Manga description rule, guild to avoid spoiler ? (on the future tittle at least, if change everything now is too late )

Dex-chan lover
Mar 20, 2018
This is about the description for manga.

I think quite some translator when upload don't know how to write a description. They straight up telling the whole plot of the first chapter.
In which, many spoil the twist at the end of chapter. A description/summary job is to let the reader have a general idea what the manga is about, or what kind of story they will get. not specific retold everything happen in chapter 1.
For manga that need the twist to understand the premier, well that may unavailable. Or try to be not too specific, idk.
But what i mean is a lot of case the twist doesn't need to be reveal to get what kind of story the manga is about
Not just with thing like twist. Sometime, a spoiler is that the description already tell what happen in chapter 1, Which take away the "experiment" before you even read it. and since the des is just try to tell what they read, they often very long. Some may end up not reading it, which make the description job failed.
A example:
The reveal
that he is someone she always chat with for years
doesn't need to be spoil.
Maybe like: "Girl get cheat, feel down, met good guy, chase that guys"

So what i suggest is, maybe
a guild, note that pop up, when a uploader create a manga page, So they at least consider the idea of what they write in the description may contain spoiler ?
Fed-Kun's army
Mar 12, 2018
Except in 90% of the titles... those are the descriptions that Mangaupdates or even the publishers own site uses so.... Likely Rejected. Just ignore descriptions and tags. its not hard.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 20, 2018
@blackyawgdom i mean, These place is not necessary have author oversee. But if it in our power to change, why not improve it ?
Dec 5, 2019
write your own description then use report button and ask to replace current description.
Custom title
Jan 19, 2018
@Tcof You're complaining that the description "spoils" the premise of the manga? Is that not what the description is for?

It would be really weird if the description was intentionally incorrect just to maintain a little twist at the end of chapter 1, if it means misleading the reader about the manga as a whole. Like, imagine if the first chapter was basically a depressing slice-of-life but at the end of chapter 1 it turns out the protagonist gets hit by a truck and is isekai'd. Should we pretend the manga is a slice-of-life drama?
Dex-chan lover
Mar 20, 2018
I certainly mean the case where you don't need to spoil the twist to give out the premise. I mean "Vague", not misleading.
All of what you mention is entirely different , That is misleading. the time when the work itself want to trick you to expect something different than what it is really offer. And for case like that, you can look at tag.

Ok, maybe a example, this is the most recent manga i seen with that spoiler description
In this manga, you could tell what it is about with the tittle. The reveal
that he is someone she always chat with for years
doesn't need to be spoil. So as i said, a vague description. Maybe like: Girl get cheat, feel down, met good guy, chase that guys.
Custom title
Jan 19, 2018
@Tcof The problem with the example you gave is that it's just a single chapter so far, so of course arguments about "the manga as a whole" aren't as effective (yet).

I don't know. I'll excuse myself from this discussion because I notoriously don't really care about spoilers in the first place and as a dev it's not my job to make decisions about content like this.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 20, 2018
@Teasday what it even need more to tell the description just make spoiler there though
Dex-chan lover
Mar 17, 2019
IMO "spoilers" for the first chapter usually can't even be considered real spoilers, as the first chapter's purpose is often just to introduce the premise. I.e. this isn't a problem.
Dex-chan lover
May 23, 2019
Based on OP's criteria, the mangos that have a prologue chapter 0, spoil the whole content of the mango. 😏
Dex-chan lover
Mar 20, 2018
@Ivegotnolife Don't try to be smartass and bring sarcasm here as if we are enemy, dude. I give a suggestion to improve the community experiment. Instead of looking for a way you want to mocking each other ?
And read the comment above. You should know that i talking about what kind of twist and description. Where the twist doesn't need to be reveal in the description, doesn't mean to.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 20, 2018
@bigtiddyoneesan I talking about the twist that doesn't have to be reveal, like in the example i post above. It doesn't need to show up in the description. It doesn't mean to. Without knowing these twist, you still know the what the story will be about.

I certainly mean the case where you don't need to spoil the twist to give out the premise. I mean "Vague", not misleading.
All of what you mention is entirely different , That is misleading. the time when the work itself want to trick you to expect something different than what it is really offer. And for case like that, you can look at tag.

Ok, maybe a example, this is the most recent manga i seen with that spoiler description
In this manga, you could tell what it is about with the tittle. The reveal
that he is someone she always chat with for years
doesn't need to be spoil. So as i said, a vague description. Maybe like: Girl get cheat, feel down, met good guy, chase that guys.
Dex-chan lover
May 23, 2019
@tcof I meant no offence. I've always been one of the types that spoilers just roll off like water on a duck's back because one person's take on the plotline does not always equate to what I find when I read it for myself. Also in some cases it just ups the interest to see how the manga actually executed the spoiler's account of what's to come. So a overzealous summary as a manga description doesn't really affect me in the least. 😌
Dex-chan lover
Mar 17, 2019
"Twists" in the first few chapters of manga are far different from twists that occur at any later points. They're there to introduce the actual premise of the manga, and what the story will entail from that point forward.

A fine example is Yakusoku no Neverland. The "twist" that the orphans are actually livestock for demons is literally in the first chapter, and the entirety of the following story is dependent on that reveal. So it's hardly a plot twist in the commonly used 'spoilerable' sense; it would be more accurate to call it a "hook" (since it's supposed to 'hook' you into the story).

I'm pretty harsh on spoilers myself (as in, I try not to reveal them unnecessarily), but even I can recognize the difference here.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 20, 2018
@bigtiddyoneesan For that example, You need to know the twist to know the manga premiere right ? Which is very different from the example i comment above. What i mean is these time when you don't need to show all of the chapter 1 content to tell what the manga is about. Like the example i mention here:
Not just with thing like twist. Sometime, a spoiler is that the description already tell what happen in chapter 1, Which take away the "experiment" before you even read it. and since the des is just try to tell what they read, they often very long. Some may end up not reading it, which make the description job failed.

So what i suggest is maybe a guild note that pop up when a uploader create a manga page, So they at least consider the idea of what they write in the description may contain spoiler ?
Maybe like: Girl get cheat, feel down, met good guy, chase that guys. for that manga above
Aug 7, 2019
@Tcof at some point you need to know something about the story to give a reader an idea if they are interested.
The description you provided, below, could be added on any number of stories. It is too generic, too vague, people want to have an idea of what their going to read unless you are a romance fanatic. For me I wouldn't have even read the first chapter using your description but the the added bit that you call a spoiler made me interested. For me it is a hook as @bigtiddyoneesan mentioned. It's a hook that doesn't tell me the path they take to reach the end of the story, it doesn't tell me if they end up together, or even how she uses the chat group. What it does do is pique my interest and make me want to read this to see how the chat is used through out the story.

Girl get cheat, feel down, met good guy, chase that guys

Honestly what you've said in your description is more of a spoiler. I now know the romance is about somebody being cheated on, not every romance has this so you've taken away a surprise that also occurred in the first chapter. The "good guy" comment implies that he won't purposely try to hurt her, yet another spoiler. That she "chases that guy" means it likely isn't a story where they start out mutually attracted to each other, another first chapter spoiler.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 20, 2018
@schlo First of all. My description is just a quick example, of course the real version need more work. Lol, it literally contain just a few words. I just give it a try to make a description showcase it is possible ( quite easy at that) to not reveal what suppose to be a surprise yet still give reader a summary.
And mine have no spoiler. Since the cheat thing is show at very beginning. And the fact she want be with the guy is pretty much what the tittle mean.
"The "good guy" comment implies that he won't purposely try to hurt her, yet another spoiler..." wait, you... probably don't read the manga yet right. Because bruh, that not suppose to be a twist, and yes, i reveal these because i purposely want to put these detail in the description.
Aug 7, 2019
@Tcof you mention it "literally contained just a few words" and I went through those few words and I indicated how they could be spoilers. The cheating if you hadn't mentioned it in your description I wouldn't have known there was cheating involved, not every romance has cheating in it. From the longer description on the manga I would have had no idea that she had been cheated on.

About wanting to be with the guy, you are either misunderstanding me or misquoting me. You are ignoring the part of my chase comment where I say, "it likely isn't a story where they start out mutually attracted to each other". Yes I assumed in a romance that at least one person is going to be interested in the other and wants the love to "bloom". Chase implies no mutual attraction at least initially. Yes she likes him but he doesn't seem to care about her one way or the other.

The "good guy" comment tells me that he is not a jerk and that this story is not going down the romance path of someone chasing someone that is wrong for them or a bad person, basically the bad boy stereotype.

And yes I did read the first chapter and only chapter in English. As a matter of fact I read it because of the mention about the chat, that made me interested without it I wouldn't have bothered reading it. I read some romance but not many. A generic description isn't going to cut it for a lot of people. A description should have enough to make people interested, to say read this one rather then the other "Girl get cheat, feel down, met good guy, chase that guys" story, a description needs enough to tease them.

Let me ask some questions about your "spoiler":
From the spoiler could you tell me how is she going to use it?
In the first chapter it only works to change her mind about the guy. Does it play any farther into the story or is now going to be about the chase?
Is it going to be low level, basically, noticing that he likes something in the chat, so subtly uses that to slowly get his interest by using that knowledge to include it in future encounters?
Does she use it stupidly, "Oh I know he is going here" so I will show up there to and end up causing him to think even more so about the possibility of her being a crazy stalker? It's probably at least a little in his mind now after the first chapter.
When he finds out does he accept it and come to like her even more, kind of like it changed her mind? As a result giving a fluffy ending.
When he finds out does he get mad, feeling that he has been stalked and manipulated and the real twist is that she destroyed the very relationship that she wanted leaving her brokenhearted. As a result ending with the type of romance story that many don't like, the failed romance.
To me the spoiler you mention is not a spoiler but a teaser. It got my interest, having that info I still don't know how it will play out, where it would appear or how many chapters will it be used in. Is it an integral part of the story. Does it get dropped in a few chapters or continue until close to the end? Yeah I can make guesses but you can do that with many manga given the heavy dependency on standard tropes.

Edit for grammar
Dex-chan lover
May 23, 2019
There's also the chance
the guy she now assumes is her chat buddy is just a stranger, and it's all a odd coincidence.
Yeah I read the first chapter.
Spoilers and hooks don't always cover all the potential scenarios that can come into play, and the description needs to be enough to catch the interest of the mango browsing public or the manga could just fall into the over used trope of 'Girl jilted/ rebounded by goodguy' scenario submissions on the list.

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