May I Ask for One Final Thing?

Jan 18, 2018
This feels like the living incarnation of the concise, trite, seinen-y comeback to all the more annoying bits of shoujo tropes that get trawled out in these occasions—e.g. "effing hell, could someone please just punch them in the face already?"—except brought expertly to life with gleefully superlative bombast and magnificent deadpan going-to-hell-in-a-handbasket humour.

Also, the amazing art. It wouldn't be quite the same without the extra stage presence it lends her.

Any potential ethics questions aside, the classy heavy-metal fist to the face here is truly cathartic.
May 24, 2019
9 stars? Severely overrated. That rating is solely due to the shock factor and gimmick of its first chapter. The subsequent chapters have not been able to build on that momentum and lands flat on the ground. I've read up to 5 chapters (latest) and the main thing I want to talk about are three particular characters in the manga: the MC and the two princes.

As previously mentioned, this manga is overrated. Everyone was blown away by how the MC punched the Scumbag prince after the annulment. This is refreshingly new as the general trend is that the MC of this genre would've usually backed down quietly to live a commoner's life or build her way back up so she could face slap her enemies in the future. That's cool and all but that is nowhere near deserving of 9 stars at all. Not to mention since there are two other reasons why this manga deserves lesser stars.

There's the Scumbag prince who for some reason is a lot more retarded than the generic ex-fiance. And by some reason, I meant stupid reasons. It's a common technique in storytelling to have an obnoxiously hateable character to make you root for the MC but man, make it less pathetic. A royalty who calls her fiancee a servant on the first meeting? And the MC puts up with it? The scumbag prince is already pathetic enough, the fact that the MC put up with him inadvertently made her look pathetic as well. You could reason it out as biding her time or doing the logical thing, but that doesn't change the fact that she had to be pathetic and miserable for more than half her life at that point.

Now there's the "perfect" prince which in my personal opinion is a perfect example of the cancer that is called male lead in shoujo manga or novels. The author makes it blatantly obvious how talented and handsome and perfect this guy is that it's hard to stomach. It sends the idea that girls only want one thing and it's disgusting: handsome and talented hot guys. The way that he looks at the MC like some fucking toy is just intolerable. The strong point of the MC is that she's someone who is strong and independent, and yet she's being toyed around like a mouse? Laughable.

My biggest criteria when it comes to shoujo manga and novels is how likeable the male lead is. It doesn't matter how likeable the female MC is; in fact the more likeable she is, the harder it is to stomach how the author is trying to develop the romance between the two of them. Just by this reason alone, I would've rated this manga at 6 or below. At that point, I wouldn't have bothered reading the rest or even writing a review about it, but since there's only 5 chapters released and seeing how this is one of if not the highest rated Villainess novel in mangadex, I had to share my take on it. I'm guessing 1 or 2 volumes from now, the ratings would go down to 8 but 7 is unlikely. The pilot chapter got popular on reddit and most people rated in 9 or 10 and then quickly forgot about it. Even if they continued to read the rest, they wouldn't be bothered to change their first impressions, much less the rating that they gave. Overall, I'd give this series a 4-Slightly Bad and Dropped. I'm not trying to make you rate this manga less than 5 stars but before you rate it 9 or 10, please make sure to look at the romantic interests and judge if it really deserves to be labeled as great or masterpiece.
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 23, 2018
@RynDeeVuo wow, feels like you're reading waaaaaaaayyyyyyyy too deeply into this. Sure, it has a lot of the standard shoujo tropes but, as most readers seem to attest, at this point the simple fact that she beats the living hell out of the scum makes it worthwhile.

Sure, once we get deeper into the story, the rating may go down a bit (probably the the mid-to-high 8s) but just enjoy the satisfaction of a shoujo villainess actually getting serious about dealing with the shit tropes of shoujo.
May 24, 2019
@Sabruness Which is why it's frustrating to read because it subverts a Villainess trope only to land on a Shoujo manga trope. Out of the frying pan and into the fire.
There's also the fact that the trap maid tried to kill her and no one seemed to mind it all that much. If she woke up 1 second late then she would've died already, but she doesn't and the author makes them have a femdom play at the storage instead.
Well, 4 stars is only because of my personal gripes. I wouldn't actually mind if the manga gets 8, just that I don't think it deserves a 9.
May 4, 2019
The art is beautiful. You can really feel the impact. Don't read it for plot, read it for the joy of seeing the MC beating some trashy peeps. It's amazing.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 23, 2018
Excuse me, in the alt name it says "Saigo ni Hitotsu Dake Onegaishite mo Yoroshii Desu ka?" but the actual title is "最後にひとつだけお願いしてもよろしいでしょうか" (Deshouka) so can someone please fix the typo?
Dex-chan lover
Mar 7, 2019
@KobeisGOAT based or Ln or just your sole prediction ?
Well if its turned into reverse harem, no matter how much theyre the cant stand againts her....
Something like that.
Active member
Jul 7, 2019
I like this girl she is strong and independent and can "solve" her own problem. She is not fragile like any other mc shoujo who need help whenever they are in trouble.

What can i grasp from this series is
"Not all problem can be solved peacefully".
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
Huh, this is on alphapolis huh? Most of the manga from there in the past usually had terrible raws and super low resolution. Nice to see a decent quality scan for alphapolis manga for once
Group Leader
Aug 9, 2019
Lol, it’s simply common sense for a duke’s daughter, huh? I feel like Iris would disagree...

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