Maou-sama ni Shoukan sareta kedo Kotoba ga Tsuujinai - Vol. 3 Ch. 18 - Could She Do It?

Dex-chan lover
Sep 27, 2019
Yo after some classes you can't understand a languaje like a native, chill. I'm not good at speaking it, but now I can read and listen english perfectly and a little bit of japanese in one year after becoming interested in both languages. But I have met people who have spent more than 3 years in a language school and still don't understand it very well, or even americans living in Mexico and they still speaking it like robots.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 14, 2018
There's definitely something wrong with his brain, that's for sure.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 27, 2018
Wow, these comments are something else...

Nobody is expecting him to suddenly be fluent. Mastering a foreign language is a long process. But if you can't even pick up a word or two after immersing in another culture for an extended period of time then you are mentally disabled (or maybe in this case there's some magical force preventing him, blah blah blah). Particularly when he doesn't seem to have much else to do and the language barrier is the single most pressing issue in his life his life right now.

For most people who spend a lot of time in a foreign country without learning the language it's because they are in sub-communities (families, social circles, coworkers, etc.) that don't really use it. They haven't really integrated. But that isn't even a possibility for this guy when nobody (well except the new troll girl) actually speaks his language.
Sep 6, 2018
Ren is stupid. Vetika is stupid. And I'll be damned if the author doesn't shut off his brain just as much while writing this story.
You call it some magical force making Ren so dumb, but I'll just assume that some parts of his brain were left behind when he was summoned.
Dec 14, 2020
Th only intelligent I've seen so far in the manga, the random cat(or fox) eared girl realizing she can just teach the loli demon lord Japanese, because our MC stupid af, seriously you can learn the first few phrases or words of a new language eazily, so he should atleast be able to say simple stuff, like hello or Help or something
Dex-chan lover
Mar 13, 2020
It could be the MC is stupid or the language is just hard, cause some languages sound more gibberish than actual gibberish to me...
Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2018
I was giving this guy a pass under the assumption that there was some weird magic mumbo jumbo preventing him from learning the language, but yeah, since it seems like there isn't, he's just stupid.
Double-page supporter
Aug 20, 2020
I mean, the girl learned japanese from her grandma several years ago and then never really got the opportunity to use/practice it. Of course her understanding sucks.
Dec 18, 2019
I guess I shouldn't be surprised that the premise of this series is being dropped before chapter 20
Mar 9, 2019
The mangaka honestly would have been better off if he committed to the premise from the beginning with some arbitrary condition like "magic prevents them from communicating". This development sucks ass and just makes him look like a hack in light of how the story has been written up to this point.
HOWEVER, if (as other commenters have suggested) Ren's, uh... "inability" really does turn out to be some kind of hush-hush summoning side-effect or something we're not fully privy to thanks to POV tricks, then I'll be the first one to praise the high-tier bamboozle at hand.
Mar 23, 2020
I still give him a pass.

My uncle worked in Kuwait, Korea, France, Germany and various parts of his home country, India. He knows so many languages and dialects and easily picks up any language at this point. Recently he started to learn Chinese because his son like Chinese films, the subtitled ones; his father is curious if any of those films actually have accurate subtitles. Oh and for some reason he has trouble with Spanish. He speaks and understand various languages and dialects but for some reason Spanish eludes him. I dunno.
His son on the other hand can barely speak English even though English is taught in the schools of India.

Some people can pick up languages easily, some just need to work to understand and some are just dumb to any language other their own.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2018
I'll take your word for it. I suppose the bigger problem is that, ultimately, it feels like this guy does absolutely nothing about his situation. It's been a while since I read the whole thing, but I can't recall him ever really trying hard to actually learn the language. He's trying to teach the girl, sure, but are there any scenes of him sitting down and trying to figure out what they're saying? In that regard, I suppose he feels more lazy than stupid, just idling about until he miraculously finds someone who somewhat speaks his language.
Aug 12, 2018
I will never understand this comment section. You all decided to read something with a title telling you he doesn't know it nor understand it but then get angry because he doesn't. People are going to hit me with that doesn't try bs but again look at the title what were you expecting? If this bothers you all so much why are you even here? Makes no sense to me to complain about the premise every time a chapter is released

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