Milady Just Wants to Relax

Jul 10, 2019
The manga that took months to upload are now giving a chapter spree! Im in the bliss but im worried that something bad will happen... Like from now on, it will take years to upload or worst dropping the whole manga! I hope im just a worrywart!
Jul 19, 2019
Isn't that just a form of low tier yiffing?

Or maybe something like
frolicking > petting > heavy petting > yiffing
Jul 10, 2019
@BarbaraG The story has a more wholesome friendship vibe going on than a romantic or erotic thing. She likes petting fluffy stuff, but it doesn’t come across as a fetish or anything. It’s pretty heartwarming tbh. 😊
Group Leader
Aug 9, 2019
@BarbaraG what @Darkpetal16 said is correct. Additionally, the beastkin can and frequently do take human or nekomimi form. So even if it does go romantic with one of them eventually, they’ll probably only do romantic things with him in human mode.
Aug 6, 2019
This series so long to update.. yes the raw one i mean.. its cute and fluffyy ..
And please.. less of drama..
We reader wanna read peacefully..
And no body care who translate it as long theres new chap coming lol.. im sorry but thats the truth.. nobody own legaly this series anyway.. except the “legal” one lol..
Im so sorry.. this lately translator fight so bad, not in here.. almost everywhere drama.. ugh.. please.. its bad to fight..
Lastly.. who ever translate it, you always be in my heart.. thank you.. thank you 💕💕💕💕
May god bless you all.. keep safe and healty everyone.
Jul 10, 2019
@BarbaraG then do you want Ronia to end up with a human scum? At least these beast men know how to treasure someone than that so called crown prince.
Active member
Sep 8, 2019
Pretty funny how fast the chapters are coming out now that another translator decided to release translations.
2 months of no releases from the first translators, another translator decided to pick it up since it seemed abandoned anyway, and now suddenly they release chapter after chapter asking for the other translator to stop. Kinda looks like they translated the chapters, but didn't release them for some unknown reason. I really do wonder why they'd do that though since I don't see any benefit from doing that :/
Ah well, as long as I can continue reading I don't mind, I'm grateful to whoever the new person that is translating it is!
Aggregator gang
Oct 17, 2018
what's with these chapters going up and then disappearing?
Active member
Mar 9, 2019

Sometimes, it's cleaners, copyediting, QC, and other volunteers who slack. Like, you may get the translation done super quick, but have to wait on other people for the cleaning, revision, typesetting, etc., and they may not get their part done despite the translator having 5 chapters done.

Beyond that, some groups hold back translations for slow, continuous release while others dump them out as soon as possible and then release them according to when the new comic comes out.

I don't know what NASS' deal is here. Any number of possibilities actually.

My only concerns with releases are the quality of the translation no. 1, and then, 2. the quality of the cleaning, etc.

Unless someone is being downright trollish & toxic, the rest is irrelevant.
Jun 8, 2018
@Morbideus Yeah, I rather she end up with a human, provided her ex-fiance redeems himself. If he never does, then I'd rather she meet another human.
Aug 8, 2018
I prefer reading NASS’s releases, but I really don’t see what their problem is regarding other uploaders. The other person just wants to share this manga that they enjoy, AND there wasn’t an update in months from NASS. Mangadex has the option for multiples of the same chapter to be uploaded, no reason not to use it.

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