Majutsu Gakuin wo Shuseki de Sotsugyoushita Ore ga Boukensha wo Hajimeru no wa sonna ni okashii darouka - Vol. 3 Ch. 15

Fed-Kun's army
Feb 5, 2018
"Elves, on the other hand, the old guard who oppose your new development because 'that's not how we did things when I was young' are there for half a millennia. Or more. Elves are the boomers there to tell the younger elves that they're stupid and worthless, and they're there almost forever. Good for preserving a golden age, absolutely terrible for development and progress."
This would be the Elves IF they had the same mindset as humans. But elves are well known to have a higher command of magic, and also to get as innovative as dwarves when it comes to the development of new crafting practices and warfare, . It's the main reason why both races are usually widely accepted as rivals in most fantasy stories. This kind of rivalry is what pushes them to progress. Last but not least, unlike our old farts they live long enough to suffer the results of their own bad decisions directly which makes them less prone to be pure conservationists compared to humans
More importantly Elves are usually divided in different kinds of people, only some elves focus on arts and music, only some elves focus in warfare, and so on. Nowadays they usually standardize and have elves be one big race, but originally you had high elves, forest elves, dark elves, wild elves. You even had evil elves that would murder people and paint their hats with their victims blood, nowadays they turned these elves into a variant of goblins. But I digress, the point is, elves are usually much more skilled than other races with shorter lifespan due to their superior life expectancy. And this gets glossed over a lot. Even here, we ahve elves delivering multiple deadly blows and the ORcs miraculously asspull a survival just to overpower elves and show how "fragile" they are which makes no sense, adrenaline stops pain, but it doesn't prevent people from dying of lack of blood from having their hearts destroyed by a precise blow. Elves shouldn't be having so much difficulty in dealing with enemies that shown no superiority in numbers towards them.
Fed-Kun's army
Feb 5, 2018
@KaelRhain That's forest elves mostly, not all elves follow this mindset. The dark elves are well known for creating cities and being very militaristic, they are also known for deceit and betrayal, the high Elves are also known for creating cities and focusing on the advancement of magic, all the while showing their love for all forms of art, which means that they weren't peaceful in the least, wild elves while living in forest just like Forest Elves, are well known to be aggressive to outsiders and be more of a warrior race than any other elf.
Some stories present only one of these rances, others have every single one of these elven races, others even has new elven races such as aquatic elves or elves with wings. But even in stories where only one race exists they are usually protrayed as having had a militaristic past to explain why they are currently more recluse and peaceful, but still have them be highly skilled in combat to prevent other races to getting close to their settlements. Anyway even forest elves are not being well represented in newer stories.
Nov 23, 2018
You keep saying "Elves are known...", "are capable of", and "are usually", but what you keep saying isn't true in the works of Tolkien (origin of almost all modern fantasy elves), Dungeons and Dragons (source of almost all modern fantasy elves, especially in Japanese media), nor even the Elder Scrolls (the other source of elves for Japanese media post, say, 2005).
The closest to what you are saying is DnD elves(*), except Gygax was very clear that Elvin societies were ruled by obtuse, archaic, traditionalists that painfully clung to their past glories - which was the whole reason there were Elf adventurers in the first place, the younger elves left because they couldn't stand the older elves being stuck in their ways!

(*) Unless you want to start using Warhammer elves, who act like they're all the hotness you give to Elves even though they're not. Going that route opens a whole different can of worms that relies on very specific setting related issues, and would still immediately counter your position considering Karl Franz's men have guns, superior military tactics, and on and on (which is how humans managed to stand against the physically/magically superior elves, leaving aside the modern retcons).

Point being, if you're going to talk about specific cases, then sure the Elves can be whatever that setting wanted them to be. But if you're going to talk generic elves, then you end up going back to the most generic base, and that's the 'origins' (or popularization points, anyway). None of the 'origins' I can think of agree with your stance, so I don't really know how to respond to you.

Also, lowercase letters, not caps. Caps are important in @ references. You pinged some other user instead of me.
Fed-Kun's army
Feb 5, 2018
@Cyro_Zero "You keep saying "Elves are known...", "are capable of", and "are usually", but what you keep saying isn't true in the works of Tolkien (origin of almost all modern fantasy elves), Dungeons and Dragons (source of almost all modern fantasy elves, especially in Japanese media), nor even the Elder Scrolls (the other source of elves for Japanese media post, say, 2005). "
Oh really? Not true? how about the fact that most of the strongest magical artifacts in Tolkiens universe were created by the elves. Including the Silmarils, which would not be possible by a conservative race that focus more on protecting traditions over advancing techniques. How about D&D' moon elves who were friendly and more accepting of newer concepts?
"except Gygax was very clear that Elvin societies were ruled by obtuse, archaic, traditionalists that painfully clung to their past glories"
If we go by Forgotten Realms this comment only applies to the Sun elves, who are pretty much that world's version of the classical High Elves(Moon Elves are also considered to be high elves, but they are described as different in mindset). Remember that D&D has nearly 10 different elven subraces. And so did Tolkien's Middle earth, and the elves there were separated in two main factions. And they all specialized in different things.
You simply cannot apply the common stereotype to all subraces.
Lastly, even the most conservative elves do not hamper the development of technologies like a conservative human would do. For the simple reason that elves in general don't grow old(there are some exceptions here and there, including D&D, which presents both elves that do grow old after several centuries and the ones that never do), which means that their mind should always be capable of accepting new information.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 8, 2019
@BloodySorcerer I can only talk about The Lord of the Rings, but the elves there are pretty conservative. Sure they could make Silmilarils which makes even dwarf envy, but they did that with the help of magic. There is a reason why most elves is strong in early the early ages and starting died as the time goes. Usually it's because as the magic got weaker, so do they, and as they were really strong in the old ways, they never really feels the need to adapt the changes. The Forest elves, even though known as the most aggressive elves, also received some help(aka trade) from the dwarves in term of tools and construction, maybe also in equipment. Also, most of them left the world as the world reaching the fourth age, since they can't keep up in the magicless world, while slowly leaving the world completely.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 8, 2019
The elves here is more of the elves from The Witcher. They are only live in small villages while being persecuted by other race, in this case the orc.
Fed-Kun's army
Feb 5, 2018
I don't think you guys understand my point so I'll explain more clearly, the point is not that Elves are not conservative, the point is that being conservative would not them follow the Human version of conservativeness, to be closed to new theories to a point where it would hinder the advancement of their magical practices, which is something that does affect humans.
The creation of Simlarils, already shows that they are open to the advancement of their techniques.
The point I was trying to make is that they cannot be judged under human concepts.
Because while they stay young, their brain doesn't get slower or ultraspecializes like a human brain would, as they don't grow old.
Humans become less accepting of new concepts because our bodies grow old, and start losing genetic information by the droves, which in turn overwork our brains which starts discarding unused information and focusing on the most well used skills, which is why people usually prefer to specialize in something. Elves don't grow old, so they don't lose genetic information, at least not in several centuries(because they do grow old after several centuries in SOME stories).

So them being conservative and resisting new findings like what happened with Einstein and his theory of gravity which was rejected multiple times by the older scientists. It simply wouldn't happen to elves, they would recognize the validity of the new theory or practice, they would try it to see if it worked and they would accept it. And since they live much longer they would be way less prone to being excessively conservative because they would suffer the brunt of their mistakes themselves. While humans die within a century, that why when something goes wrong only their grandchildren will feel the results, and that's why we have scientists who resist changes. One last thing, if even with all this information the elves still show themselves to be conservative, is because the specific practices they are defending, are still functional and meaningful.

You can easily see that in D&D, where high elves are very arrogant and conservative but they do learn from their mistakes and ban practices that were proven to bring catastrophic results immediately, It's why Moon elves became way more open to other races in Forgotten Realms, their pride brought the fall of their old, prosperous kingdoms. Even the very conservative Sun Elves knows to accept new suggestions when it's proven to show better results. Unlike our society which stubbornly uses several old rules and measuring units that are no longer relevant to current technology(like Fahrenheit and Foot for example)
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 24, 2019
Should have kited them in further. Mow down a whole row with lightning or something. Of course that carries risks too.

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