And she did violate the rules. Why do you keep talking as if she isn't?
Why do you keep begging the question?
Killcat used what was called a “cheat”, but as I noted
in my very first comment, the meaning of that term has been unfortunately extended, and may not refer to a violation of the rules.
I've already previously discussed
each possibility. The story is more badly written if she observably violated the rules; under her best possible outcome, she would be disqualified and her opponents would advance. But if, instead, she did something within the rules but considered cheap, then she might still have advanced.
Hence, the newer meaning of “cheat” should be considered until events within the story actually rule that out, which they haven't yet, despite your mistaken hopes and mistaken belief that you'd be vindicated if they did. (Your reasoning has been flawed, no matter where the story goes.)