Mapping - The Trash-Tier Skill That Got Me Into a Top-Tier Party - Ch. 14.2

Dex-chan lover
Jan 23, 2018
@Koyomiya because this is fiction you know, F-I-C-T-I-O-N!
I dont get upset by such a obvious ploy because it was obvious this would lead to two possible ends, either she caused her friend injury/death or she caused her friend to leave ... in fact this is rather lightweight compared with I was convinced she became overconfident and lead to glass girl to be injured/dead ... this is basic highschool clique drama, and I admit it works well enough without turning the series too much into edginess and that is all that matters.

I dont get this, if its "nothing happens, the manga" were everything is sunshine and roses then people in the comments bitch about it and when the author puts some basic melodrama its like the characters literally worst that <insert name here because at this point we have more that a few candidates> as apparently can never ever do anything wrong because it upsets the reader.

Maybe people should stick to reading The Famous Five ... oh wait, pretty sure the lack of pictures and the fact they was written in the 40-60 they are very problematic for todays young adults ...
(Those last two paragraphs arent intended to be directed towards you @Koyomiya)
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
This is some "tragic" backstory for the sake of content. I guess the author can't think of anything else.

After they escape this fight, I predict the glasses girl will show up and forgive her for whatever reason.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 8, 2019
the lady cant help it, its tsundere nature anyways,its good fr her on the path of tsunderes,saying narsh words and treating the one next to you as a filth and then regretting it,good thing it didnt happen with the mc
Dec 28, 2018
Ah, the asshole. Glad she feels bad; hopefully she never gets closure. People who betray those close to them are some of the worst.
Double-page supporter
Jan 26, 2018
I hope we get back to boss fight, they are both death, the end, 15 chapters is enough for this dumb plot.

Never forget, people are bullied for receiving weak/useless skills but they can TRAIN and get other skills! What's the point of all this system?
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
So, she was bullied, got a friend, got the best magic skills, had people turn around from bullying to praising her, and finally dumped her friend. In the worst way possible.
The one friend who helped her get over bullying became the target of her scorn after that.
"I was pitying you, we were never friends", when she was the one who could hold up thanks to her friend.

That was a pretty bad move and she apparently learned better since then.
But I don't quite get where the trauma was supposed to be that drove her to give up on life in the present.

Was it the original bullying part? Losing megane-chan led her to reminisce about her weaker self?
Was it the horrifying realization that she became the same as those who hurt her before?
Or was it the loneliness she must have felt once she realized that her new "friends" were only seeing her as her skills and not as herself?

It's not quite clear but I don't quite see how that leads her to completely break down when she and the MC were doing quite well surviving here.
The author better link that all together or her high-school drama will feel completely out of place. And bizarrely insignificant compared to all the life or death situations she lived through since then.
Aug 7, 2019
thank you for the work TL.

Honestly, if this is the authors writing level, kind of makes me less interested in other stuff they've written and this story too. In the middle of trying to deal with a boss that is above them in terms of level they take the time to discuss Erin's problem in an almost chapter length flashback. Not at any other time during the arc when they had brief pauses, not after the battle but in the middle of the battle, in the middle of being hunted. Aside from not making sense from the story perspective, from a reading perspective it interrupts the flow of reading about the battle. It's kind of like watching a game and when the ball is in the air and you're waiting to see if it scores they break to a commercial, then come back to with the ball still in the air.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 18, 2019
This story is so bad... This came out of nowhere, and worse, it has nothing to do with the fact they are lost in the dungeon.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 22, 2020
@Wyrm The way i see it is she is no where near as emotionally strong as she seems like and her trauma is her realizing she is poison.

When she was in school she was only able to hold it together because of her best friend (how absolutely loved magic), when she got her blessing suddenly life became a whole lot easier and the best friend became more of a reminder of the "bad days". it seemed that the best friend became a burden to Erin in her study of magic so in her immature mind she thought to toss of the things that where holding her back.

When the former best friend left Erin found out that she destroyed her former best friend to the point that she gave up on the thing she loved the most, Erin started to hate herself after this and seeing note work so hard reminded her of her old friend along with the fact that she might again be the reason for their downfall.

this also is a bit of a mirror of Note and Mira (think thats her name) cept Mira handled it quite a bit better than Erin.

Tldr: Erin is not as strong as she thinks she is and is feeling crippling guilt for hurting the ppl she cares about with her arrogance.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 1, 2019
Plottwist: mira, erin’s best friend, and other people from their party’s past are all actually in the same group lol

Where are we in the novel?
Fed-Kun's army
Feb 9, 2020
Lol this is the first time ever where I appreciate a split chapter.
14.1 - wow wasn't expecting her to be the bullied type. Now I feel sorry for ...
14.2 - ....fuck this two-timing bitch!! Give glasses girl all the love!!

Had this been a single character release my reaction would have just been "....ok..."
Aggregator gang
May 12, 2020
Note to Note: let the bitch die. She was a nasty little twat from when he first joined their group. Now we learn that she's been the same for a long time and has never changed her shit personality after destroying the one person that had her back throughout all the persecution she endured.

There you go. That is all.

Also, am i the only one that gets what the TL was doing at the end by sharing that random Sith story?
Answer: it had as much to do with these 2 chapters as the flashback in the middle of this boss fight did.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 13, 2018
Both her and the midget whose name I forgot piss me off so much. Lol
Aggregator gang
Jul 8, 2018
Lol this flashback makes you hate the person instead of sympathising with them xD

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