Mezametara Saikyou Soubi to Uchuusenmochi Datta node, Ikkodate Mezashite Youhei toshite Jiyuu ni Ikitai - Vol. 7 Ch. 32.1

Double-page supporter
Sep 19, 2020
I really like this MC. Didn't agonize over his ir(reality), considered simulation theory, and then came to the only sane conclusion. That being, it doesn't really matter to him in a concrete sense. The only time understanding that you are in a simulation is any use is when said understanding gives you some kind of control over your state (i.e. the Matrix series).

In my opinion that makes the protagonist dumb, not wondering how he ended up in this universe, or what happened to him, not even once he attemped to research his past or come up with theories, which is just stupid in my opinion, he have acess fo all this technology but never tried to check a database or visit a library ? I mean, sure, he just coudn't care less, however no one can be this naive to not at least try a shallow research on what may have happened.

Unless that there is a mysterious plot behind it like his memories being false and he is a test subject, or like his memories being a scan of the "real Hiro" memories and implanted on a biological body but slight altered so he could mentally justify his piloting skills without considering them odd and living in denial, or of course the Matrix theory that has been presented.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
one more chapter closer to the android pu**y fitting scene (per the LN)
if that even happens in a similar way or at all. They did change a few things, Like Hiro actually clearing up the Misunderstanding with Elma though hilariously only after the nookie ("That's not the Point you Animal!" indeed :D) and it seems the reference to the "Unspoken Rule" has been mostly removed unless I missed something though all it did was change it from some obligation to 3 people having lots of purely consensual gymnastics with no baggage so nothing really changed.
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Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
The first "person" he decides to reveal his past to is the Android ? Don't get me wrong, i'm glad that he finally trusted someone, but how he can be 100% sure that his data isn't being leaked ?
Nope, Elma knows too. That was before their checkup.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 21, 2023
There are 427 chapter of raw WN translated to until 409 (vol 12). Current arc have nothing to do with the origin of Hiro. Volume 9 (266-300) Volume 10 (301-328) and about half of 11 (329-375) have some info on Hiro origin.
There is empire that have people with some furry characteritics catgirls, foxgirls etc. and they have psyonic powers, little is known about them but they can use the like a weapon or for ship to jump vast distances but they need a lot of people and some amplification device. Long story short they sometimes make mistake and tear open the space time and then there are anomalies. Hiro is one of them. He is not human or even close to human. He may be a copy of the real Hiro or just when he transferred was converted to what he is right now. Basically distilled form of psyonic power. This empire assigned a fox girl to live with him and help him with his powers at the moment it does not seem to be underhanded they just try to guide people like him so they can have a safe way to develop his powers without hurting others. Out of this it comes all of his unusual abilities like he can understand languages without translator implant or make time go slower when he take a deep breath or when he can predict danger (like spider sense). After powers unlock he is full space jedi. Not joking he can kill monsters the size of T-rex badder than the space worm he killed in the manga without power armor and just a sword. Also sense all the people in quite a big range thru walls and everything. There are also other people like him. There is a woman that played another game with space pirates so she is space pirate that make it look like she is adventurer in order to make more profit. She also have custom ship that is sniper, but it does not look like she knows she have powers or the whole "tear in space time" and just use her powers to snipe targets better. It looks like she comes from another paralel world similar to that of Hiro but the online game she played is not the same.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
There is empire that have people with some furry characteritics catgirls, foxgirls etc. and they have psyonic powers, little is known about them but they can use the like a weapon or for ship to jump vast distances but they need a lot of people and some amplification device. Long story short they sometimes make mistake and tear open the space time and then there are anomalies. Hiro is one of them. He is not human or even close to human. He may be a copy of the real Hiro or just when he transferred was converted to what he is right now. Basically distilled form of psyonic power. This empire assigned a fox girl to live with him and help him with his powers at the moment it does not seem to be underhanded they just try to guide people like him so they can have a safe way to develop his powers without hurting others. Out of this it comes all of his unusual abilities like he can understand languages without translator implant or make time go slower when he take a deep breath or when he can predict danger (like spider sense). After powers unlock he is full space jedi. Not joking he can kill monsters the size of T-rex badder than the space worm he killed in the manga without power armor and just a sword. Also sense all the people in quite a big range thru walls and everything. There are also other people like him. There is a woman that played another game with space pirates so she is space pirate that make it look like she is adventurer in order to make more profit. She also have custom ship that is sniper, but it does not look like she knows she have powers or the whole "tear in space time" and just use her powers to snipe targets better. It looks like she comes from another paralel world similar to that of Hiro but the online game she played is not the same.
Tiny Correction, That Woman, Marie played the same game actually, just the Space Pirate Addon.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 23, 2018
The author takes a really lighthearted approach to it but, when you think about it, Hiro's situation is pretty fucked up.
He either traveled to a different reality that is similar to a game he used to play with seemingly no way to go back to his homeworld or his memories, his entire past, is pretty much a fabrication and he was dumped in the middle of space like that. Someone or something rewrote his entire memory while giving him his beyond absurd piloting skills and his "slow-mo" like ability. If this story had at least some seriousness to it, our MC would have had an existential crisis long ago, and it would have dragged on for a long time.
Thus why most isekai series set their MCs to have no attachment to their past world.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 1, 2019
I find most authors wouldn't focus on the existential crisis stuff because it would spoil/distract from the main focus of stories like these where the reader vicariously enjoys the MC's power fantasy adventures in another world where he gets the power, money and women. Hard to focus on enjoying the MC's progress if he's always having panic thoughts abut wanting to go back to his mundane existence.

Unless, that IS the story's main focus to start with. There is one LN series, Housekeeping Mage from Another World, where the MC's constant existential crisis drives much of the underlying plot.

MC was isekai'd from earth some years ago without reason or motive. She has never been able to find a way back, and despite putting on a facade of normalcy and trying to fit in in her new world she deeply pines for her homeworld and gets rather melancholic at times.

Chris doesn't have animal ears, it's just a hairstyle. She's currently wearing her hair down.
that one's got a manga btw:
also licensed by j-novel club
Dex-chan lover
Apr 1, 2019
In my opinion that makes the protagonist dumb, not wondering how he ended up in this universe, or what happened to him, not even once he attemped to research his past or come up with theories, which is just stupid in my opinion, he have acess fo all this technology but never tried to check a database or visit a library ? I mean, sure, he just coudn't care less, however no one can be this naive to not at least try a shallow research on what may have happened.

Unless that there is a mysterious plot behind it like his memories being false and he is a test subject, or like his memories being a scan of the "real Hiro" memories and implanted on a biological body but slight altered so he could mentally justify his piloting skills without considering them odd and living in denial, or of course the Matrix theory that has been presented.
Actually, he did try looking into things. In fact, Chapter 2 takes a bunch of time just discussing what he researched and even how he tried looking into what he knew (namely the star systems in the game world). I think it's got to do with how he isn't a teenager, he's like 27 or smt, and doesn't have too much attachment to his old world probably and decided to just live with it since thinking too hard after having tried to look into things isn't worth it.

This was also glossed over, but the first thing he did in the WN was look up Sol system, earth and whatnot, which is only brought up in a few arcs from now when him being isekaied gains prevalence again. It's not a super important detail since as mentioned, he does look up at least info to see how similar the world is to the game world he knows of.

It is also brought up but his mental state has changed since he came to this world, mainly through him not really being that phased from killing pirates and whatnot and having his skills match his skills in the game (PvP and shooting), so it would be better to blame the author for writing in that excuse for why he doesn't really care as much.

Even then, everytime the topic is brought up he does discuss that without getting some extra help he won't really be able to know what happened, so guessing doesn't really mean much (Chapter 12 he says "we'll never know unless we have some way to peek inside my head", then we got the reveal that his body is just weird since he's got no translator chip). So he has at least thought about it, butt didn't really do more since he has nothing else to work on (he does get more and more info as time passes btw, it's a slow reveal kind of situation).
Group Leader
Jun 2, 2019
It makes no sense that he thinks that his world was fake...

Lots of things don't make as much sense in this world, like nobility (no way that'd exist after this long in such an advanced civilization) and all the fantasy stuff he knew kinda got brought in.

And his DNA and everything about him is magical and special and unique.... oh, and even though he was just an ordinary person in his world, in this world, he's a giga-chad that all the ladies want to bang with some super DNA or something...

That feels way more fantasy like...
Dex-chan lover
Mar 23, 2023
The author takes a really lighthearted approach to it but, when you think about it, Hiro's situation is pretty fucked up.
He either traveled to a different reality that is similar to a game he used to play with seemingly no way to go back to his homeworld or his memories, his entire past, is pretty much a fabrication and he was dumped in the middle of space like that. Someone or something rewrote his entire memory while giving him his beyond absurd piloting skills and his "slow-mo" like ability. If this story had at least some seriousness to it, our MC would have had an existential crisis long ago, and it would have dragged on for a long time.
I mean, not necessarily. Maybe the idea that your memories are fabricated, or that your original reality is a simulation, bother you, but it doesn't really bother me very much. Primarily because it doesn't change anything in practice, he's still living his ideal life in a reality that is logically consistent. It's entirely possible that we are living in a simulation right now, or that all our memories are fabricated right now, but that fact doesn't affect anything about our lives, so that would only bother you if you choose to let it bother you. It'd be a different story if the simulators start messing with the simulation, or if people from your real past start showing up and interfering with what your fake memories are telling you, but that doesn't seem to be happening so far.

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