May I Ask for One Final Thing?

Fed-Kun's army
Jan 21, 2018
been reading the latest raw (chp 3), oh god the hillariousness

and at last that idiotic prince is getting punched in the face
well, everyone in the room is being beaten the shit out of them tho
Aggregator gang
Jul 19, 2018
Only chapter 1 is good... Can't get into the story since am not a fan of the drawings esp the eyes
Group Leader
Jan 18, 2018
I dunno if the surveys on Alphapolis mean much but theres a survey at the end of each chapter on the RAW website. Maybe it can help its popularity?
Go to RAW link > Select Most Recent Chapter > Click through the chapter until the last page that indicates アンケート
[ul][li]Q1 (required)- what are your impressions of the chapter (おもしろかった = interesting, つまらなかった = boring, どちらでもない = neither interesting or boring)[/li]
[li]Q 1-2 (required if you choose boring)- If you chose boring (つまらなかった)、please select why: (1-content is ordinary, 2-wasnt feeling it, 3-hard to understand, 4-art style wasnt my favorite, 5-don't like the genre, 6-other)[/li]
[li]Q2 (required) Please tell us the reason for reading this chapter (1-Select nothing, 2-I always read it, 3-story is appealing, 4-character is appealing, 5-I like the art, 6-I read the original work, 7-because it was in the publishing lineup, 8-I just felt like it, 9-other ) [/li]
[li]Q3 (OPTIONAL) How did you find out about this series? (select none, alphapolis site, ????, authors site/twitter, other/word of mouth)[/li]
[li]Q4 (OPTIONAL)Demographic: Dropdown1 (Male, Female), DropDown2 (agerange), Dropdown3 occupation(grade school student, vocational student, college student, company employee, selfemployed, housewife, part timer, other)[/li]
[li]Q5 (OPTIONAL) Other comments, opinions, etc [/li]
When finished, click 送信 to submit the survey.
Feb 25, 2019
We'll see how this goes, but there's not really any likeable characters in this manga. The two princes aren't likeable at all, and the heroine isn't exactly righteous either. Beating up an entire room of people, most of which weren't even defending themselves, might seem forgivable given her years of torment beforehand, but she still beat up a commoner boy for whatever reason. She's the exact same piece of shit that she claims the others were; she's skated by in life by being well-connected and given opportunities that many others would never have.

I know I'm in the minority with this opinion, but there it is.

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