Meme Girls - Ch. 90 - Healers in MMORPG's

Feb 8, 2018
To be honest as a healer as well tanks often be a leeroy Jenkins to pull so much that it stupid
Dex-chan lover
Nov 11, 2019
@r-mod not being able to manage your mana generally means the healer sucks. A lot of healers get too absorbed in just spamming their highest heal and try to max out the healing meters. Thus tons of overhealing. I rarely needed even to use a mana pot when healing.

@insaneinsomniac well in that case where the tank sucks, nothing you can do. But that is just the poor skill level of the tank. Ive seen plenty of horrible tanks, all from a guy who insisted his guilds MT solo tanked a boss. I tried to explain to him that you need 300 fire resist to solo tank it or youll be running around while on fire but his ego/inferiority complex wouldnt listen, so i just put on 300 FR and told a priest to heal me and had to tank the boss as dps. Other tanks are so slow it isnt funny some demanding that every single person is rezzed for easy trash in a raid and they go slow as turtles.

A skilled tank should know all the abilities of all mobs and if you grab even a large amount, dps can usually kill them all. Or you can kill them without dps too. I remember i was tanking and brought a healer and pugged dps, i jumped off to skip half the instance and others followed, but a hunter noob didnt dismiss his pet so we pulled half the instance, all the dps quickly died and they were bashing me. Fast forward a few min, me and the healer solo slaughtered half the instance. The dps was like "...". Aka, a skilled tank and skilled healer can do wonders. A tank can do a lot of things to minimize damage to himself too.

@hounder I wouldnt even go to an instance without a skilled healer. That is why I said, I make a list of who I bring and who I dont. A crappy healer will only slow things down, same way a crappy tank would. I found it funny when in guild chat tanks would ask if anyone wants to do heroics, no one responds. Then 5 min later I ask then suddently 20 people start going me me me. Because everyone loves quick exciting runs. I do agree that it is important for a tank to pay attention, there is more to tanking than simply picking up mobs. Minimizing your damage, mob positioning, all that makes a difference.

But grabbing all the mobs for a tank isnt a bad thing, its a good thing. It makes the run faster. But I suggest bringing skilled healers as well. If you are a good tank, skilled healers will beg to come with you. Cause everyone loves quick and easy runs. Bringing a noob unskilled healer is just a disservice to everyone.

Once you experience a good tank, you can never go back.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 11, 2019
@r-mod There is no such thing as pulling too much ;) even in worst case scenario, many tanks have slowdown abilities and interrupts. So you can kite the mobs in an aoe to minimize damage to yourself. Or put that rogue to use to stun lock annoying ones.

well by the looks of it that tank is a death knight, and they cant take advantage of block which helps a lot for tanking a lot of mobs.

If it were me, i would pull 2x more mobs than that :p
Jan 19, 2018

Even a skilled healer can only get you so far. Tank has to know what they are doing as well. A good healer/tank also teaches a bad one how to be a better healer/tank, so if all you take are skilled people, then you are missing out on part of the experience. But, that is only my opinion there. In my example, that was obviously a troll group who decided to screw around, and they obviously ran into a healer who wouldn't play their game. Seriously, who in their right mind doesn't use their main aggro generating ability when running as the tank? Without out it, the healer instantly becomes the tank the second they cast a heal and can't get rid of the aggro because now they are saving themselves.

In my case, I do run randoms. I feel that makes me a better healer because I can adapt to many different tanking styles. There are times fast is good, and there are times you just want to take it easy, just as in real life. Being able to adapt to different groups is advantageous, especially for learning the teamwork aspect.

I still believe that a good tank will make sure the healer is ok with larger pulls just to be on the safe side. Of course, if you are in your own group with a healer you already know, then you have no issues. But, running randoms requires a different mindset than running in a "safe" pre-made set-up.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 11, 2019
@hounder I would hardly call doing instances in 30 minutes which can be done in 3 to 5 minutes missing out. I bring for my groups my own healer, all else can be pugs or no makes no difference. I have plenty of experience dealing with pure pugs, to the point where I had pugs with random blues and greens mostly clear instances farther than most guilds(the key to pure pugs is giving each class or person simple instructions even a monkey can follow, dont overload them with this or that, up their efficiency by making them focus on the most important gatchas, in that way you can increase that pugs capability multiple times fold. Simple things like say you need cc, telling them i dont care of your dps is 0, just focus on cc). But that was only if I need to do that, which most of the time I dont. I would rather get farm stuff out of the way quickly rather than waste time.

That said, i wouldnt compare playing a tank and a healer, different requirements. I have a ton of experience healing as well and most pugs i ran as a healer or dps. I wouldnt run as a tank when i dont know the skill of the healer. Id just go as healer myself or if I wana take it back as dps.

Tanks dont get much experience with pugs, the opposite. Pugging can dull a tank. Best way to gain experience is soloing stuff like last expansion bosses or difficult stuff as you learn pathing, positioning and attack patterns. For healing, sure pugging is a decent way to up your skill. Dont rely on mods and pay attention to attack patterns. Best method of healing is timing your heals that they land 0.1 second after the boss attacks. Dpsing while healing is also good option as it helps better manage your sitution awareness and in games like wow recover mana through spirit and judgement of wisdom.

End of the day, it is about always challenging yourself. But again, a good tank is wasted on pugs.
Jan 19, 2018
@eng1 I can't entirely agree that pugging dulls a tank, or is a lesser form of experience. But, in the end, it is merely a difference of opinion there. I still believe being willing to teach people in a pug is a great way to show true experience, and have believed that for many years, to say the least. In the end, everyone has their own opinion about it, but if you are having fun, and not trying to cause players suffereing by being a troll or ass, that is what counts in the end.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 20, 2018
I refuse to heal reckless/stupid tanks. Stop complicating my job.
-an Everquest cleric

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