@Korvalus Mil.Falcon isnt a corvette by a longshot ^^, its only about 34 metres long, while corvettes in SW begin at roughly 100 metres.
I think its a comparable size to the mil.falcon, although it leans more to the full gunship with frontal focused firepower while the falcon is still a freighter in the end. So, about 30-50 metres in length probably, with fitting width/height. I dont think the exact measures are given in the LN either.
PS: Tho, in theory nothing stops you from those stunts even with a 150 metres ship, as long as the structural integrity and thrusterpower are enough, should be possible in a sci-fi setting, is no resistance that stops you from doing it in space after all, aside from the ships strength itself. (well, and your body if the ship doesnt have perfectly negate inertia, which is only possible in sci-fi too of course
