Maou-sama ni Shoukan sareta kedo Kotoba ga Tsuujinai - Vol. 2 Ch. 14 - I Don't Get It

Dex-chan lover
Feb 19, 2019
That's true! Not everyone can learn the same way, but nearly all children do. So it is at the very least possible. With enough effort, I'm certain 99% of people could learn any language. Of course, for some of those the effort involved would be inhuman. Which is just not feasible, but still statistically possible. It's not like I'm expecting MC to become fluent in the language. In fact, I very much want him to not understand.

My problem is that MC is so damn apathetic, it detracts from the cute and cuddly parts. He clearly enjoys being with Mary, we know that from his reaction when he 'returned', yet he's not trying to understand her. He's pretty much less than a pet, a non-character. He's not even fair to Mary, the way he just lazily accepts anything for no apparent reason. If he at least tried, yet still couldn't understand, I would be extremely happy. The way he is now, he's more like a soulless golem than the actual golems in the story.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 20, 2020
LMAO the MC/FMC don't even speak the same mutually intelligible language, yet their interpersonal communication is leagues better than whatever's happening in the comments section here.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 19, 2019
Fuck off. Obviously I still care, else I wouldn't be here. I'm glad you took a page out of your own book, and decided to not read what you disagree with. Obviously, that's a great idea, no fucking way that could go wrong if everyone did that.

In case you need assistance, that last part was sarcasm. That's a terrible idea, but in your case I don't consider it a huge loss. Maybe consider even blocking people you disagree with here? That way you won't see those pesky people elsewhere either.
Dec 23, 2019
I get it when people think he's apathetic when the MC isn't putting in effort to learn the language. But I agree with Xystus that every single chapter seems to have the prevailing comments in the comment section. I don't mind discussions that go a bit deeper. It's like with Kanojo, Okarishimasu: it's the same stuff every single time. Why they keep coming back when they hate the manga so much, I don't know. Some comments don't even make sense. It's clearly not the manga those people think it is, nor do I think they understand what it's about. I don't know, maybe people want to vent their frustrations in these pandemic times...

I do agree with you that it would be nice if he would put in some effort. Though to me, that doesn't make him a "lame ass, good-for-nothing" character. I guess it takes a lot for me to say that I hate a manga.

It would be nice if people can just enjoy the manga as it is, because we're all here because we like manga. And if one's very dissatisfied with it, they can just quietly drop it. No hard feelings.
Dex-chan lover
May 23, 2018

> reading a fluff gag manga
> cute loli demon lord and isekai MC
> theme is about them unable to communicate
> rant every week about them unable to communicate

Man, real 200IQ shit there. I'm done, bye.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 19, 2019
Well, I was raised to value opinions. Even negative ones. So I will state what I think. It's really not even an issue from my side, since the ones that seem most upset are the other side. I keep hearing "drop it" or "don't read what you don't like". Or even "shut up!" Yet not even one of those saying that practice what they preach. Don't like seeing the comments? Don't read them. Block people even, that way you can still read the comments you agree with. But fuck off if you try to shut me up, while not doing the same.

But I digress. I agree, let's all enjoy manga!
Aug 6, 2020
Welcome to Mangadex Comments Section where you never know what the zog will be waiting for you.

Thanks for the translation!
Dex-chan lover
Jun 5, 2020
Jesus what a lazy asshole, learn the god damn language.

Has he even tried to learn it ? Maybe it was shown to be super duper hyper complicated and I just missed/forgot ? Was any reason given ??
Dec 23, 2019
Hm, well I think it has to do with it being difficult to grasp how people can continue saying the same (negative) comments over and over again. It sounds tiring and looks unclear what someone gains from it, but they're free to do it. It's very difficult to force people to stop, and probably not the right way to do it. Maybe there's a better way for people to give suggestions. It would be nice if things were more positive and less confrontational, it's something we all need.

Anyway... yes, let's enjoy manga!
Dex-chan lover
Feb 19, 2019
Unfortunately, there's a reason why a lot of news we see is negative. It's human nature to wallow in negativity.

In my case, my reasons for posting is that I love this manga. It's great, so naturally I want it to be better. The one tiny part I dislike, is MC's lack of effort. Such a small thing, it could be solved by just tiny panels with him pointing and asking. Yet it's such a fundamental part, a fundamental part of a character in a genre where characters are fundamental, that it affects the whole thing. It's the equivalent of really loving cake, but being allergic to wheat. There are other options, but none are quite the same.
Apr 4, 2019
@cor3zone where does MC make attempts to learn the language? I honestly can't even think of one. Not even an attempt to enunciate a word in their language.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 19, 2019
He was the one instigating learning names in chapter 1. In chapter 2 he points at the golem and looks at Mary questioningly. In chapter 4 he learns the witch's name.

That's pretty much all I could find. Like I said, basic.
Double-page supporter
Jul 5, 2020
Lol new chapter, new comments about him not learning the language like that comment hasn’t been argued over on every other chapter.

My only gripe is how short the chapters are, wish I found this in a year or so!

Thanks for the translation
Apr 4, 2019
@cor3zone True, in chapter 1 he did instigate that. It skipped the panel where he tries to pronounce her name and just moved into the next day where he just knows it. As far as chapter 2, it just looks like he talks to it and points like "does he talk?" and Mary just shakes her head. In the 4th chapter, it looks like Neah's introducing herself in their language, fails multiple times stumped saying its inaudible and wasn't the case for Mary's name, Mary explains something to Neah and Neah's name becomes audible for Ren. When I saw your comment, I did think of two of your examples, but the situation with Neah is what I don't get. He knows this is a greeting, so.... "My name is Neah". But, he describes it as inaudible? Idk, it's still not clarified at this point but rather than those being instances where he tried to learn the language, I think they were instances where he couldn't learn the language.

It'll be interesting to see how this plays out though. Because obviously the moment Ren learns a single word in their language due to practice or just effort, it just bunks my theory that magic is the very reason he can't understand at all.
Feb 4, 2018

Kinda harsh, but i agree with you.
I would like to see more comments about the chapter instead of "but the language !!!"

General comments are here for general themes, it's better to keep chapter comments for...discussing the chapter ?

Just enjoy the fluff, keep the questions for later.
As long as it's not endless fillers like amano megumi or others rom-coms with nothing happening, it should be ok.
Here we already have Mary falling in love a,d it's only chapter 14, maybe it will be a trigger which will make her try to understand Ren language (or the other way, finding a way for him to talk with her).
Dex-chan lover
Feb 19, 2019
Well, considering Neah's other actions I don't think she was introducing herself. She made Mary cry and tried to drag Ren away just later, after all. Seems she considers Ren a pest at that point. Mary introduced him, but didn't say anything else at first. Neah said something, and Ren just stood there looking like a dumbass.

The fact that he "couldn't learn the language" means that he tried to learn the language. You need to try to fail.
Dec 23, 2019
I totally get it from that perspective, and I can agree with that. I expect any progress for this manga to be very slow. I think it's a monthly manga? In any case, it'll be nice to see how things will unfold. There are many possibilities, so for the time being we'll have to be patient. At least the MC and the queen seem to be getting closer, I hope that will be the motivation for him to want to learn how to understand her better.

Let's hope it won't turn into a 100+ chapters manga before anything happens.

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