She’s got fluffy fur and soft hair, next thing you’re gonna tell me her nails are impeccable! I wonder how the whole age thing is treated for her species/race, since yeah for us 17 is young, for a cat 17 is ancient.
Oh and her ears popping out when she got embarrassed was cute. The way she couldn’t contain her happiness when she heard him call her cute (albeit out of context) was also quite cute.
Though honestly Mi-Chan, you really ought to realize he doesn’t see you as cute because of your actions. And surreptitiously eating his favorite sweets is only going to annoy him, she really does just act like a cat doesn’t she? Now I wonder if she likes tight and dark spaces like boxes? Or does she prefer being up high? What about water, how does she feel about that? And can you buy a laser pointer and just mess with her that way? And most importantly of all, in her human form, can she see in the dark?