ever occurred to you that I wouldn't have reacted that way if you weren't being an entitled asshole?
Should be "has it ever occurred to you".

>Or maybe is it too difficult for you to not be an entitled asshole on the Internet?
Sorry, what am I being entitled about? Did I ever ask for a giant flaming pile of shit in my mailbox? Don't think so. Do you actually think people should be grateful for your half-assed garbage work? THAT'S entitlement right there lmao. "Hey, I took a huge shit on your doorstep. But it's free and my digestive tract worked hard on it, so you better appreciate it!" Uh, no thanks, I'll pass on that. /a/ was already doing a great job before you sniped, so it's hilarious that you actually think people who don't want your garbage are being "entitled".

>I've responded well enough - which is, based on my point of view, but definitely still better when compared to you - to others who have pointed out these errors in the past.
Ah, so "response" these days means "doubling down and refusing to admit mistakes while simultaneously blaming WH for the mistakes". Good to know.

>The spelling and grammatical errors that you pointed out were indeed true, so I've fixed that. I've also fixed the parts on "siblings" and "royal palanquins", as I was able to verify that it was true.
Good job! Fix it in the first place before you release garbage.

>For the one in page 9, I don't know about you, but I'm pretty sure many more people would rather trust (which is more of a dictionary) for something comprising of exactly two characters compared to a translation draft (which you even were the first one to refer to it as that).
Good job! Still would rather trust someone who knows Japanese than a dictionary. Since, you know, idioms are SOOOOO HARD to translate.

>And for the one in page 19, my point was that you clearly didn't bother checking whether your points on mistranslations are even true or not, with evidence being how you fucked up your "suggestion" for page 9. I currently don't know how to verify who's speaking between Kalego and Opera, and I have no reason to assume that what you pointed out is completely true.
So basically you can't read or use context, is what you're saying. Because it's super obvious from the page that Opera should be the one speaking. Where did you even get "shit" from? Was there a curse word in the RAWS? Oh wait, you probably didn't even bother to check because you're fine doing a half-assed job, plus it's a JP-->VT-->ENG garbage translation.

>And yes, I am indeed really pissed that you called my work an abomination. I mean, this is your fourth comment now and you still fail to explain how having these errors makes the chapter an abomination. Before you say anything, I do know what the definition of the word "abomination" is.
Clearly not.

>What you completely forgot to take into account is that you're trying to tell all of this in your own subjective and biased point of view, and passing it off as if it was something objective. I am aware that my work isn't satisfactory, but I am very sure that it's at least good enough to not be considered an "abomination" by everyone
Clearly not (if you can tell by the multitude of other comments telling you to get your low-quality garbage out of here too). And "abomination" is also a subjective view, so it fits what I'm saying very well, because this is subjectively (to me and others) a pile of disgusting garbage. Too bad you deleted the first chapter you posted because that had the most people saying it was garbage. And it's funny because I'm going through previous comments in other chapters where people point out mistakes, and in response you say "Well, they're not that bad. The one that this is based upon is mistranslated in the first place. And if my grammar is indeed really lacking, you should be able to list many errors." How passive-aggressive. And you were still avoiding blame even before I said a thing; a tiger never changes its stripes I guess.

>Even with your whole point about "errors that build up over time" (and no, going around collecting 4chan comments and saying that's the majority does not count, though you can say that on chapter 66 all you want)
Aww, how cute. You get all this blind praise from people who are used to reading garbage scanlations full of spelling/grammatical/translation errors and you think they should be happy with this trash. Shows how much you think of your audience that you're serving them trash.

>And you know what, even if you're going to claim that you've been highly opinionated this whole time, having pointed this out as well as commenting on how these mistakes aren't really noticeable to begin with (which you even admitted it)
Sorry, what? Where did I ever claim this? If you're talking about my last comment, you notice how I put "noticeable" in quotations. Maybe you don't understand what quotation marks are (due to your 2nd-grade grasp of English), but that generally means I'm QUOTING someone: that would be you in this scenario. So, since you can't understand what I was doing there, I was basically pointing out how YOU think of them as unnoticeable, but that they actually ARE noticeable. As pointed out by me in every previous comment I made. Wow, imagine knowing how the English language works! Try it sometimes.

>AS WELL AS you looking out for grammatical errors in places that it's not essential to have good grammar (like really... fucking comments? Who in the world proofreads fucking comments? Certainly not me, and certainly not... a lot of people actually)
I literally told you why. You make mistakes EVERYWHERE, including your comments. Goes to show it's a pattern of shittiness that pervades even your scanlations.

>Only serve to fortify the fact that you are indeed, an entitled asshole.
Aww cute. Calling me entitled again for not appreciating a garbage translation. Man, you really think highly of yourself. You think everyone should bow down and give you thanks for churning out a shitty sniper scanlation? Imagine being THAT entitled.

>You've once again made points out of nowhere that I never said at all, which is to say how I apparently telling you to ignore these mistakes. Because having them edited to be more correct is somehow a way to express that.
I like how you just keep compounding your bullshit with more bullshit. You think if you say that my points aren't based on anything, they don't actually count. Again, this is you trying to weasel out of everything you do. You yourself said that "I didn't really find any obvious grammatical errors. I'm pretty sure that most of my translations are grammatically correct to a certain extent. These are just hard-to-notice spelling errors and simple grammatical errors. They aren't even really disruptive if you were to read it without actively looking for errors."
AKA "So what if there are errors? Just ignore them, they aren't even that bad." Trying to downplay your mistakes by saying "ummmm they're not even that noticeable" is embarrassing.

>Funny how you pointed out that we misspelled "all" on our notice, because that was intentional. It was supposed to be a cutoff in the middle of a saying a word, by the way. It's not that hard to understand why we had that there, isn't it?
Ah, now I see what you were TRYING to do. Too bad you did it completely wrong. You used a hyphen instead of an em dash, and you left a space after the hyphen for some reason. If you're trying to do something intentionally, at least do it right.

>But anyways, since you chose to ignore how I addressed practically all of the points you made in my last comment
You definitely did not. Which is why I took the liberty in this comment to address everything you said, so now you can't weasel out of anything anymore.

>I suppose there's really nothing I can say anymore except for this: - Congratulations, you got me! You got me good! You've successfully wasted my time and your time doing all of this! Good for you! Damn, I really should've listened to @Doodads earlier.
Personally I don't find it a waste of time criticizing shitty sniper groups for doing shit jobs on manga I like, but clearly you wasted your time trying to defending garbage, so that sucks for you. And like I said for the 4th (and hopefully final) time, good riddance.

I know right? Imagine calling people "entitled assholes" for not appreciating the pile of shit they left in your mailbox. Some scanlators are just so entitled, they think they deserve praise for everything.
Oct 20, 2019
P.S. Just wanted to add, the reason I find your chapter an abomination is because I'm comparing it to a high-quality translation. If you had translated a manga that didn't have a group currently working on it, I would have let your egregious, second-grade mistakes slide. But not only did you SNIPE a manga, you did it with WORSE translations, WORSE typesetting, WORSE spelling and grammar, and overall WORSE quality. Then you had the audacity to say "UM BUT WE DIDN'T DO THAT BAD A JOB, SO PRAISE US FOR GIVING YOU GARBAGE".
Please, no one (who knows the difference between good and shitty scanlations or even realizes it was a different group putting out low-quality chapters) wanted your trash in the first place; don't act like you're doing us a favor when all you really care about is the clout. If you're gonna snipe from a group who's literally been releasing every few days, at least don't give us something WORSE.

Imagine eating out every week at a 5-star restaurant. Then suddenly a fast food place sets up shop directly in front of the restaurant, saying "Well, you could eat here more often, so why don't you like us better??? It's not like our food is completely indigestible!!! PRAISE US!!!!! YOU'RE AN ENTITLED ASSHOLE FOR NOT DOING SO!!!!!!!!!!" I dunno, you tell me: why would I rather eat free at a high-class restaurant once a week instead of eating free shitty hamburgers twice a week?
Maybe this analogy will help you understand better, since you're clearly incapable of understanding everything else I've said so far. Or maybe not, since analogies and idioms and ~cultural differences~ are "too hard" for you to understand.
Aug 4, 2019
@StorageCrate get off your entitled *** and stop harassing the people who’re ACTUALLY doing the brunt of the work. All you do is put them on blast. Where did the CONSTRUCTIVE criticism go?

You even had the audacity to compare them to a 5-star restaurant and fast food chain, smh. As a consumer/reader you have choices: read and appreciate the damn chapter (which does not mean/imply you have to like it); piss off and find a “better” source to satisfy your needs (perhaps a paid platform, where translations are done by “specialists”, who aren't volunteers); or simply don’t read this manga.

Sure, their English translation may be subpar but that’s expected, considering the game of broken telephone at play here. There is no need to belittle others simply because English obviously isn’t their first language.

Minor spelling and grammar errors do add up (you’re right), and are especially noticeable for “most” English readers. And was indeed a double whammy in combination with the muddled and implicit contexts. To which they’ve tried to patch up and ultimately conclude that they couldn’t. Which is why they’re resigning after this chapter. Perhaps they could’ve assessed their means better before starting the project.

What I don’t understand is the shade between the two or more groups. How did the miscommunication get to this degree?
May 18, 2019
To be honest, I've already given up trying to have a normal argument with them, but thank you. Apparently some people think that reception is bipolar.

(For context, before we did anything with this series, we contacted one person from /a/, telling them that we wanted to speed scans, and they said they don't really care)
Dex-chan lover
Jul 3, 2018

I strongly support your decision to leave. You are trying to help, but apparently you ended up with toxic shit from the community itself. So, better to look for communities who're not feel so entitled with 5-star restaurant, but do nothing to help except complaining (this is my assumption tho). Good luck on your journey, my good sir.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 4, 2019
@StorageCrate Well well well... It probably wasn't on purpose, but seeing as you've tagged me in your shitpost, I guess I might as well throw my opinion in the mix. I don't think you'll change your mind, but sometimes it's important to waste some time on something you judge important, don't you think? I can guarantee I won't go into a debate with you over this.

I'll admit I didn't read your whole post because you don't even have the decency to format it (you know there's a quote option, right?!), but what I did notice is that you often compare this situation to a mailbox. And I think you're not entirely wrong, but at the same time you seem to have a huge misconception on the matter: You aren't entitled to ANYTHING. No, seriously. No matter how you try to twist it, that is the one unshakable rule about reading fan translations. Fan translators, be they bad or good, snipers or devoted groups, or JAP ->ENG or JAP->OTHER->ENG, have absolutely no reason to give the slightest shit about readers. They do this as a hobby and any sort of feedback, positive or negative, gives them equally jack shit, in the end.

It really is like a mailbox. But if you think about it, is everything dropped in your mailbox something tailored to your exact desires? Is it even always targeted at you specifically? Or at all? Of course not: Anyone can drop anything in your mailbox. In fact, it would be more accurate to compare fan translations to those ads that the mailman indiscriminately puts in every mailbox. You'll receive a variety of ads offering a variety of services, most of which you'll ignore. Sometimes, one ad might offer something you want/need and you'll read that ad. And sometimes, two ads will offer the same service! So you'll choose which suits you more. But do you get mad about receiving ads you don't need or want? (I hope not, jeez) You probably just ignore them and go about your day. So why is this different?

And before you bring up sniping, let me remind you what sondz stated multiple times that they and /a/ weren't competing in any way, shape or form. They both did whatever they wanted, and went about their business without being worried about who did what. They just worked in parallel.

So yeah, I've said most of what I wanted to say. I could keep going, but at this point it really would be too much of a waste of time.

Btw @sondz1911, don't feel too bad about wasting your time on them. It's only natural to want to defend something that you probably spent your personal time in. If you feel strongly about something, it's refreshing to write it down, even if you know it'll fall on dead ears. It's kind of like writing in a diary, right? Not that I ever kept one lol Anyway, don't worry about it and just enjoy your next project!
Oct 20, 2019
I see that you don't know anything about scanlation, which is always a good thing to bring to an argument about scanlation. The problem with sniping (hopefully you know what that is) is that it scares off other GOOD groups from working on the manga. If only things could be nice and dandy where you could just ignore shitty chapters being put out. But that's not how it works in scanlation. Did you know that Cyan Steam used to work on Iruma-kun before Wicked House sniped and bullied them out of it? Same for other manga like Nyanko Days and Urara Meirochou, who used to have regular scanlators but are now lost in limbo because snipers like @sondz1911 decided it was more important to go for clout than to actually give a shit about the manga. They're basically just like the SSSSS group. So yes, I will NOT appreciate this chapter because it is a detriment to Iruma-kun's scanlations overall. Just because ~one~ person said they didn't really care, doesn't mean you should snipe a whole series from a whole group. Hopefully you've learned something from this; the situation isn't as simple as "just ignore things you don't like~!!!"

Well well well...since you didn't read my whole post, it's actually kind of funny you're deciding to talk to me. Because the reason you were tagged in my post is because I was quoting @sondz1911, who tagged you in the first place. So if you think about it, they're the one that dragged you into this argument. Better thank them for that!
I'll say to you what I said to @Ayumeya: It's not about being "entitled" to free stuff. It's about how it affects scanlation as a whole. You clearly don't know shit about fan translators because you know what they do give a shit about? Shitty snipers that just want all the glory. It turns off even the freest of translators and scanlators from working on a manga. The good groups get bullied away and you're left with the shitty trash groups.
And are you really saying people don't have a reason to get upset about unwanted ads filling their mailbox so that the regular mail has nowhere to go? People shouldn't be mad when their mailman only delivers ads nowadays because the regular mail decided it wasn't worth competing with all the shitty ads in the same box? Wow, your analogy is even worse than my restaurant analogy.
>And before you bring up sniping, let me remind you what sondz stated multiple times that they and /a/ weren't competing in any way, shape or form. They both did whatever they wanted, and went about their business without being worried about who did what. They just worked in parallel.
And nope, you'll see how @sondz1911 only said "we contacted one person from /a/, telling them that we wanted to speed scans, and they said they don't really care". So what they're telling me is that ONE PERSON speaks for a whole group, which really says a lot about their own mindset. Clearly the opinions of the rest of their own group don't matter; the only thing that matters is what @sondz1911 is saying. Like I said before, they like to throw their group members under the bus. Also, if you actually went on /a/, you'd have seen them considering dropping the manga.
So way to join an argument that you really have no knowledge about. Glad to know how much you want to defend sniping.
May 18, 2019
If we contacted one person from the /a/ group (that doesn’t even have a dedicated page to post onto) you would've expected the person we contacted to notify the whole group. Do you expect us to have contacted every person individually in that group?

Even though another person there did say that the person that we contacted doesn’t speak for the whole group, absolutely no one (from the group) told us to stop doing so or expressed discontent on whatever we’re doing (the fact that we’re doing this, not the quality of our work), with us. I mean, they even gave me advice on typesetting.

I have no idea of and have never heard about them considering dropping the series as I have no reason to follow 4chan threads and if they’ve told us about it then we would’ve not done this at all. Especially considering how the person we contacted pulled up the last time someone did something like this (Cyan Steam) and said that they didn’t really mind it, it’s pretty dumb to assume that they’re quitting because we apparently took the series away from them.

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