Masamune-kun no Revenge

Aggregator gang
Feb 16, 2018
Don't believe the haters. The ending was just fine. Somewhere along the way, some readers lost sight of the manga's synopsis and made their own head-canon as to where the manga's direction ought to have gone for them. The story was always about Aki and Makabe from chapter 1. There's no reason why either of them would have changed their characters to satisfy the lust of the Yoshino shippers.
Apr 16, 2018
I think it only makes sense that he ended up with Aki and i'm really glad that he did but I agree that this ending was done very poorly. Clumsy execution, weak, messy, and rushed. But at least he in a way got his revenge. He got his revenge on the right person anyway. I mean the person who's responsible for all the misunderstanding between Masaume and Aki was Yoshino afterall. And her punishment for that was falling for Masamune and getting rejected in the end. So yeah, Masamune pretty much unintentionally got his "revenge" on the girl who caused him pain from his childhood which is Yoshino. People also seem to be forgetting that Aki's cruel and cold nature (towards men especially) is also because of Yoshino. And the person who was able to change Aki (even just a little) was Masamune. So although it's still a bad ending, it's good that Masamune ended up with the right girl and in all honesty, I much prefer to have this ending over Masamune choosing Yoshino because that would make little sense to me.
Jan 27, 2018
You can say what you want about the ending but you can't deny it was a cheap bait and switch and the author knew exactly what they were doing, lol. I already knew Aki was going to "win," this extra shit just didn't need to be here at all. "We pretended to date to spite you a bit," like he hasn't been spiting her the entire year after she fell for him? Jeez, how lame.
Jan 18, 2018
(Full disclosure: I liked Yoshino better)
Thinking about the story as a whole, man this was poorly written and paced. Which also makes no sense since he was only responsible for the writing while Tiv did the art, so he should have had plenty of time for story structure. While I think some of the seeds of Yoshino being a romantic choice were there early on, it was very very minor, which made that eventual build towards Yoshino not mesh well with what came before. Even if I think, in hindsight, they built a really good rapport with each other. Yoshino being assertive with Makabe was an act and with that pretense dropped it would have been a very nice relationship.

The problem with how the Aki ending is wrapped up is he left a lot of loose character development threads dangling. This series could really do for a light novel re-write where he properly structures shit and ties up the development. The real payoff we needed for the Aki ending was to have them move beyond their past. While I would say Yoshino viewed Makabe in the "now"... After having the truth revealed, Aki was still seeing the Makabe of the past. Yes, they mention that as a problem with the whole "this is who I am now" scene, but we never actually see it addressed by her in any concrete way. Then we have the whole mess with the Yoshino-arc muddling the waters with him dreaming about her, pseudo-confessing to her, having the hives reaction to Aki that was never addressed, etc. We really needed a lot more time of Aki learning to be more independent and mending her relationship with Yoshino on a more equal footing. (I was honestly expecting her to fire/release Yoshino. Expecting a young child to serve another girl their entire life in this day and age is cruel imho. It's not a family business like a bakery.)

There are the seeds of a good story in this mess, but it was very poorly executed IMHO.
Feb 4, 2018

Don't believe the haters. The ending was just fine.

No, it was total crap. And for everyone.
This manga should have end 2 or 3 years ago, we could avoid all fillers and got a better ending (with the same end-girl, if you don't like Yoshino) , now we got something which doesn't make any sense (this last cover must be a troll no ? ) and feels extremely rushed/weird.

It's really a waste, the beginning of this manga wasn't so bad after all, it became hard to read since Fake masamune arc.

I'm glad i didn't spend anything for this manga, same for Hoshino (same problem, this manga got 40 or 50 too much chapters).
Aggregator gang
Feb 16, 2018
You're proving my point. You're showing a bunch of hate for not keeping up with the reading.

It was ALWAYS about those two and if it ended after the Fake Masamune arc, we'd still have some unresolved issues with Yoshino, at the very least. In this way, their relationship has been put to the end without compromising either of the character's development or personalities. Personally, I feel like Masamune should have stayed with Yoshino, but his explanation to Aki about wanting to stay with her meshes with who he is since chapter 1 as well as why he kept turning down other girls. It wasn't even rushed; there's no loose ends left as a manga should end.

You're unhappy with how it ended? Ok fine. No one has to like the same thing, after all. But calling it a rushed ending is far from the truth if you actually read it from beginning to end.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 12, 2018
*looks at final volume cover*
Author is being a cunt again uh.
A last attempt to bait the Yoshino fanbase in Japan (which was the largest this manga HAD of this manga).
Jan 18, 2018
Apparently the special edition volume 10 that comes with the final anime OAD has Aki on the cover instead of Yoshino.
May 27, 2018

Good ending after all and I am satisfied with it. Will miss to see their true relationship develop, but this is the best way. See ya guys, take care.
Dex-chan lover
May 27, 2018
lol guess we all got played damn what an ending i'm fine with it since she was of course the tsundere-chan that deserved the love but i still feel kind of bad for Yoshino at the same time not really cuz she really was kind of a cunt 6/10 from me tsundere-chan and Yoshino were about all i enjoyed, the pacing was very weird, like halfway it turns into pure filler, didn't really like any of the other character, the blonde? girl was added for pure drama and her resolution was very stupid, and the ending is kind of troll in a way, only read this if you got time to kill or if you don't like leaving things unfinished, still i will give it that at least they kissed at the end which is a pretty rare thing nowdays.
Jul 25, 2018
This started off strong and interesting, but then the middle ended up being a really annoying arc, and then the ending finished up as steaming pile of confusing, stupid, utterly pointless, garbage that seemed like it was done as an awful troll to the readers...

There was a total waste of 10 chapters on that god awful ending, and it ruined any fondness I had of this manga.

If you are reading this before reading the actual series, some advice: Don't.

Ending spoilers:
I'm glad Aki ended up together with Masamune in the end, but holy hell I could have done without that awful train wreck along the way. That was just fucking awful.
Aug 31, 2018
If you are still reading through this series, and you like where the story is at by the end of chapter 48, stop there. You have your happy ending.

If you are not happy with how things are after reading 48, read chapter 49. That is all.
Jan 18, 2018
As is mentioned in the Related link above: An epilogue series of sorts just started in Comic Rex for Masamune. The tweet here calls it the "Love Princess Arc"
Mar 16, 2019
So I just finished reading the manga.

When I first heard about this anime/manga, I had high hopes for it. It sounded like an interesting concept to me. I finished watching the anime and it got me hooked. Because of that I decided to read the manga. At the time I thought "if the anime is good, then the manga must be good".

Oh boy was I wrong

Every chapter I had to endure from chapter 35 onward made me question why I even decided to try this manga. It is honestly one of the worst pieces of shit I have seen on the internet. The weird ass ending was the cherry on top of this flaming trash can of a manga. It was rushed, confusing and fucking unsatisfying. If you are someone who is interest in reading this, don't. It's not worth any of your time.

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