Mina-sama no Omocha desu

May 30, 2018
@akserion dude i clicked on the link you sent for the raws, I got fifty pop-ups for some weird as hell hentai game and I almost had a seizure they were just pop in and out so fast, like holy shit.
Jan 19, 2018
Can also read the raws here https://lhscan.net/manga-mina-sama-no-omocha-desu-raw.html loading abit slow but got no weird popups or stuff (using uBlock Origin though)
There's a long road of shit ahead, 73 chapters without any kind of progress.
Feb 13, 2019
I can confidently say, with every fiber of my being, fuck absolutely everything about this comic. The characters are trash, the setting is trash, hell even the drawing seems to be off all the time to me. I mean we know literally NOTHING at ten chapters in. Zero. Not a god damn thing. And what we have seen thus far doesn't and shouldn't even make you care to know more. Regardless of meaning, or reason, or whatever, they're all shitty scum fucks and deserve a brick to the face, and the main character himself deserves anything he gets for not having either bitten his tongue day one, or at the very least ripped out the throat of the one bitch in the bath. Human jaws are a lot stronger than you think, that close it would of been reaaal easy to take a bit into her neck and yank back, wouldn't have even taken much effort.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 21, 2018
@Somacruz118 looks like to me it's been canned since i can't find it on mangabox anymore. no recent tweets about this series either. found nothing about the author like a homepage or twitter.
May 12, 2018
@Galder I don't really understand what you wrote. First you say no recent tweets about the series, the next thing you say is you never found the author's twitter. So there could be recent tweets on his twitter right?
Dex-chan lover
Jan 21, 2018
@Somacruz118 it's a normal thing for magazines or websites hosting manga to have a twitter account and advertise their series. also there's always ppl talking about a series on twitter. be it simple fans, bloggers and whatnot. just nothing from the author him-/herself.

and yeah, there could be some if he/she goes with a completely different name on twitter which virtually no author does.

but these are just my two cents. the series might still be going strong, just in another format (online or print magazine whatever). just that even the ever so eager korean scanlators stopped providing chapters too.


May 5, 2018
4 highschool girls and a teacher? kidnapped the MC - the pretty popular boy for some unknown reasons

(When they kidnapped him when he was alone at home, no one witnessed it? it was fucking daylight outside and if you see the structures of the buildings in the picture it seems liked he was living IN A BUSY PLACE with lots of people or was everyone asleep in the middle of day and no one found it suspicious with the pig looking custome with a fucking bat? noice

(They took him a to a "mansion" is it confirmed it is? I can't see any fucking windows or is it special designed mansion with no windows? All I could see is glass doors but that doesn't fucking count since you can't see outside of it and how the fuck is the mansion so big? it must cost a fortune to live there and where the fuck is the location at since the MANSION must be nearby where they're live and who owns the fucking place??????????????????????)

(When did these fucking yanderes highschool girls and the teacher found each other and have the sudden idea to plot something like a highly crime sentence to kidnap a teenager to "have fun with" for unexplained reasons of yet)

(What day did they kidnap him? is it school vacation? or like a friday? so they only have a few days to hold him hostage? what will happen when it's school time again? will the police get involved? it seems like a pretty easy case for the police to find him (in my opinion) what will happen when he gets out of the captivated state? Revenge? or keep his mouth closed and be humiliated for all eternally?

How did the MC not check the doorhole? WHYYYYYYYYYYYY, I always check through the doorhole to see what person it is but he didn't? how slow were his reactions before getting hit by a bat? I would fucking instantly close the door the moment I see something suspicious and always have my hand on the door handle.

This shit isn't something I can't comprehend, it's out of my league. If you wanna read a slow, unexplained, illogical manga then read this shit.

I could highlight many others thing aswell on why it's fucking stupid but read it yourself and you can see why.
Fed-Kun's army
Dec 30, 2018
@FTU MC notice that he's in a basement and can see stairs that go up while he's being shown around.
I do agree the kidnapping part was retarded af, same for the no check door hole , but i think most people don't do it;

Mc wasted his questions in the bath.
He could have asked "what are the rules you must follow" "How long have you guys been doing stuff like that" "where are we" "what happens if i kill one of you".

Regardless of how stupid this manga is i appreciate the originality.
Fed-Kun's army
Aug 17, 2018
How could a manga like this have about 74 chapters and still ongoing ?
Feb 1, 2019
This manga is f*cking great, it just get all the hate from the shonen-fags just 'cause it's not another "I did some dumb shit and end up with an harem in another world" crap.
There are dozens of "slice of life" "romcom" mangas with dozens of chapters of nothing happening, only showing moe and boobs, and those get high rating.
The description is clear: "who promise him a life of daily torture from now on.", and still got "people with low brain cell count" complaining that the MC just get tortured.
Another case of "This gay manga is shit, 'cause it has gay things and I don't like gay things".
Double-page supporter
Jan 9, 2019
Perhaps the worst thing about being tortured; is not to be tortured, maybe to be tortured without knowing why ....
Dex-chan lover
Jan 21, 2018
anyone heard anything of this series?

got taken down from mangabox months ago and no sign of new chapters elsewhere. retailers don't say its finished though. and there's no social platform the author seems to be active on :(
Jul 21, 2018
3.21* damn, that's some sick rating right here. Okay, i think tables eventually will turn around and the MC gonna dominate them later on, judging by the cover of 5 tome. so calm down boys, we just need to wait.
No point in reading this right now though.
Jan 22, 2019
okay, why is the rating so low on this one? it doesn't make any sense, if you're not into this kind of shit, why the f would you even care rating it? it's set up as this "girls torture girl boy" from the start. If you read "Gal*Cleaning" you should know what kind of manga actually deserves to have such a low rating, this would be okay to be around 4.5 or so... this 3.2 is actually unfair, it gives what it promises you.
Is it actually bad, it may be. Does it grosses you out? Probably yes. But hey, at the very least you can't deny it does what it's supposed to do.

You're confused about what is happening? So is the MC, chill out and wait until the time we learn the reason to all this shit comes by.

You dislike the girls attitude? It's fiction, but never forget that sick people actually exist.

Is the theme too dark for you? Don't read it. The description is pretty accturate to pin point what you will be reading here.

It says horror in the tags, expect it to be gory. (I would include sexual violence in the tags).

The MC is actually bad and unrealistic, that's why although I'm asking why the rating is so low, right now, I myself can't give a rating higher than 5.

Lastly, it's not that unbearable to read. There is so much shit that people make popular that is worse than this and you guys love. The least I can do is wait until the MC turns into an edgy mf, I can't see another way around.

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