Majutsu wo Kiwamete Tabi ni Deta Tensei Elf, Moteamashita Jumyou de Ikeru Densetsu to naru

Apr 3, 2024
If MrTanjiroKun the uploader can read this, your website laidbackscans has horrible ads pushing 'virus' redirects. I'd love to read more but this work will go unread except here for me until that is resolved.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 3, 2019
This is basically Tensei Shite High Elf ni Narimashitaga without the feels; more proactive-like.

It's not bad, though; this is actually what I thought I was getting with the original!
Dex-chan lover
Feb 3, 2024
Why elf though??? Could literally be any other race with a long life span and the effect would be the same. Well, the concept of wanting to leave a legacy is a basic desire and is somewhat refreshing (except the elf part).
I'm praying that it doesn't turn out to be like a cheap copy of frieren, and chapter 2 makes me believe it'll be a boring isekai for some reason.
(While I haven’t read the story yet) Why not an elf? As you said it could be any race with a long lifespan, so why not an elf? Elves are the typical fantasy race similar to humans with long lifespans. Unless you are sick of stories with elves in them or have some hatred for them, I don’t see the problem.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 3, 2024
In typical fashion, there's a lot of dumb shit in this series. Letting bad guys live is one. I don't know why Japan has a boner for this, but bad guys going free or not being killed is not a good thing. You aren't being a "moral person" but letting literal kidnappers go around scot free. Second, how he managed to gain zero information about the outside world is another dumb thing since they openly trade and he's met a human from the outside world. He could have easily gained information and met with a human periodically to study things. Third is the whole "100 years" requirement - there's no real reason for that except tradition, and he's already way beyond the norm - him accepting it so openly makes no sense. Also him losing his concept of time so readily in a lot of ways doesn't make much sense, as he has 30 years of formative years as a human. Sure, he'll lose a bit of it, but the way he acts is like he never was human. Generally this is circumvented by having characters "remember their past life" instead of reincarnating, because the logic works out better. Yes the past life is rarely important in isekai series, but they've even forgone every tiny bit of his human experiences except and only kept the tiny pebble that was his want to "make a mark on the world"

Generic is as generic does, but this is above average on the scale, so we'll see if it remains interesting.
Jul 31, 2024
I like the melancholic feeling of an Elf living in the human society. You most certainly got a millennia ahead of you, while all your friend and colleagues got only a few decades. Probably a century if they're lucky and healthy.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 1, 2023
Ah yes, to die in your sleep at the venerable age of fifty eight......
Jul 15, 2023
Ok. Frieren has the excuse that she's 100% elf, this jerk though is a "human wearing an elf skin". Since his friends already pointed it out and she tried to claim they're engaged he doesn't have the boring "too thick headed to see someone has a crush on him" excuse. If the author pulls a "by the time he caves in she's too old" I'm gonna be miffed. It's like watching "Hook" where Peter Pan winds up with Wendy's Granddaughter and you feel bad for Wendy because she's watching the boy she fell in love with shack up with a woman other than her but she can't hate her becuase she's kin.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 27, 2023
A narrative twist on the isekai formula but the problem is the focus on the whole "lifespan" thing. A person who is isekai'd would still have a human's perspective on time. This whole "elves see time differently" think wouldn't apply to the MC. Unless there was something genetic that caused elves to apprehend time more slowly, it would take at least a couple of centuries of experience for their perspective to shift.
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Dex-chan lover
Mar 1, 2023
A narrative twist on the isekai formula but the problem is the focus on the whole "lifespan" thing. A person who is isekai'd would still have a human's perspective on time. This whole "elves see time differently" think wouldn't apply to the MC. Unless there was something genetic that caused elves to apprehend time more slowly, it would take at least a couple of centuries of experience for their perspective to shift.

the MC explains it pretty much in the first chapter, due to how long their lives are they have a skewed concept of time - while his experience of thirty years as a human does influence him, causing him to essentially rush things by elf standards, accomplishing a century long task in a decade and spending eighty years eager to leave the village most of his kind are content to stay in their full thousand year lifespan.

Even as real humans our sense of time tends to get wacky, as children a hour can be GRUELLING and waiting for christmas once december rolls around? yeesh.
As an adult, two or three hours can zip buy while doing chores and a decade can have far less meaning than it once did.
Now imagine you have been doing it all for over a hundred years but you have the body of barely an adult, with several centuries ahead of you.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 27, 2023
the MC explains it pretty much in the first chapter, due to how long their lives are they have a skewed concept of time - while his experience of thirty years as a human does influence him, causing him to essentially rush things by elf standards, accomplishing a century long task in a decade and spending eighty years eager to leave the village most of his kind are content to stay in their full thousand year lifespan.

Even as real humans our sense of time tends to get wacky, as children a hour can be GRUELLING and waiting for christmas once december rolls around? yeesh.
As an adult, two or three hours can zip buy while doing chores and a decade can have far less meaning than it once did.
Now imagine you have been doing it all for over a hundred years but you have the body of barely an adult, with several centuries ahead of you.
If an adult and child's perception of time is different but have similar life expectancies because both are human, we can conclude that their perceptions of time are relative to the length each has been alive. This is directly analogous to the elves and humans in the story: The elf MC has a longer life span but has not actually lived much longer than a human and thus would not have gained the perspective of human life being over in an "instant".

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