Realms in wuxia can vary from series to series. Usually, they entail some meaningful expression of one's EQ - for lack of better word, comprehension of principles and concepts of things ranging from styles, the enlightenment of things pertaining to life or the smallest of things such as minute details of techniques. The series hasn't explored its own definition of it in a lot of depth yet.
For example, one might say the highest realm of Tai Chi is being able to work purely off touch sensations and respond instantly (both of which require mental and physical development to a certain degree), countering 10/10 strikes. A notch below might be being able to sense the sensation but unable to choose the optimal direction to push/pull, thereby missing out on chances to counteract, having a successful counter rate of 8/10 strikes. This is a very watered down example; hopefully, it illustrates the idea, nonetheless.