For those who want to know what idiosyncrasy is Anyway, seem we havea good little story here, i guess Neon will ba a bit traumatized after that. And yes Dad, a rabbit head on a human body is very creepy. He look like a mascot who only keep her head.
3 hours is shorter than expected, she became a complete bottom after a kiss and some ear biting, I hope she takes seriously Nonono's confession at least.
Oh my God this was hot hahahahha really really hot!
I was so hoping to see this translated since the announcement in the magazine, thanks to finally make my dreams come true!
OH god please don't tell me this is another one of those amazing yuri series that only gets translated 1-3 chapters and then dropped because i can't find the raws for it at all unless i buy the volume on amazon OTL
@dokidoki No worries about that, I'm buying the volumes and making the raws myself.
But I am doing it all on my own, so I can't really guarantee a proper upload schedule, but I still plan on completing anything I start~
@Zorikinu OH THANK YOU so much, you got no idea how happy I am to see a translator not drop and finish something they started let alone also fund it themselves, I legit felt like this was gona be another case of Mofu Kano Pot-pourri or I Am Not A Succubus! aka both yuri series I really wanted to see translated but got dropped at 2 chapters and have no raws online so you gota buy the volumes online OTL
@charasuu How do you define "fake?" They aren't born with the ears, but it appears the the ears are actual biological organs that are surgically implanted onto their heads, including neural and muscular connections, thus becoming genuinely part of their bodies. I would say that, for all intents and purposes, that makes the ears real.
@MAdcat6204 I would say they are still fake because they still have their original Human ears, so while the new ears are muscularly connected they aren't the "Real" ears.