How are "Suya Rhys" and "Suyaris" differentiated? Is it simply a lack of separating interpunct (the Japanese language's typical way of separating individual parts of a non-Japanese full name)?Her names are Suya Rhys, but she has a nickname of Suyaris.
... Yeah, fuck the Viz translation. I've always had a very low opinion of official manga translations' quality, but this is just stupid.Viz allegedly drops the u which I'm not sure how I feel about. After all, the "suya" is a sound effect for pleasant sleep,
<faceplam> How did I not realize this when I read that name?!similar to how her mother's name is Nemu (sleep).
Yeah.How are "Suya Rhys" and "Suyaris" differentiated? Is it simply a lack of separating interpunct (the Japanese language's typical way of separating individual parts of a non-Japanese full name)?