Mieruko-chan - Vol. 3 Ch. 19

Double-page supporter
Apr 7, 2018
Usually, cruelty towards animals as a child is the type of thing a serial killer does. So the fact that this man kills so many cats the neighborhood is taking note of the unusual activity is a good indicator that he is slipping out of his own control to not get caught and maybe working up to bigger game. I.E. killing humans.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 21, 2019
Page 3, panel 4 (bottom left one). You can see blood and bits of something cut up in the bottom right of the panel. Looks like he does some pretty despicable things with those animals.

Harden your hearts my friends, this is going to one hell of a ride!
Fed-Kun's army
Feb 17, 2018
Considering neighborhood cats are going missing, we can see the remains of a cat in that guy's apartment, and that he's surrounded by the spirits of cats, we can likely surmise he's killing the cats.
Now considering he's also got the spirit of a human woman following him, he probably killed her too.

Now to go a little off the deep end:
Considering he threw out that woman's food, and that he's killing cats. We could also surmise that he's eating the feline victims for sustenance.

Now to go way off the deep end:
If we assume that the human spirit is a victim of his, and that he eats his victims, we can assume that he killed someone and cannibalized them too.

But that's just a theory.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 10, 2018
last page : hana lost the fat in her cheeks , lol .

my reaction when an ugly hag gives me food :

Jun 10, 2019

Tbh, i was thinking.

The spirits at the shrine seem to know she can see them.

What if she were to go and ask for guidance? The larger spirit seemed to be able to speak to her.
Nov 22, 2019
Bit of a theory, but I noticed that most ghosts will repeat the same mutterings over and over. What if this actually has some weight on the story, and it's actually what their last thoughts/words were before death? Or what they were most fixated on in life. But maybe the ghosts that were violent or committed some great sin when they were alive end up being more powerful or violent as ghosts; like the axe ghost. His phrase is "found you" and if my first theory is right, then he definitely did something pretty bad before he died. I really hope that we get some chapters that give us details on the deaths of some of the ghosts we've seen.

I think most souls only linger as ghosts if they were evil in life, or if they suffered a horrible death. A big example of the opposite could be like with Mieruko's dad; I think he stays by choice on the Earthly plane to be with his family and watch over them. But maybe these other ghosts are trapped, and need some kind of closure or fulfillment to pass on. But some ghosts have no hope, so they go to the thing in the wall that eats the ghosts as a kind of suicide. Maybe it's a like a worst-case thing, and if they are eaten by this wall thing or killed by those more powerful ghosts, their souls are destroyed forever.

Then again, maybe the thing on the wall doesn't destroy them and that's how they pass on. Like that old man ghost earlier that wanted to give his wife the code to their safe. Even though his wish was fulfilled, he still did the suicide thing. So maybe these ghosts are just too stubborn to pass on, and the suicide choice is how they leave the realm permanently. But most ghosts want to tie up loose ends or wreak havoc before doing so.
Dec 23, 2018
@quagzlor right... I think like that too but maybe she thought if she ask for guidance then she will fall deeper in that world
Dex-chan lover
Oct 29, 2018
I love how she thought she'd ask the axe ghost for help. The plot is slow but it's building up.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 26, 2018
Hey anyone remember back to chapter 9 when she noticed the ghost in the trashbin and the bags with ghost limbs sticking out? i think she might live near the teacher!
Oct 11, 2019
So great chapter for my yuri friends

Number of times Miko confirmed her love to Hana:
1 before running
2 when confirming that she loves her
3 when agreeing she run at Hana's pace because sheloved her after seeing the Slenderrun ghost.
4 when bringing up Hana to infimary
Number of times Hana asked if Miko loved her:
1 before running
2 after setting up the pace

Ahhh, Miko loved her savior Hana a bit too much.
Now she needs to give her much calories since she burned many calories for aura from being near ghosts.
Oct 11, 2019
Ah, I noticed Miko thinks hana is her Messiah/Savior... now she should walk the path of yuri together hehehe

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