Max Level Returner

Active member
Aug 17, 2020
This is a scans war to see who can pump out the chapters faster, Reaper_scans or Asura Scans?
Dex-chan lover
Sep 10, 2018
It's just so utterly unexciting. There's nothing new, interesting or exciting. No stakes, no unique quirks of worldbuilding, nothing special about the art, just a bland cookie-cutter modern dungeon world manhwa that does nothing but fill out the bingo card for its genre.

So why are both these big groups fighting over it?
May 1, 2019
I was waiting for this to pile up a bit so I could read it.
So, here's my (spoiler filled) impression of this so far:
This is hilarious. No, seriously. This is so weird and inconsistent, I think it is (unintended) hilarious.
The author clearly has a thing for masks, and the super sentai vibe is definitely out there. It's just that, there's this very weird touch of realism for the silliest of things.. like, magic, masks, and otherworlds? Sure! But Instead of cool mechs or teleportation we have to ride red buses to get from A to B. Also copypaste mob characters.

Btw, isn't MC's level 10k or something? ......What does that even mean?
No seriously! What's the point of reference?! We somehow got that number as a shock value-ish exposition moment, to make us, the reader, go something like: HOLY CRAP! This Hyung is amazing!
Yet he hasn't done anything that even resembles something fitting of that scale? Then again, It might have been a mistranslated dialog.
Fighting wise, at a high level, so far we've seen nothing really.
iirc USA dude was around level 250. So, should we base his "fight" against UK as a reference for how strong they are? Because so far, everyone, minus the Maou, seem weak as hell.

Also, World Domination by The Masked Monarch < - Almost sounds like a single from an old metal band.
Mar 9, 2020
The way the story is portrayed feels very superficial and you cant really feel any emotion. MC is very unlikable, is a lowkey ***hole and always has a ***** smirk on his face
Jul 31, 2019
I might have to stop reading they put a dipshit for the president instead of a generic one 😭
Dex-chan lover
Dec 13, 2019
This is pretty bad, the manga doesn't know what it wants to be and fails at everything it does, th characters are so unbelievably dull i forget them in heartbeats, the masks are silly as heck to the point of making me want to close the window lol, and just how the world works/is built is so bad it's beyond hilarious.
TLDR: manga is pretty "bad", to the point after reading 20+ something chapters i felt like i wasted time on it when sometimes i read trash way worse than this... Feels like a cheap shot at a lot of other popular series just to see how it goes or mangaka lacking the ability and skill to make a decent title.
Jun 24, 2020
Umm after binge-reading it to chapter 26 in a day I come to this conclusions:
This is a manhwa with very light story/plotlines I think.. it just progressed into whatever the author wanted to, so it delve into every kind of genre there is..
don't expect anything great from this manhwa, just read it as if u didn't had anything to read in mind..
I guessed the author is very amateurish (still an author, not a person who didn't know how to write things) where he didn't try to plot the stories with clear goals, and he just drew it based on his whim..
so just try to enjoy it without any great expectations, what I felt while reading it is like reading a hentai without the hentai.. the stories are there, but didn't give me any impression at all..
Will try to get back after sometime or after 30 more chapters are available to see if it progressed into something better..
I'll give it 5 score atm..
Sep 3, 2020
bruh, that level gap doe.
Mc= lvl 10,000
Side Characters= lvl 200~300
the author really needs to fix this.
There are other problems as well, but i'll
give it a 7/10 at most.
Jan 6, 2019
@NihilistNeet the last sentence got me 🤣

But seriously, the MC doesn't seem to be back into reality. Being reckless without considering the consequence for the world. Smh all brawn but brains.
May 20, 2018
How many f'ing groups are going to translate this series?!
Reaper; Asura; Leviatan

Pick your battles guys; this one isn't really worth it (decent read, but whatever).

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