Mezametara Saikyou Soubi to Uchuusenmochi Datta node, Ikkodate Mezashite Youhei toshite Jiyuu ni Ikitai - Vol. 1 Ch. 5.2

Dex-chan lover
Mar 3, 2019
@GambierBay: I think he already understands that all the stuff is real, but since he had played a game before with similar setting, there is still a feeling in his mind that all of it is not the reality.
Aggregator gang
Apr 23, 2019
Looks a bit like a hybrid betwenn the Terran Ships from the X-Series, the Sabre from x3TC in particular.
Aggregator gang
Apr 7, 2019
@Korvalus Mil.Falcon isnt a corvette by a longshot ^^, its only about 34 metres long, while corvettes in SW begin at roughly 100 metres.
I think its a comparable size to the mil.falcon, although it leans more to the full gunship with frontal focused firepower while the falcon is still a freighter in the end. So, about 30-50 metres in length probably, with fitting width/height. I dont think the exact measures are given in the LN either.

PS: Tho, in theory nothing stops you from those stunts even with a 150 metres ship, as long as the structural integrity and thrusterpower are enough, should be possible in a sci-fi setting, is no resistance that stops you from doing it in space after all, aside from the ships strength itself. (well, and your body if the ship doesnt have perfectly negate inertia, which is only possible in sci-fi too of course :D)
Dex-chan lover
Sep 21, 2018
@CelticMutt: Yeah, seems that way. I thought that the ML was a corvette, but after checking you're right, it's the YT-1400 lightfreighter.

@warlockbeta: The similarities with the Fer de Lance are uncanny. But beautiful ship, makes E:D all the more attactive. Say, are line or capital ships available there?

@Silwith: Yes, my bad. I'm used to smaller ships go beyond the hundreds of meters long and usually get really lost in ships below Cruiser size which to me are 2-3 kms long or bigger (Battlefleet Gothic).
Aug 8, 2018
@Korvalus They do have large ships (like the fed corvette and anaconda) but they're not as big as you'd expect.

With him having that OP the back of my mind I want the maintenance crew to 'lack' parts for his ship.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 2, 2019
There goes the Fer-de-lance ship. It becomes the main killer when it busts a lot of big ships.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 2, 2018
I dont think they cant prepare them, its just that the risk of losing valueable pilots and ships on a pirate raid isnt worth it when you can just throw cash at mercs.
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 21, 2018
If you guys know star citizen, I think MC ship is comparable to Carrack, albeit much nimble and faster, with stronger firepower and shield

About maintenance, it's wasn't told in manga ver. But in LN there's drone for that (there's glimpse of them in ch 1, collecting loot)
Dex-chan lover
May 6, 2020
Wait, why was it thay the literal newest merc thought that and none of the veterans did?
Fed-Kun's army
Nov 1, 2020
It does make sense. The mercenaries probably are mostly hired to deal with pirates, so their ships and skills are basically hard counters to the pirates' own advantages.

"I swear on my pride" she says. No, she swears on the fact she knows the mercs would make damn sure to gang up on her ship and take her down with them if she puts them in a fight-or-die situation.
I especially like that he brought up how they could go commissar on the mercs right after she said they can withdraw but that it would "be a problem". He completely cornered her by giving an implication to her words. He also established himself in a sort of leader-like position by speaking out for the good of all the mercs present. I don't know if this mangaka will notice this, but it's how I see it. Also, this makes it less likely for the navy to just wipe out the mercs with the pirates, say the pirates did it, and not have to pay them.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 12, 2023
Edit: basing it off of Naval ship speeds, a heavy battleship can only move at about 33 knots, but a corvette can move at up to 60 knots. Interestingly, destroyers can only move at up to 30 knots or so...
Average battleships of WW2 were 26-30 knots, many older vessels like Nelson and Rodney can only manage 21 and only a handful went pass 30. The Iowas are by no means the norm. They have 215k horsepower, second only to nuclear carriers, and their hulls were built for speed to escort carriers. Destroyers don't have that much shp on their boilers, thus they weren't considerably faster than "fast battleships"... except for some outliers like the La Fantasque-class, which were speed freaks.

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