Maou-sama no Machizukuri! ~Saikyou no Dungeon wa Kindai Toshi~ - Vol. 3 Ch. 15

Dex-chan lover
Jan 7, 2019
okay, I have trouble keeping track of harem members on a good day, so I feel a little better knowing that technically a lot of these girls don't have actual names for me to remember (or forget as the case may be).

that said, this actually was tense and good golly some of the most dangerous threats in these tales come from noncombatants.
Double-page supporter
Jan 18, 2018
This is what you get for being a moron. MCs like this make Japanese people look like utter idiots with absolutely zero common sense. Could've easily just killed the whole lot, and nobody would be the wiser, as it's not like there's internet and livestreams... Just get rid of the evidence, not that hard in a society like that. But nooo.... our little modern-day Japanese MC can't do even the tiniest thing right because that'd be logical, and we can't have that...
Dex-chan lover
Jan 27, 2018
They're not randos from off the street. If they go to a city that's already under suspicion and don't come back, their colleagues won't have any problem guessing what happened. Or why.

What I don't get is why it's a problem that they bought stuff and resold it elsewhere. Who cares if they want to buy at retail price in the city and resell it. It's their business.
Sep 12, 2018
This whole thing kinda made no sense. There was no reason for the mc to feel pressured. They had nothing to threaten him with and any rumor that would be spread would be pointless, When people would go to the city to see if the rumors were true and only to find a city where they can get deals better than anywhere else. If anything it would be free advertisement. If anything the merchants reputation would be ruined once people found out they were the ones that spread the rumor and tried to get a new upcoming city slaughtered just because they couldnt get a deal with them. The guy was more of a thug than anything. Why would you want to do business with someone who threatened the lives of your people? And after all that, in the end they were right back where they started. If the black haired guy had said nothing the end result would have been exactly the same. The MC even said he had planned for this so wtf.
Active member
Apr 21, 2018
I really like the web novel but this adaptation is hurting my soul. Why the hell Lolicell has to look 10 years younger and be 10 times more wimpy.
Also kudos for screwing up an event that was extremely uneventful in the novels. The negotiation could be summed up in one page or two and then we could invest more time in the build up to Rorono's naming, but nope, had to add artificial tension that makes no damn sense just because.
Damn this sucked, also if anyone one is curious about how the negotiation went it's chapter 16 of the web novel.

@AlmondMagnum The point of the city is to attract and gather people, if a group of merchants is buying their products to sell elsewhere they earn nothing and still reduce the appeal of their bait.
Group Leader
Jan 25, 2018
@AlmondMagnum Because then his city just becomes a manufacturing joint. If demand for the goods ever falls off in future, the city is sunk. He's using the current status as the exclusive supplier of in-demand goods to draw people there and have the city diversify it's economic base.
Mar 17, 2019
I agree with others they shouldn't have changed it from how it went in the novel this make the MC seem like a stupid coward were he was smart and planed ahead in the novel just to add useless drama
Group Leader
Oct 2, 2018
OOOF! This was probably the worst chapter out of the whole batch plot-wise, had to backtrack to make sure I didn't mix up series.
Double-page supporter
Jan 24, 2018
I will threaten this person, who I'm pretty sure are demon lord, in his home base, while possibly surrounded by his demon underling, to sell his stuff to me , what could possibly go wrong ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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