Masamune-kun no Revenge

Jan 27, 2018
It makes the most sense for them to be together. Even after what she has done, she actually helped him out significantly instead of being a chubby kid and being fat forever if it wasn't for her he wouldn't have gotten slim, changed, gotten to understand people and finally give up on revenge and realize that he truly wasn't angry but it was something that occured many years ago and the past is the past and nothing he can do can change that.
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 18, 2018
I was in for the assertive seduction-oriented MC, and when that ended the story lost much of the thrill for me. I usually root for Yoshino-like characters, but she never grew on me; neither I'm really fond of Aki. It's a pity because this manga is slightly less banal than usual, but I never got into it. The problem is, I guess, that I haven't found a best girl, they were all quite "meh" for me.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 21, 2018
I'm here just to read the angry comments of all those people that, for some reason,think they are japanese and otakus, when their world of shit taste build over cliches start to crumble when default/first/cover girl lose in the hands of a better one.
Dex-chan lover
May 25, 2018
Knowing his identity, motives, and true self for the longest time, I’m glad Yoshino won. It’s almost as if the “best friend” type character was the victor. She might not be the most morally upright character compared to her rivals, but making mistakes and having the conviction to do anything in an attempt to fix something you broke is admirable. Making mistakes is what makes people human.

I was fine if she lost after she went and exposed herself as the true target of his revenge, but it’s a pleasant surprise now if she’s going to suddenly be triumphant with the final chapter coming out after this. Yeah, it feels like all the effort they put into Aki’s and Masamune’s romance has gone to waste, but both characters have still grown and matured out of it. Although it seems Aki did more so than Masamune did, as he seems to be finally coming to terms with ending his misled revenge.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
The Finale,huh?

Thank god it didnt go for the annoying as fck girl for the first time in ages

Still feel bad for Neko but hey Yoshino and Makabe clearly had the best vibes throughout the manga
Dex-chan lover
Apr 6, 2018
I am okay with them ending up together but the thing that bothers me the most is the Hives thingy... It just kinda pop outta nowhere
Dex-chan lover
May 27, 2018
I don't know what to think about this shit series cuz if i'm being honest by the end i was really liking the black haired tsundere i mean the fuck did she even truly do wrong in the first place ? get her heart broken by someone she thought would stay with her and had just become her emotional pillar and the only person she trusted ? and all cuz loli tits betrayed her cuz she was jealous she was having a good time?
Crazy loli tits mad her life miserable i mean i guess i can kind of understand why she was mad but she still didn't come clean and again just made her life suck ass for like what ? 7 years of tsundere girls life giving her some weird eating disorder ....
Neko well she was just tacked on there but i still feel a little bad for her.
And why the fuck is everyone in love with Masawhatever anyways ? just cuz he's hot ? i mean he didn't really do anything else aside from look at himself the whole series so why did everyone fall in love with him anyways ? Neko and Tsundere girl i understand and they even liked him fat, loli tits ? i thought she hated him how did she suddenly love him ? cuz they were both trying to accomplish some goal ? i'm not buying it really, and this is not me hating on Masawhats his face i'm just pointing out that like every other mc out there this one has the same appeal as a wet blanket.

Anyways at the end this story just told us that yes the only reason a girl will start liking you it's if you have a cute face and a nice body so i guess that turned out fine.

Welp I just feel bad for tsundere girl i mean yeah at least she kind of got over her past but her life still sucked ass for a long time, i mean yeah loli tits as well but she kind of brought that upon herself and Neko again she just feels tacked on in there for the sake of more drama glad this shit didn't go on for way 2 long and ended up as even more of a shit fest like Nisekoi and the hundreds of love rivals that sprung out of the fucking ground.

But fuck i guess the internal battle of Masayouknow was actually kind of entertaining usually it would have ended right there with him accepting tsundere girl but then they give us those final chapters where he is trying to live up to her expectations cuz he doesn't want to betray her are a struggle cuz you now what's going on , but still .... did the author just do that shit cuz he wanted to pull a rabbit out of his ass ? as i said the relationship with loli tits is kind of ..... well the series was pretty shit (especially that trip to France) but it kept my attention it gets a 6+/10 from me a shit series with some interesting stuff.
Dex-chan lover
May 27, 2018
Yeah but like she only rejected them right ? i mean you gotta be ready for that when you confess to someone right lol ?

I don't want to sound like some asshole that's just hellbent on the main tsundere chick being the winner or that i'm butt hurt that she didn't win the waifu wars in the end but like really what did she do apart from rejecting someone lol.
Jan 18, 2018
Last chapter spoiler
Be warned it spoils who won

Feb 4, 2018
Welp, i guess i was a fool for expecting too much of a basic shounen rom-com manga.

Oh well, at least i will save more money for another manga.
Apr 5, 2018
? Salt ship commence.

I was specifically looking for a comment by some guy talking about salt on r/masamune to quote, but looks like he deleted his comment .?
Dex-chan lover
Apr 6, 2018
And here I thought Chap 48 was the ending of this manga... The ending kinda shows why it is named Masamune's revenge since he got revenge on Yoshino who called him piggy and made him leave Aki, but it is still bullshite since it would've been better if the hives plot didn't happen, it was an ass pull... This Drama between Yoshino and Aki could have been better... I could understand why Masamune would choose Aki in the end but ending it like this, is just too bad..

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