What an idiot. Always kill your enemy. I'm sure someone has a way to read minds from dead people, so always kill. But nooo, gotta be a fucking retard and let him escape... Dumbass.
I totally forgot wtf is this about even though I just read it recently.
Just to remember that its a waifu collecting sword manga when the chick appears.
well for the first time, i think not killing the muscle poison user was legit a good idea he did need to get some intel but he should have taken the blade and maybe the other arms.
i liked the litle "revenge" she took on the bad guys "i already become his woman" last chapter and now kissing mc in the face of bad guys was "funny"
Glad you guys enjoyed it. I translated this one a while ago. Had some personal problems occur, but get hype because I've got a couple chapters in the pipe coming down for you all soon!