Meme Girls - Ch. 90 - Healers in MMORPG's

Jul 16, 2018
The healers motto: There's a time to take damage. There's a time to deal it. There is a time to ignore all else, and do your best to heal it. Then there is a time to laugh while they all BURN!
Dex-chan lover
May 19, 2018
To be fair, it's usually not Tanks or Healers that's the problems. It's the DPS. Especially the DPS that never tried playing tanks or healers. A little cross-training goes a long way.

That's how you know how hard it is to heal people standing in fires or to pull aggro off of/heal rushers who try and go in first and "take the nuke" only to faceplant less than 5 seconds later and are all like "D000d t4nk N h33l0r Doo uR j3rB11!!"

As if you can peel aggro off and/or heal that fast, especially in tougher content, like the "Heroic" or "Champion" versions of dungeons, et. al.

That said, due to the fact that most people don't want to tank or heal, and that everyone mostly seems to want to just rush in and hit things, I don't even know why MMO's even bother with the Tri-Role dungeon business anymore. It's obvious that most people don't like it, and co-op multiplayer games where EVERYONE is an aggressive attacker like Destiny and now Outriders (starting next month) are the future, imo.

If the next Halo goes in this diretion, I can see it becoming a new trend. If people generally don't like to tank or heal or wait for tanks or healers... why force them?
Double-page supporter
Nov 11, 2019
always fun when idiots talk big, only to beg for healing later on

listen to your healers people


Dex-chan lover
Jan 26, 2018
@arcsalvo I refuse. Guild Wars 2 got rid of the holy trinity and it was fucking chaos, I hated it.
Active member
Jan 27, 2018
100% true, this is why as a tank I see how much a healer can do in the first pull, then adjust accordingly. 1 or 2 minutes slower isn't going to be the end of the world.
Dex-chan lover
May 25, 2018
Jul 11, 2020
Think Merry did this already, but with a different artist.

Still love it, tho

@arcsalvo Never played MMOs for real, but I don't think the DPS pulls, since it's the tank's job to aggro and get hit.

And I guess to force people to think, or to make the game unique. Sounds rich when you think about how games nowadays are hardly all that unique, but you never know who really loves their job. Either way, get rid of the role system, and everybody just rushes in and hits blindly. No real fun for some people.

Meanwhile, I'm split. I say I wanna be smart and skilled, but as soon as the action happens, my brain shuts down and I just hit it until it dies.
May 27, 2020
And thus forth, the healer decided to become a heal tank, and solo the rest of the game's content.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 11, 2019
I would totally disagree with this comic. As a tank that pulls a ton of mobs, all the healers loved me.

Starting with ragnarock, grand cross crusader, priests dropped their 5 man groups and begged me to take them as I go agro every mob in the room and grand cross them.

In wow, paladin tanking, all the healers begged to come as 5 man heroics cleared in less than 5 minutes. And people begged me to raid as a tank, cause when i did we would clear the instance 5x faster.

I did play healer as well at one point, and do you know what is the worst thing for healers or anyone? Well other than people standing in fire... it is being BORED. Healing can be very boring as hell, so much that i would often go dpsing while healing.(and yes no one in my group will die) So if playing can be entertaining and you clear things faster, no one complains.

Of course you still gotta gauge the capability of the healer, so i would just keep a list of good healers and never ask the 3rd rate ones.

@r-mod you are overestimating the average intelligence level of dps. If they attack the mob the tank is on, then no problem, but many dps attack whatever and will pull agro. Of course a skilled tank can notice it and save the dps before they pull agro...IF the tank wishes to. Sometimes its fun to let people die.
Jul 11, 2020
@eng1 Obviously in your examples, you didn't have to worry about MP. In this comic, if you were to look carefully, the healer was running low on MP from the start, which is why she asked the tank to pull less, because if she runs out, they're all minced meat.

And oh wow, I really thought the average DPS was smarter than that. Nevermind, then.
Aggregator gang
Sep 25, 2018
pretty sure it's a matter of context. if a fighter is capable of reasonably holding agro and doesn't need 300% of their max hp healed per healing skill cooldown cause they pull too much, it's usually ok. but this isn't about every fighter ever, it's about the BAD ones. and in my experience as a healer in MMOs is the whiniest of fighters are usually also the poorly spec'd type that think they are perfection personified even as they take on more than they can handle but blame you when they inevitably die. and they die. A LOT.
I had one particularly memorable raid that had a level restriction of 46 - 60, I was a lvl 48 cleric, I ended up partied with a lvl 60 warrior. it quickly became evident that out of the entire raid group (15 of us) that somehow **I** was the ONLY person capable of surviving while holding boss agro in the whole group. and he claimed to be a tank build, a warrior 12 levels higher than me, with gear two full tiers better...but nope died in 1-2 hits, meanwhile with my buffs and specs I could heal MYSELF, heal the rest of our WHOLE PARTY as needed, heal HIM (from AoE damage while I was holding agro at least...), rez HIM pretty much every cooldown, and STILL attack enough to hold agro ~97% of the time. the other ~3% being when he had been alive long enough to deal an agro stealing degree of damage...then he died and I had agro again...we somehow won with literally seconds left on the timer
and after carrying the raid, guess who didn't work hard enough at healing? yep, since he was too damn weak to survive it was my fault for not healing him enough. me and almost everyone else in the group told him to shut up and get lost
and that's to say nothing of the raids where it's you the lone cleric, no tank, 5 player party limit, but somehow the other 10-15 people in the raid still expect you to magically know they are low on hp and heal them on top of keeping your party alive? how? and don't even get me started on the everyone got wiped so rez me first fights...I've literally rage-quit out over those, not often, but the worst instances, bitch me out for not healing you the whole way through, leroy jenkins into the masses like every sane player knows not to do, then fight over rez order and I just let the arrogant ****s heal and rez themselves while I go do something more productive than a 100% pre-failed raid
Jan 19, 2018
@eng1 As a healer main in FF14, I can tell you that the worst thing a tank can do is simply run off and grab massive amounts of mobs. First thing they should do is ensure that the healer is capable of handling large pulls like that, since you never know if you are dealing with a player who is newer to the game or now in a random dungeon. Paying attention is probably the single most important tank skill that one can have as it will prevent more wipes than anything else. I will agree with you about standing in fire/aoe locations. Definitely the dumbest things someone can do. My solution is to tell them that if they don't get out of it, I will stop healing them and won't rez either if they continue. I then follow through with it.Had to let dps die several times before and have no problem letting them kill themselves in order for them to learn to not do stupid things.

Added: heck, now that I think about it, recently I had an idiot tank who refused to turn on his tank stance (for aggro holding). I was tanking everything as heals and forced to keep myself alive because he refused to use it. I finally refused to heal anything at all til he turned it on. Interesting, the dps were defending him, saying he didn't need it. I was eventually booted for refusing to heal since I wasn't going to tank as heals. Stupid group to say the least.
Group Leader
Sep 30, 2018
Yeaaaah nut you see, Healer, the DPS is the one giving you ressources for nurishing your fat ass.
If you don't heal him, you can go back to your original world and go cure old people for the COVID-19 and get terminated for having contracted it at some point once China decide going full maledom on Japan, you know ?
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 8, 2019
I wouldn't play with either of them... Also healer just wants to be a lazy ass and heal the least possible, just kidding tho, there all kinds of ppl in the world and judging them just because of there class or judging a class just because of 1 person is classism.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 25, 2019
Oh, the most frequently debate in MMO, even more than the loot.

I'm on the healer side just because, most of the time it is the tank who mess up (if not the dps). If healers did a good job then those bad players would be more risk taking.

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