You do realize all the manga here in this site are pirated right? They are the property of the author as well as the publishing magazine and thus under the protection Japanese copyright law. If they took notice of the pirated version and decide to enforce it they can put the entire series here down or even closing down the site, it's no joking matter. In komi's case, since it is licensed everywhere the scanlator puts a preventive approach to remove the chapters that was included in the official volumes to avoid the strike in the first place, the readers can either go to another aggregate site or buy the official volumes if available, it's nothing complicated really.
And for the second one, lol. Those scanlators are not being paid for their works here since we are literally a pirating site, it's up to them to decide on how to handle the issue at hand. Kinda funny that you expect something more as if you are entitled to it in the first place, maybe you should try scanlating yourselves anytime soon?